The Jussie Smollett Attempted Lynching By Trump Supporters Is The Fakest Hate Crime To Ever Hate Crime But It Fits The Narrative So It Doesn’t Matter

Yesterday morning TMZ broke a story about some guy I’ve never heard of who apparently is a star on a TV show I’ve never heard of, was nearly lynched in Chicago.
#BREAKING: 'Empire' Star Jussie Smollett Hospitalized After Possible Homophobic Attack
— TMZ (@TMZ) January 29, 2019
The attack allegedly took place at 2 AM after he was walking home from Subway.
Sources directly connected to Jussie tell TMZ, the actor arrived in Chicago from New York late Monday, and at around 2 AM he was hungry and went to a Subway. We’re told when shortly after he walked out on his way home, someone yelled, “Aren’t you that f***ot ‘Empire’ n*****?” The 2 men — both white and wearing ski masks — viciously attacked Jussie as he fought back, but they beat him badly and fractured a rib. They put a rope around his neck, poured bleach on him and as they left they yelled, “This is MAGA country.” Jussie took himself to Northwestern Memorial where he was treated. He was discharged later Tuesday morning.
ThatGrapeJuice.Net first posted this letter which was sent to Fox Studios in Chicago with cut out letters spelling, “You will die black f**.” Our sources say the letter was sent 8 days ago.
As soon as I saw this it just SCREAMED fake hate crime. We’ve seen so many of them before, and the general rule of thumb is that if it seems too crazy to believe, it’s probably not true. Here’s some reasons why:
- When he first reported the crime to police he never mentioned that they were white or yelled anything about MAGA, but he told TMZ that they did so they went with that story
- The Chicago Police came out publicly and said that he never mentioned that in their report, so they did a follow up with him hours later when he suddenly remembered that they did. Why would he leave that out of the initial statement to police? It would be a huge part of the story and certainly would be the first thing he remembered.
MORE: Chicago PD says detectives did a follow-up, supplemental interview with Jussie Smollett, where he did in fact tell police his attackers yelled “MAGA country.”
— Rob Elgas (@RobElgasABC7) January 29, 2019
Additionally, in their initial report, Jussie Smollett did not tell police his attackers yelled “MAGA.” Chicago Police PIO added: “I’m not saying it’s not true. He could have remembered later, but he did not tell officers that in the initial report.” 2/2
— Rob Elgas (@RobElgasABC7) January 29, 2019
- Police have pulled surveillance tapes from all over the area where the attack allegedly occurred. They see him walking but don’t see anyone else. Chicago is a huge city with cameras everywhere, and they most certainly would’ve seen two people stalking him.
Chicago Police do not have any video of the assailants and continue to look for surveillance video. Investigators heard the "MAGA country" claim in media reports and called Smollett again. In that supplemental interview he shared that info with police. 2/2
— Rob Elgas (@RobElgasABC7) January 30, 2019
- He asked for the cops to turn off their body cameras while interviewing him. Why would anyone do that?
CPD spokesman says, per department policy, officers informed Smollett they were wearing activated body cameras. He did request the cameras to be turned off. 2/2
— Rob Elgas (@RobElgasABC7) January 30, 2019
- Chicago is an extremely liberal city. The idea that two racist Trump supporters armed with bleach and a noose would be stalking a guy from a TV that they referenced during the attack, a TV show ZERO Trump supporters have ever watched, is not even remotely believable. They allegedly said “Aren’t you that f***ot ‘Empire’ n*****?” What kind of racist Trump supporter watches Empire? It’s cartoonish and clearly done to add onto the Covington false narrative that Trump supporters are savages who act at the behest of 45.
- These two racist Trump supporters could’ve chosen to attack him at any time, but they chose the coldest night in a thousand years, when temperatures were hovering at -20 degrees, to carry out their attack.
- He told TMZ they were white and wearing ski masks, which contradicted his statements to police, when he said he did not know their race. It would also be hard to tell if they were white or black in the middle of the night if they were wearing ski masks and gloves.
- He also just so happens to be an actor, so theatrics is his specialty.
- When he called the police he still had the noose around his neck. Seriously? Do I even have to explain how insane and theatrical this is?
- He drove himself to the hospital despite allegedly having broken ribs from what he described as a “brutal attack.” He also rejected medical treatment at his home. No one who was injured that badly would EVER do that.
- Jesse Smollett is a democratic activist who campaigned for failed Florida gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum, while Trump supported his opponent Ron Desantis.
Stomping for @andrewgillum w/ my brother @common #bringithome #WeGotHisBack#GillumForGovernor ✊🏿
— Jussie Smollett (@JussieSmollett) November 3, 2018
- Jesse Smollett just happens to be an extremely outspoken critic of Trump and his supporters. Here are some things he’s tweeted about them.
