Ratchet Madness
Ratchet Madness 2022 Sweet 16: Biblow Region

Voting is completed in the Guttermuppet Region and we now know which two ratchets will square off for a spot in Ratchet Madness 2022 Final 4.
Our first 1 seed was eliminated, but in hindsight Harmony Montgomery’s parents were underseeded. Will they have enough to take down Tony Branch though? We will find out next week.
In the meantime it’s time to pick two more in the Biblow region. Will anyone take down Monica this year? She has still competition this week. Vote below.
1. Monica Cannon-Grant vs. 4. Winchendon Crib Mom Nephew F***er
- Charged with 18 counts in federal court relating to nonprofit fraud
- Committed unemployment fraud, along with her husband, despite bringing in millions of dollars to fraudulent nonprofit
- Spent hundreds of thousands of dollars earmarked for social services on Uber eats, nail salons, and vacations
- Live streamed her house getting raided by the feds, used her newborn baby as a shield, and had her daughter’s phone confiscated as evidence
- Vowed revenge on those who alerted the authorities about her grift
- Fabricated a lie about Mikayla Miller being lynched by white teenagers, then organized a mob to invade the town of Hopkinton
- Threated DA Marian Ryan, then went to the wrong place to protest her
- Helped raise $60K for Mikayla Miller’s independent autopsy, lied about shipping her body out of state, then never reported any results
- Made a video of herself shooting guns as a threat to anyone who questioned her
4. Winchendon Crib Mom Nephew F***er
- Had sex with her underage nephew
- Has assault charges going back almost 10 years, on top of violations of orders, A&B on family members, and threats to commit crimes
- Filmed herself violently throwing baby daughter into crib as revenge against baby daddy because he didn’t get her cigarettes
- Credited herself with not slamming the baby harder and said her knee gave out
- Called their baby a mistake and threatened to put them outside naked
- Told baby daddy to abandon his child he had with previous girlfriend and skip her birthday party because “our kid (in utero) is better”
- Threatened to abort the baby while 6 months pregnant if he didn’t
- Threatened to chop off his dick because he had too many female friends on Facebook
- Immediately lost custody of newborn baby and crib baby after giving birth
- Assaulted boyfriend while he was driving and with their daughter in his arms, and told him that she refused to get a job because it was the man’s job to work
- Blasted her sister for calling DCF on her
- Used burner accounts to defend her own child abuse
- Once threw a chair at an ex-boyfriend for not cooking her steak right
- Assaulted an ex-boyfriend for not paying for her $300 hair extensions
- Messaged random people and threatened to hit their kids too for judging her
- Uses the n word freely when threatening people on the Internet
- Sits outside of women’s homes when they like Facebook pictures of whatever guy she’s dating
- Threatens to yell rape when men try to dump her
- Charged in July with assault and battery, criminal harassment, and destruction of property.
- Bragged about being a good mother on Facebook and vowed to get her kids back
- After getting out of jail announced that “you can go to jail for so many little things it doesn’t make you a bad parent or bad person”
- Came on the live show to defend crib abuse video and confront sister in law
6. New Bedford Knife Whalers vs. 2. Framingham Feral Family
- Wwo crackheads who stabbed a woman 3 times their size in broad daylight on a busy street in New Bedford, and it was all caught on film
- Blow J. Simpson had 7 kids and custody of none
- Latest baby Daddy currently in jail due to the fact that he’s a gang banging drug dealer
- Also found to be involved in another New Bedford stabbing the week before
- Crack Pipe Patty dropped her drugs during the stabbing and came back to pick them up
- Also a single Mom without custody who got knocked up by a guy with a flat brimmed 100 emoji hat
- Mother and her two teenage daughters followed elderly woman into Michael’s over perceived slight in parking lot
- Assaulted said elderly woman at Michael’s, destroying her 20 year old picture that she was trying to get framed for a Christmas present for her daughter
- Smacked the glasses off the woman’s face and wouldn’t allow her to pick them up
- Mother’s youngest daughter was trauamatized and crying throughout incident
- Named her daughters Brooklyn and Ireland
- Mother was all over the news two years ago screaming about police brutality because the cops entered her home to arrest her pot dealing son Gineto (Gino) Callahan, who she called for backup at Michael’s
- Media attempted to smear the police too, but that narrative was quickly debunked when it was revealed that they had a warrant and she attempted to prevent them from coming into the house as her son flushed the evidence
- Used this opportunity to do what every ratchet does when they get caught doing something bad and want to blame it on the police – start a dindu nuffin GoFundMe
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