Sturbridge Police Seek Public Help’s Identifying Dangerous Scofflaws Exercising On Dirt Road
TB Daily News is a fairly strong supporter of law enforcement, but this seems a tad bit ridiculous from the Sturbridge Police Department.
Two joggers and Grandpa Sasquatch walking on a dirt road that they clearly don’t realize is privately owned. Even worse – they’re not wearing masks! They could’ve spread COVID! Thank you to the homeowner who called the police on these dangerous criminals. Sure, you could’ve just put up some signs, or a gate, or just moved on with your life because nobody got hurt. But if you did that then these scofflaws would’ve gotten away with their crimes, and we would have no way to shame them moving forward.
I’ve actually been one of these criminals before when I was coaching cross country at Shepherd Hill, and the people who cry about this are just the worst people on the planet. There’s a dirt path that takes you from Dudley to Charlton which runs parallel to Pierpont Road. I’d have kids run on it all the time for cross country, not realizing that one part of it apparently is on some guy’s property. One day this cranky old man, whose entire reason for existing is to enforce property boundaries, came out hooting and hollering at a bunch of 15 year olds who have never been in trouble their entire lives because cross country kids normally aren’t punks. By the time they got back to school we all got reamed out by the athletic director and told we couldn’t run there anymore. There were no gates or signs, so apparently a bunch of high school kids were supposed to go down to the registry of deeds prior to exercising so as not to trample on this guy’s precious dirt.
The guy who called the cops over this is the one who should be named and shamed, not the people exercising. And the Sturbridge Police should be thoroughly embarrassed and ban the boomer cop who posted this on Facebook, since they’re getting ridiculed in the comments. If you know who any of these three men are then please do your part by keeping your mouth shut and not snitching to the cops like a twat waffle. These criminals should be commended for not hiding in their homes from a virus and doing their part to drive down the cost of health insurance for the rest of us by staying physically fit so that they won’t need to be hospitalized due to a virus that preys on sedentary people.
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