.@AOC is only speaking facts. This is so far beyond political party affiliation. Across the world…no matter the border…from sea to shining sea…45 and all his white hooded cohorts are a national disgrace. And if you support them…so are you. Clowns.
— Jussie Smollett (@JussieSmollett) January 20, 2019
“Shut the fuck up you bitch ass nigga.”
This of course does not violate Twitter’s terms of service for hate speech and bullying, but Turtleboy is banned for life for using less offensive language to criticize criminals and con-artists. Makes sense.
Either way, it’s clear that he has an agenda – orange man bad. And obviously what happened here, and what everyone knows in their hearts, is that he is lying about being attacked, and he’s lying about Trump supporters doing it, because he’s unhinged and will do ANYTHING to help get Trump out of office in 2020. He saw what happened with the Covington kids last week, and he knows that the media and the left will immediately choose to believe the word of a black gay man who claims racist Trump supporters attacked him for being black and gay.
And he’s 1,000% correct. The media and politicians will never, ever learn. They will not wait for facts, because they like the narrative more. Liberals WANT this stuff to happen because they can run on it. The left’s campaign for 2020 will largely center around the idea that hate crimes and racism are on the rise and it’s all Trump’s fault. Put the democrats in power and it will magically stop. That’s why pretty much every democratic politician in Washington has tweeted their outrage about it, completely ignoring the evidence that suggests that he is not being truthful:
What happened today to @JussieSmollett must never be tolerated in this country. We must stand up and demand that we no longer give this hate safe harbor; that homophobia and racism have no place on our streets or in our hearts. We are with you, Jussie.
— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) January 30, 2019
Like Biden, Cory Booker is a potential presidential candidate:
The vicious attack on actor Jussie Smollett was an attempted modern-day lynching. I'm glad he's safe.
To those in Congress who don't feel the urgency to pass our Anti-Lynching bill designating lynching as a federal hate crime– I urge you to pay attention.
— Cory Booker (@CoryBooker) January 29, 2019
“An attempted modern day lynching.”
Bullshit. So they “attempted” to lynch him, but couldn’t finish the job? What tree were they going to hang him from in Chicago? Why didn’t they kill him if that was their goal? Give me a break. And for the record, “anti-lynching” laws are not necessary, because states already prosecute people for murder. He just wants to make it seem like his political opponents are pro-lynching.
The mainstream media, having learned NOTHING about their rush to judgement with the Covington kids, is blindly believing this story too, because they know it will appeal to their base and generate more clicks and ad revenue.
"What kind of country do we live in": Hollywood rallies behind "Empire" actor Jussie Smollett after attack
— CNN (@CNN) January 30, 2019
And you know it’s a scam the second this con-artist gets involved.
Al Sharpton Says Trump Must Denounce Jussie Smollett's MAGA Attackers
— TMZ (@TMZ) January 29, 2019
Pearl clutching Hollywood and woke Twitter are doing exactly what Smollett wanted them to do – blaming it all on Trump.
Jussie Smollett,’Empire' Actor, Reportedly Attacked In Possible Hate Crime.NPR. VILLAINY, RACISM,HOMOPHOBIA, PROMOTED BY MOST INFAMOUS 🤡IN 🌎,IS THE POISON THAT KILLS🇺🇸.WHITE ONLY IS NOT RIGHT.🇺🇸 IS PPL OF COLOR.🙏🏻GOP GOES DOWN WITH SHIP djt— Cher (@cher) January 30, 2019
I’ve been trying to figure out all day what to say about the racist, homophobic, violence against @JussieSmollett.
Not sure I can describe what I’m feeling in a neat & tidy tweet. His trauma deserves more.
I’m sad. Living together on the planet shouldn’t be this difficult.
— Alyssa Milano (@Alyssa_Milano) January 30, 2019
The shocking attack on Jussie Smollett is, unfortunately, not an isolated incident.
There is an alarming epidemic of hate violence in our country that disproportionately targets Black people, LGBTQ people and religious minorities.
— Human Rights Campaign (@HRC) January 30, 2019
"The main driver of terrorism does not hide in a cave in Pakistan, he sits in the Oval Office."
— BET (@BET) January 30, 2019
Again, these people WANT this story to be true. Their worst nightmare is an America with a healthy economy in which hate crimes are not on the rise. That would help 45 get re-elected and destroy the “orange man bad” platform they plan to run on.
Here’s how this story ends. The perpetators will never be caught because this never happened. The Chicago Police will find out that he made this all up but he will not be arrested for it, because it’s bad PR for cops in the city where Laquan McDonald was killed 5 years ago by a cop to call out a gay black man for lying about a hate crime. There will be more fake hate crimes in the future and democrats running for President will throw this in the pile with them as part of their narrative that they are the antidote for Trump-inspired hate crimes. The media will do its part to not investigate whether or not any of this true, because the lie is better for business than the truth. The only question that remains is, what will the American people believe?
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