Law and Order

Transgender Ludlow Man Spits On Ludlow Police After Claiming To Have Coronavirus And Assaulting Another Man, Runs Graphic Photography Business


Thomas “Tami” Sexton is a BLT-123 from Ludlow.

He’s clearly mentally unbalanced, as you would expect of a person who has male reproductive organs but believes they are a woman, and his behavior during an arrest in Ludlow on Tuesday seems to confirm that.


Much respect to the Ludlow Police who correctly referred to Mr. Sexton as “he” throughout their arrest report. The sam cannot be said of Masslive in their storyafter they repeatedly referred to this man as “she.” It’s not society’s job to cater to the delusions of the mentally ill, especially when these people spit on police officers, claim to have coronavirus, and beat up other men. My general rule of thumb is to do everything that social justice warriors tell me I can’t do, and in this case that means referring to this criminal by his anatomically correct pronouns.

Thomas Sexton is “self-employed,” (which of course is ratchet for unemployed) owns a “business” called Wicked Girls Photography, lists himself as a “public figure: bisexual smut star model,” and sells his subscription account on

Wicked Girls Photography is largely just him taking blurry selfies in panties, or being a weirdo in general.

There’s some really glamorous work in his portfolio, including stunning images with toilet paper and/or overflowing trash bags in the background.

He does have other clients though, and the camera work is first rate.

He features “rising stars” with purple hair and door knockers hanging off of their noses.

Demand is apparently high because he charges $300 an hour.

He’s very busy and doesn’t want potential clients to become “butthurt” if he doesn’t get back to them right away.

He does a lot of giveaways to promote his content, and that includes prizes such as the panties he wore during selfie photo shoots (that he decided is worth $325), which may or may not come with grundle juice stains included.

The second place prize is a gift card to Amazon, which he wants you to use to buy this Abella Danger approved self-pleasure device.

Remarkably he does seem to have a fanbase of thirsty men who compliment him on his pictures.

Granted they look like this gentleman.


But the fact that there is a market out there for this is proof that anyone stuck in a cycle of celibacy should probably just give up on life.

In the strangest turn of events yet, he’s also a Republican who proudly flies the flag of Dixie, which the Republican party destroyed in the Civil War.

He only speaks “Enlish” though, so no Puerto Ricans allowed.

And just in case you were wondering…..

Trust me, he wants a lot more than Happenis.

The fact that Thomas Sexton will probably end up in women’s prison (if he goes to jail at all, which is doubtful) is everything that is wrong with our system today. Just remember that in November one of the candidates thinks that he should be in jail with men, and the other thinks a man who’s capable of beating up another man and spits on police when he says he has coronavirus, should be in a women’s jail.


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