Springfield Beefalope And Friends Defend Gangsta Woman Who Was Featured On Turtleboy

Yesterday we did a story about, Zaida Vega, a bottom rung ratchet from Springfield with a rap sheet the size of her Johnson who yelled that she “owns these streets” while being hauled off to jail in a Hampden Superior Court Room.
Supporters of Lil’ Him couldn’t stay quiet and hide shamefully, instead they made possibly the dumbest, most ratchet thread I’ve ever seen. There’s not enough time in the day to read the whole thing, so I won’t post it in its entirety, but here are some highlights.
And of course, this faceless guy. Here we go again:
Hey, thanks for the extra views and sharing. We appreciate it.
Taking the cake (and probably eating it too), is Shellyann Toro, a rare species known as the Springfield Beefalope:
This particular species is endangered, but luckily for them they reproduce rather quickly. And you’ll never guess who her favorite basketball team is…..
What were the odds?
She’s also a fan of poetry, which is one it looks like Robert Frost gave her a frosting to remember all over her gerber servers:
I have to give it to her, she’s pretty creative.
This looks like it may be Zaida’s boo or something:
I woke up at 4 in the morning to get a drink of water and quickly signed on to Facebook – this titbasket was still at it. We must’ve really hit a nerve with that blog because she went full on racist for a few. I hope she doesn’t have an employer who has access to her very public Facebook page. But really, what are the chances of that?
There must be something in the sewer water in Springfield, because I can’t think of one reason to post this publicly on her own Facebook page plainly calling herself out for being a racist. But then again – she’s also a supporter of this chick:
She’s got one message for the rest of us and it’s loud and clear
… just kidding.
Sometimes these stories just write themselves.