Law and Order

Rian Waters Lawsuit Vs. Turtleboy Dismissed After Hilarious Court Hearing 


Earlier in the week I published a blog about my court date with Rian Waters in Springfield, the first in which I would be representing myself in his lawsuit that has been going on for the last 5 years. To say that it was entertaining is an understatement as Rian was in rare form. I have received the audio from the hearing and we will be listening to it on the Live Show tonight at 9 PM. Click here to subscribe to our YouTube channel and never miss an episode.

I asked the judge to allow me 30 days to file a motion for summary judgment (dismissal before trial), and he told me would allow me to do that but wasn’t sure it would be necessary. Turns out what he meant by that was that he’s had enough of the bullshit and was dismissing it on his own because Rian has no witnesses and no damages and isn’t ready for trial:

That’s so weird, because noted legal expert Shannon Labarre, who spent every minute of her life from January to May running a Turtleboy burn book account, was quite positive that Rian Waters was going to be the one who finally took Turtleboy down.

You’d think these people would learn after a while that they’ll never be able to take Turtleboy down. Your attempts only make me stronger and determined.

Anyway, Rian also made a video afterwards accusing the judge of corruption and trying to raise money to write his book about all this. We’ll be watching some of that on the Live Show tonight as well. See ya then!


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