
This Is What Happens When You Call Megan Rapinoe “Bold, Brave, And Beautiful” On CNN’s Facebook Page And Don’t Mean It


The media simply cannot stop giving Megan Rapinoe the attention she clearly cannot live without.

“You’re excluding Americans who look like me.”

Milo disagrees with that assessment.

This isn’t a soccer team, it’s a political action group that’s hellbent on lecturing half the country about how terrible they are for having different political opinions. Michael Jordan once said, “Republicans buy sneakers too,” even though he was a democrat. Perhaps if Megan Rapinoe didn’t intentionally try to crap on half the country she’d be able to make more money off of her merchandise and wouldn’t have to whine about equal pay. For the record, I’d say the same exact thing if a conservative star athlete whined about Obamacare or abortion, but I think we can all agree that any player who did that would be crucified by the media so I wouldn’t have to. She gets camera time because she says exactly what CNN wants her to say.

According to her she speaks for the group too.

“I would not go, and every teammate that I’ve talked to explicitly about it would not go,” she said.


Translation – I’ve created a culture where no one on this team would dare exercise their right to visit the White House. I live in a bubble where I find it unfathomable that other women could possibly not be brainwashed by my particular brand of ideology.

As a recent recipient of the coveted CNN “Top Fan” badge for my excellent work in trolling the Internet, I felt it my duty to point out how bold, brave, and beautiful it is for someone to go on CNN and criticize the President. You hardly ever see it. The reactions were everything you dreamed they would be and more.

And it’s still going on. Feel free to join the fun hereAnd follow Clarence Woods Emerson by clicking here because this is a typical Tuesday night for Turtleboy.

Sadly, this is the state of America right now. Twenty years ago you were allowed to make jokes about famous people. Now the fun patrol polices the Internet and brags about how they reported you to Daddy Zuckerberg. You’re allowed to speak in their world, you just can’t use satire at the expense of people they like. However, you are free to babble on about meaningless virtue signaling or repeat “Orange man bad,” over and over again, because these people want to live in a dry, humorless world where they get to decide what is and isn’t acceptable speech.

P.S. To be fair, I also have fun with libertarians too.

They’re even worse.




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