
The Internet Is Outraged That A Rutland Cop Took A Selfie Outside Of O’Connor’s Days After Deadly Stabbing There 


A lot of people tagged Clarence Woods Emerson in this Facebook post yesterday.

Erin Ethier is a relative of Amanda Dabrowksi, the woman who was murdered by Carlos Asencio while inside O’Connor’s Restaurant for a book club meeting. The man she’s upset with is Rutland Police Detective Troy Chauvin, who took a selfie outside of O’Connor’s over the weekend and posted it to his Facebook page. The post has been shared hundreds of times as people are outraged about it, and many are demanding that he be fired. And since many people contacted us about it here’s my thoughts:

  • The post has no words on it; it’s just a selfie from outside well known restaurant that was just in the news. There’s nothing wrong with that.
  • By the looks of his facial expressions you could argue that he’s making light of it, and treating O’Connor’s like a tourist attraction. Had there not been a murder there a couple nights prior I find it very hard to believe he would’ve taken a selfie like this. That in and of itself is in bad taste.
  • I wouldn’t have posted it, but it’s really not nearly as big of a deal as it’s being portrayed. I get why the family would be upset, as they’re grieving, but the Facebook outrage patrol is just looking for something to be mad about.
  • This is not something that requires any sort of discipline on the part of the Rutland PD. If I were the chief it would be more like a stern talking to behind closed doors about not posting anything on Facebook that you don’t want the world to see. That’s really the biggest issue here – too many public servants think Facebook is just for them and their friends. It’s not. It’s a public forum where the entire world comes the second they wake up in the morning.
  • He apologized and explained why he did this.

To be honest, I’m not really buying the “I posted this picture to show what my bar should look like” story. I think he just posted something he regrets and is trying to come up with a reason why. “I was eating a restaurant that was in the news and I took a picture outside, but I meant no ill will towards the family,” would’ve sufficed.

According to the OP some other police officers, including cops from Dudley PD, left insensitive comments underneath his post, but there are no screenshots of those. Either way, he wasn’t the one who allegedly made the comments, he just posted a picture.

Nevertheless the mob has spoken, and people are coming out of the woodwork with unconfirmed anecdotes about this cop.

But the fact of the matter is that this is a well respected sergeant and detective. Google him and you’ll see that he’s been integral in solving many cases involving victims of sexual violence, and even murder. Less than a year ago he rendered aid to a baby who wasn’t breathing and the child survived.

The idea that he’s some callous monster is ridiculous. One picture in bad taste should not ruin your career, but the Internet mob loves nothing more than finding monsters to slay.

Most importantly, the outrage here is completely misdirected. Any minutes or seconds spent getting outraged at anything except for our broken immigration system is time wasted. Carlos Asencio had felony warrants out for his arrest because he broke into Dabrowski’s Ayer apartment in April armed with a gun and stungun, attacked her, immediately fled to Canada and jumped on a plane to Mexico.

Yet despite the fact that authorities were actively looking for him, he was able to cross back over the United States border from Mexico completely undetected. That is the only thing that matters here, and the only thing worth investigating. Going after some cop in Rutland, a town that has nothing to do with this story, is exactly what our government wants us to do because it takes the spotlight off of them.

P.S. Don’t listen to anyone who posts unsolicited legal advice about police officers being investigated by the Department of Justice over a Facebook post.

Especially when they’re “astrologers.”

Just no.


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Hello Turtle Riders. As you know if you follow Turtleboy we are constantly getting censored and banned by Facebook for what are clearly not violations of their terms of service. Twitter has done the same, and trolls mass reported our blog to Google AdSense thousands of times, leading to demonetization. We can get by and survive, but we could really use your help. Please consider donating by hitting the Donation button above if you'd like support free speech and what we do in the face of Silicon Valley censorship. Or just buy our award winning book about the dangers of censorship and rise of Turtleboy:  Qries


  1. Haha, “In or out of uniform they are representing this country”. So are the women’s US Soccer team, funny how they get a pass.

  2. This is some A+ reporting – please note the sarcasm. Had you chosen to actually investigate instead of posting pure opinion, you would’ve found that this was truly offensive and not just a picture outside of a bar. His associated comment, “Don’t get shanked” was directly aimed at the violent attack and murder that occurred at the bar just days earlier. And he, a leader in the community, should know that this would not be taken lightly. So, if you still don’t understand why family members are outraged, maybe you should get a better grasp on how reporting and fact checking works.

  3. A 6.3 with tittoos who sexualizes herself in every picture then reminds … whomever … that she doesn’t “exist for their pleasure.” Also opposes “judgement,” or, as Webster describes it: “the ability to make considered decisions or come to sensible conclusions.”

    The horror, the horror.

  4. Contact Turtleboysports, they have to keep track of that stuff. Nothing like stargazing through the worcester smog

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