Two Year Old Found Moonwalking On Roof Of Condemned House With Dad And Aunt Passed Out Downstairs During Middle Of The Day

Any parent knows what it’s like to temporarily lose sight of their two year old child. Usually they’re hiding in the corner pooping. But for other people the story ends differently.
WFSB: Two people in Ansonia were arrested after police received calls about a little boy on a roof. David Hustek, 23, and 20-year-old Sarah Barker face risk of injury to a minor and first-degree reckless endangerment charges. Police said they were called around 8:45 a.m. on Wednesday to a home on Main Street. An eyewitness shared Snapchat video with Channel 3 showing the toddler on top of the roof. See it here.
Officers said they found a 2-year-old boy on the roof of the home, which was about 30 feet off the ground. Hear the 911 call here. One of the officers was able to convince the child to not move while up there. Another officer forced entry into the home and found Hustek, the child’s father, and Barker, the child’s aunt, asleep and unaware of what happened.
“They were both sleeping. Actually when the officers forced entry they woke them up. That’s what alerted them to the situation of the child being out on the roof,” said Ansonia Police Lt. Patrick Lynch.
The Snapchat video shows Hustek eventually pulling the boy back inside through the third floor window. A short time later, officers took him and Barker into custody. The child was transported to a local hospital for precautionary reasons.
“At 2 years old, the balance isn’t always the best, he’s 30 feet up in the air. Any slight movement and he could fall. It was a trying time for them to keep him stationary and get in the house to get him off the roof,” Lynch said.
Police said the home was in deplorable conditions. City officials inspected and condemned it. Hustek and Barker were both charged with risk of injury to a minor and reckless endangerment. Both were held on $10,000 bonds.
Well, aren’t they just lovely. Poor thing look like Silent Bob with an eating disorder and a cabbage patch doll that got stung by a thousand bees. That’s not the child’s mother though, it’s her aunt. The mother is Kaitland Barker, who has the classic infinity tittoo.
Because she’s had DCF visit her house infinity times.
This time she was in rehab though, and will have to find out via the news that her baby daddy and sister were getting high in the middle of a Tuesday afternoon without her while her two year old child was doing the moonwalk on top of a house that was recently remodeled by Erika Murray.
I for one am shocked that this could ever happen. The lord of the onion rings sister seems like the ideal babysitter.
At least their child looks inclined to have a successful career as a roofer. Sure beats the meth siesta that the poor child’s father and aunt chose offer gainful employment.
David has undergone quite the transformation as he’s evolved into fatherhood.
This man represents hope to every male resident of Webster under the age of 25 – one day your pubestache can grow into real facial hair too. David sure has come a long way from his earlier days when he was living the gang life on the mean streets of Ansonia.
The baby’s mother Kaitland also has an older child, who I assume is from another man since he appears to be 10. Of course his name rhymes with Aidan too.
Take it from an expert – being named Aidan is a curse. Every woman’s pentitentury in this country is filled with women who when naming their child said to themselves, “Let’s find something else that rhymes with Aidan. Kayden, Braden, Rayden, Jayden, Ninja Gaydon – it doesn’t matter, so long as it rhymes with Aidan.
Finally, we will leave you with this Facebook post from David.
David is actually right about that. The scariest part of parenting isn’t clipping your kid’s nails for the first time, it’s getting high with your girlfriend’s sister while your girlfriend is in rehab, passing out, and waking up to the police rescuing your child from the roof of your soon to be condemned house. Let’s hope all parties involved do the right thing at this point in giving their kids up for adoption before voluntarily getting neutered.
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