Last night’s State of the Union was the perfect microcosm of the state of America today. The President of the United States bragged about how good the economy was and how many terrorists were being killed, and the democrats looked angry about it because they apparently don’t like these things. I explained my thoughts on the first episode of Good Morning Turtleboy.
The tone for the night was set when Trump refused to shake hands with Nancy Pelosi, who refused to introduce him in the way a Speaker normally does.
Trump just straight up denied Nancy Pelosi.
I AM DEAD. #SOTU pic.twitter.com/KTC835Mqd0
— Caleb Hull (@CalebJHull) February 5, 2020
I for one am enjoying the theatre of it all, and welcome the impending civil war.
Nancy responded by ignoring everything he said while pretending to be disinterested.
Nancy Pelosi looks occupied. pic.twitter.com/8ZTxSzkJ59
— Dean Schleicher (@DeanSchleicher) February 5, 2020
The Republican party has never been this united before. They never got behind George Bush or Mitt Romney the way they do around Trump. They finally have a leader who isn’t affected by smears and punches back. Disgraced former congressman Joe Walsh is running against him for the Republican nomination and he was basically booed out of Iowa and had a meltdown on Twitter afterwards. Republicans realize that it’s us against them and Trump is the guy they can rally behind.
As he’s done in these speeches before, Trump focused on things he knew liberals are supposed to like – the lowest African-American unemployment rate ever, 90% of new jobs being filled by women, etc. Every time he did the camera panned towards the congresswomen in white and showed them on their phones rage tweeting about how horrible these things were.
We have the more inequality than in the past 50 years.
The uninsurance rate is going up.
Full time workers live in poverty.
Student debt is now over $1.6 trillion.
The economy may be doing well for plutocrats like Donald Trump, but not for most Americans.
— Ilhan Omar (@IlhanMN) February 5, 2020
It was the worst look ever, and he does it on purpose.
The language he uses is effective too. He said that there were “10 million Americans lifted off of welfare.” Take the word “lifted” out of that sentence and he sounds like a cold-hearted guy taking your food stamps away. By adding the word “lifted” and he makes it sound like he’s uplifted these people out of poverty and now they’re all self-sufficient. This is supposed to be a good thing, but of course they showed Rep Eric Swalwell and he was tweeting this:
Thank God this is the last time @realDonaldTrump addresses Congress. #SOTU
— Rep. Eric Swalwell (@RepSwalwell) February 5, 2020
Yea, thank God this is the last time we have to hear about self-sufficiency and low unemployment rates. That’s the worst. They want black unemployment to be high, and they want people to need food stamps because it gives people a reason to keep voting for people like Eric Swalwell.
My favorite senator is Kristen Sinema from Arizona. She’s the only democrat that has a mind of her own and stands and claps when good things were said. When Senator Tim Scott (a black Republican) was honored for working on a program that uplifts people out of poverty in urban areas Sinema stood and clapped (looking fly as usual) and Kirsten Gillibrand gave her the look of disapproval.
When you love America, not a party. #SOTU #SOTU2020 pic.twitter.com/Jsq90corT1
— BlazeTV (@BlazeTV) February 5, 2020
Girl, we don’t applaud good things around here! We’re trying to convince Americans that everything is crumbling, the sky is falling, climate change is going to kill us all in 10 years, transgendered people are being murdered for no reason, the KKK is lynching black celebrities in Chicago, etc. It’s all just a game.
He also gave a scholarship to a black girl from Philadelphia, got the democrats to boo a guy with cancer, honored a woman who gave birth to a baby at 21 weeks, vowed more funding to help with that, and reunited a mother and her two children with their soldier father. No one puts on a show like Donald Trump.
Finally it ended with Nancy Pelosi taking all of these nice things and ripping them to shreds:
Also this attention seeking narcissist stayed home with Maxine Waters and Ayanna Pressley.
After much deliberation, I have decided that I will not use my presence at a state ceremony to normalize Trump’s lawless conduct & subversion of the Constitution.
None of this is normal, and I will not legitimize it.
Consequently, I will not be attending the State of the Union.
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) February 4, 2020
We were all really concerned where the freshman congresswoman who can’t stop saying stupid things was going to watch the speech. Thank you for your service.
Also, the Red Sox traded Mookie Betts and if you give a dime to this team in 2020 you’re an idiot.
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