Swampscott Restaurant Owner Bans Customer For Critical Comments About BLM While Eating, Praises Bartender Who Smeared Customer On Facebook

Earlier in the day I published a blog about a Swampscott bartender who was fired after he smeared a customer on a town Facebook page for the political opinions expressed by the customer, which the bartender admittedly only heard because he was eavesdropping.
Then just hours later the owner Wellington Augusto cowardly banned the customer and all but begged for the bartender to come back.
What an absolute coward this man is.
I’d say that you should boycott this place, but boycotts don’t work. Instead, what you should do is go there, order food, be a gigantic pain, openly talk about why you support conservative viewpoints on criminal justice, and then tip your server nothing and explain why on the receipt. Normally I wouldn’t do this, but we are at war right now with these people. And anyone who continues to work at a place like this is choosing to be a soldier in that war.
A customer was just banned from a restaurant for the crime of having conservative opinions on current events. He pointed out that BLM is liberal bullshit, which it is. But the opinions he was expressing aren’t the point. It’s the fact that any customer in this place is now fair game to be spied on by the employees, and then publicly smeared on a town Facebook page if the employee disagrees with their opinions. God forbid you have the “wrong” opinion on immigration, climate change, or abortion, and one of Wellington’s spies/employees eavesdrops on your conversation. He has given them full permission to smear you publicly, but only after you pay him and tip the spy.
Wellington Augusto made the correct, adult decision to fire an employee who made other customers uncomfortable while patronizing his business. Then he saw that a lot of people gave him the angry face emoji so he not only begged the brat to come back, he also banned a paying customer, who happens to be on the board of selectmen. I hope Don Hause does everything legally in his power to make this man’s life difficult as a small business owner, and welcome him on the live show to talk about this.
This line from Augusto’s post best exemplified the problem.
“Erik is correct in standing up for what is right”
There are no more opinions. There is just right and wrong. This is how these people think. If you believe that an organization like BLM is liberal bullshit, or if you say out loud that you don’t think white privilege is real, then you are just wrong. You are not expressing a legitimate opinion, and you will be treated like a vile bigot, unworthy of food and services. Spies like Erik should be given medals for publicly shaming you.
But let’s never, ever forget what BLM actually stands for. From their website:
“We believe that prisons and police must be abolished.”
They want to flood our streets with violent rapists, murderers, and pedophiles, and they want to eliminate the people who protect us from them.
“We are anti-capitalist.”
They want to crush businesses like Mission on the Bay because they exchange food and services for money.
They also don’t believe in the nuclear family.
We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable.
Ironically capitalism, the police, and a strong nuclear family are the things that help black people succeed in this country more than anything else.
Capitalism allows people to thrive and prosper, which drastically increases their chances for getting caught up in the criminal justice system. Eliminating capitalism hurts black people.
Despite being just 6% of the population, 52% of murder victims are black men. The police are the ones who investigate their murders and bring their killers to justice. Eliminating police hurts black people.
Coming from a loving, two parent family increases a child’s chances for success. It means that they get more attention, have more financial stability, and drastically increase their chances of graduating from high school and college. More than twice the amount of white kids come from two parent homes than black kids. Eliminating the nuclear family hurts black people.
BLM explicitly stands against practices and institutions that benefit black people. They are a racist hate group that keeps black people tied in cycles of poverty while lining their own pockets with donations from wealthy white donors who don’t want black people to rise out of poverty and move into their communities. Communities like Swampscott.
These are people who chant, “pigs in a blanket, fry em like bacon.”
People who write signs saying “defund the police, mace a cop and call it peppa pig, and “kill a cop save a life, if you don’t riot stay quiet,” and then march without anyone calling them out on it because they all agree that these are good things.
These are all from one protest in Los Angeles. There are many, many more examples of this hatred and promotion of violence against police at BLM events. This is what Wellington Augusto and his employees at Mission on the Bay support.
Feel free to flood their Google reviews with 1 star reviews and explain why. Some may say that I’m participating in cancel culture, but all I’m really doing is playing the game at their level. If you try to cancel someone (Don Hause) over a political opinion, then we will use your tactics against you. This is a war, I take this personally, and Wellington has chosen his side.
Or you could call them tomorrow at 781-691-9277, order food, and then not pick it up. Would be a shame if hundreds of people did that.
These are the people Augusto tried to appease.
“Don’t talk trash in public.”
They’re telling conservatives that their opinions are trash, and they must remain quiet in public.
This woman who lost to Don Hause is enjoying the banning.
You lost. Get over it.
She also owns a local business in town. Feel free to NOT flood her page with appropriate reviews.
Erik’s Mom chimed in too.
You chose to raise your spoiled brat of a son in a nearly all white town because you are a racist white woman who doesn’t want to live around minorities. This is what the face of a REAL racist and failed parent looks like.
They’re also demanding that he fork over money to BLM, because BLM is a money making cash cow that profits off of the rare instances when unarmed black men are killed by police.
All he had to do was fire his employee for insubordination. Instead he chose to spit in the face of police officers and attack a paying customer. He deserves to be dragged and receive the full wrath of TB nation.
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https://www.linkedin.com/in/erik-heilman-a01060135/ Would love to see where his next job is going to be.
1st of all anyone can claim anyone else said something & who knows if its true or not?! 2nd i love the people saying “when we see an unjust” now personal opinions are examples of “injustice” ? People better watch out this is a slippery slope into communist country territory.