Poor Behavior

Show Promoter Providence Mom Upset About Unflattering Mugshot After Arrest For Throwing Knife Overboard During Block Island Ferry Riot


Editor’s Note: We discussed this story on the Live Show (17:00)

This is Cassandra Laurie from Providence.

As you can see, she rocks “the hat,” so you know she ended up on Turtleboy for good reason.

Cassandra was one of the 8 ratchets arrested for her involvement in the Block Island Conferry stabbing fest, and the only one who is female and melanin-adjacent.


Here’s a video of her being identified by a passenger and arrested.


Daniel Poon is no stranger to catching a charge, as she’s got 8 cases against her in Rhode Island, most of which involve alcohol, drugs, and bad decisions.



But she’s not happy with this charge, mainly because of how her mug shot turned out, and has been posting about it in long winded sentagraphs.


I think she looks very handsome though.


And in a twist of events no one saw coming she has also reproduced without the assistance of a turkey baster.


Although she has been dragged to court to pay for the child support she owes.



It’s all good though because she’s a big shot promoter now, which is what brought her to Block Island in the first place.

In other words, she shares links to events on Facebook and brings a crowd of millions of dollars worth of unpaid child support wherever she goes.

Daniel Poon posted a 15 minute Facebook Live video yesterday as well, proclaiming her innocence, telling the haters she doesn’t mind them because they re making her famous, and claiming that it was alleged that she threw a knife overboard. However, she is concerned that news of her arrest could be bad for business as a promoter since she’s been “working with big people,” including a “million dollar actor and comedian” at Fenway Park.


When this guy is giving you legal advice you know you’re in good hands.


Oh, and remember Kimbo Half Price?

His real name is Miguel Silva, and he’s a career criminal who was also arrested for his role in the knife riot.

Well, one of the pictures we posted in the blog yesterday was him and his son:

In the picture from 5 years ago he concurred that his seed was “gonna be a savage.”

And as it turned out his predictions for the future were accurate as 20 year old Deavon Silva picked up his first of many charges to come alongside his old man.

Gotta give credit to Kimbo Half Price – he knows what a horrible father he is, and he knew that any raw dog trophy of his was destined to follow in Daddy’s footsteps. One day Cassandra hopes to share that same bond with her son.


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