TB Investigates

Southeastern Regional School District Teacher’s Union Votes No Confidence In School Committee After Vote Not To Censure Alleged Pedophile Tony Branch, Calls For His Resignation


Breaking News: The Southeastern Regional School District Teacher’s Union has voted no confidence in School Committee Chairman Tony Branch and has called for his resignation in light of the numerous allegations made against him, including that he had sex with a 15 year old girl when he was 36 years old. The letter sent to the entire School Committee was in direct response to the 5-4 decision of the committee not to censure Tony Branch, where Branch cast the deciding vote in his favor.

“As per the MASC Role of the Chair, there are clear miscarriages of the role as being served by the current chair.”

Tony Branch clearly does not have the trust and respect of staff, the community, or his colleagues. The MASC rules are clear on this – he must step down.

Tony Branch also violated MASC rules dictating that members of the public be allowed 3 minutes to speak at public meetings in regards to items on the agenda.

Branch moved up the vote and did not allow any public input, knowing he had the votes to deny the censure.

It’s unfortunate that the Union had to write a letter like this, as they clearly expected that common sense would prevail and the committee would vote to censure the chair. A Brockton Enterprise reporter I spoke with said he was shocked at the outcome, as 3 women voted to protect a man who was credibly accused of having sex with an underage girl. Branch referred to the allegations as “social media postings,” but they are in fact substantiated documents out of Plymouth Probate Court.

The Union will have to bargain with this man for their next contract, and he will get to decide who the next superintendent is.

Please feel free to contact the following 5 members (including one who didn’t show up to the meeting) to have them explain why they are standing by this sexual deviant who is causing a substantial distraction for students and teachers in the Southeastern Regional School District:

Barbara Kaplan – [email protected]

Christine Gaze – [email protected]

Gerson Monteiro – [email protected]

Robin Zoll – [email protected]

Mike Pietrowksi – [email protected]

I have also obtained images from one of Tony Branch’s victims showing bruising she alleges came from a domestic incident with him when she was 22 and he was 49, which I will be publishing later today, along with some more incriminating text messages.

This morning I had a harassment order hearing in Brockton District Court with Tony Branch, as he is attempting to silence my reporting by pretending to be in fear. The judge emphatically denied the order. The truth will not be silenced, and predators will be held accountable.


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