Rian Waters Suing In Federal Court Over Inability To Eat Mandarin Oranges, Defendants Include State Police Lt, Springfield Police Dept, His Court Appointed Attorney, Facebook, Google, And More

Last night on the Live Show I went over the lawsuit that dog killing woman beater Rian Waters filed against me in federal court. If you don’t know who Rian Waters is click here to catch up. In a nutshell, he sued me after a blog was published about his arrest for killing their dog and beating the mother of the child he has never paid a dime in child support for, he lost miserably despite assistance from Attorney Michael T. Gaffney, and he has tried and failed since then to file multiple criminal complaints against me. My last hearing with him was in December of 2019, and at the end of the hearing (31:25 mark) he vowed to commit suicide within the next two months after he found out he had lost.
But of course he would never do that because he’s a narcissist and coward, and although he would assault a woman and kill a dog, he would never hurt or kill himself.
Here’s last night show where I went over the complaint. I’m going to be giving content like this to YouTube subscribers first, so click here to subscribe to the YouTube channel and never miss out.
Here’s the entire complaint, along with his application to have legal fees waived due to indigence.
He’s suing the following people and/or agencies:
- Facebook (for allowing me on their platform)
- Google (for allowing me on YouTube)
- Me
- Bristol Blarney (for writing blogs about him)
- The entire Springfield Police Department (in particular Officer Hernandez for not filing charges against me for wiretapping, perjury, and witness intimidation)
- Mass AG Maura Healey (presumably for not charging me with a crime)
- Martha Smith-Blackmore (the forensic veterinarian who determined that the dog was killed by getting kicked in the back, and conspired with me by responding to an email I sent)
- Palmer Police Officer Jeremey Haley (for arresting Rian for beating his girlfriend and killing the dog, and then stealing $300 from Rian while allowing him to keep $2,000)
- Attorney William Higgins (his court appointed defense attorney who didn’t use non-usable information given to him by Rian’s unnamed paid for attorney that could’ve exonerated him earlier)
- State Police Lt Jim Dalton (for not using the power of the state to force me at gunpoint into stopping me from publishing blogs about Rian)
He also wants the court fees waived because he hasn’t worked in over a year, makes $267 a week, and only has 9 weeks left on unemployment, if a deal is made in Congress.
He has $150 to his name, owns $300 worth of assets, the person he is living with is not charging him rent, and the woman he assaulted and has never paid a dime in child support to stole all his money (without evidence).
The best part are the damages:
I gave him a disorder because I wrote and spoke about his insane lawsuits, and recently this disorder progressed to the point where he was diagnosed with GERD and can no longer consume mandarin oranges or drink moderate amount of fruit juice.
At least he admits that his defeat in the civil lawsuit was a “humiliating loss.”
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go eat some mandarin oranges, because they are SO delicious. I feel bad for anyone who can’t eat them.