Fun Facebook Posts

Taunton Man Who Owes $80K In Child Support Says He’ll Come On Live Show If I Pay $1K Of His Debt


Earlier in the week we published a blog about a Taunton man named Thomas Espinosa, who was complaining on the Brockton Hub about how he owed $66K in child support for his “bastard child,” that he never got to see because he spent so much time in jail.

Since then he has been messaging me all week and I’m trying to get him on the Live Show tonight. Click here to subscribe to our YouTube channel, show starts at 9.

Here’s our entire conversation:

So yea, he wants me to pay $1K of the now $80K he owes in child support if he’s gonna come on the show and is predictably calling me a racist. No deal, but the offer stands.

See you tonight.


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