Somerville Communist Harasses Customers At Tewksbury Market Basket To Prevent Them From Signing Petition To Ban Illegal Immigrants From Getting Driver’s License

*Editor’s Note: We discussed this story on the Live Show (56:30)
This is Wes McEnany from Somerville.
He’s a labor organizer for the Service Employees International Union and a communist foot soldier.
Last month the State Senate (32-8) and the House of Representatives (119-36) voted to override Governor Baker’s veto of a bill that would allow illegal immigrants to obtain a Massachusetts driver’s license. This, despite the fact that a Boston Globe poll showed that even in communist Massachusetts most people don’t think they should be allowed to. Ya know, because they’re here ILLEGALLY.
For that reason some grassroots activists have been trying to get enough signatures to get a ballot initiative in November that would repeal the law. It’s a really popular issue that most people agree with, and they’ve been having success getting signatures outside of grocery and retail stores across the state.
That’s when this doofus started showing up in his wrinkled khakis outside of a store that caters to conservatives by selling hunting gear.
It doesn’t get any more clownish than State Senator Jamie Eldridge from Acton. This is the same guy who accused CO’s of murdering Aaron Hernandez, met with violent convicted criminals to talk about how jails aren’t pleasant, and once did a ribbon cutting ceremony for water filling station.
He went to the Cabela’s in Hudson this past weekend to block people from signing the petition and was called out for it by Rayla Campbell.
He also had his thugs like Wes McEnany do the same at the Tewksbury Market Basket.
These idiots have a right to free speech, but what are they so afraid of? They live in a state where their team has complete control of everything because they outnumber us 2 to 1. The people collecting signatures are just trying to participate in the democratic process. Do Wes McEnany and Jamie Eldridge have a problem with democracy? The fine people they’re blocking just want to give voters a chance to make their voice heard in November. Why do they want to stop the people from voting on this issue?
Oh right, because even in communist Massachusetts they know that this is a losing issue. So instead of just having their own voter registration drive somewhere else, or holding a march or a rally they like usually do, they decided to subvert democracy by physically blocking people from signing this petition. Any person who wanted to sign that had to be subjected to harassment from these losers because the last thing communists want is democracy.
Their real goal though isn’t to change people’s minds about this issue, it’s to harass customers, cause a disturbance, and get Market Basket to ask both sides to leave. And that’s exactly what happened in Tewksbury yesterday when the police were called because of McEnany.
“He was merely giving them reasons not to sign the petition.”
Newsflash – nobody wants to talk to a walking Amber alert like you when they go grocery shopping. You look like you reek of soy scented Axe body spray and failure.
Your goal wasn’t to inform people, it was to stalk and harass your political opponents. Signing the petition doesn’t mean they’re voting for it, it just means they want it to be on the ballot and leave the choice up to the voters. It’s the most democratic thing you can do. But again, communists hate democracy.
Anyway, Wes claims to be a union guy, but actively works to prevent police officers from unionizing and wants them completely defunded.
He also doesn’t seem to care that illegal immigrants drive down wages and have always represented a threat to organized labor. But at the end of the day he doesn’t actually care about the working class because communists hate people who work for a living.
Hey Wes, if you try this again I’m showing up with my bullhorn and my iPhone and you’re getting the Monica Cannon-Grant treatment. I am your enemy and you are mine. I accept the rules of war that you’re playing by and plan on playing by them to. Hope to see ya soon!