Weymouth Couple Smear Babysitter, Accuse Her Of Destroying Family For Alerting DCF Of Domestic Abuse And Child Neglect
We discussed this story on the live show and interviewed the babysitter, Kaylah Howes (55:45).
This is Dominique Wigmore and her husband Anthony Wigmore from Weymouth.
They have two semen demons, and at least one of them is his.
Yesterday she started a shitstorm on the Weymouth is Everything Facebook group by warning the public not to hire a woman named Kayla as a babysitter because she “literally destroyed” her family.
Kayla who? She didn’t specify. Just be wary of all Kayla’s because they’re out here destroying families, or something.
Vicky Vulvarine’s post led to much speculation throughout the day.
It also led to deformation in regards to Kayla, as some suggested that she slept with Dominique’s husband. Finally the real Kaylah with an H came forward to clear her named and explain what went down.
- Kaylah responded to a post from Dominique on the Weymouth Facebook page looking for a babysitter
- Dominique didn’t review any of the references she was given and hired this complete stranger to watch her kids for 6 hours
- Kaylah was rehired to watch the kids again but this time Dominique started telling this woman (who she barely knew) her personal drama about her abusive husband Anthony and their broken marriage
- Anthony and Dominique went out on their date at 8 and at midnight the doorbell rang, which alarmed Kaylah
- Kaylah let Dominique and Anthony into the house after Dominque tried to lock Anthony out, who was covered in blood, and both were drunk
- Anthony gave Kaylah a ride home, but then at 5:30 AM Dominique texted Kaylah again to say that she was scared shitless
- Kaylah did the responsible thing by reporting their psychotic, unhinged behavior to DCF
- They paid her in blood covered money
She brought receipts too:
“The kids woke up and they were both scared shitless.”
Literally the only thing I care about in her pity seeking messages. Basically these two guttermuppets have a dumpster fire of a relationship and don’t care at all about the effect it has on their kids. Anthony is a domestic abuser, Dominique is your typical victim who gives him chance after chance because he “loves” her, and meanwhile their children have their innocence stolen from them as they are forced to be subjected to this trauma. Kaylah isn’t a hussy, she’s the model for what a responsible person should do when they see that children are in danger. Most of the problems that exist in our society today are the result of shitty parenting, which children witness and the cycle repeats itself.
People like Vicky Vulvarine are technically victims, but they’re also part of the problem. She’s a grown woman with agency who chose to reproduce with an abusive man and chooses to allow him to be around her children. She cares more about Frosty the Faux Man than she does about the kids’ well being. The fact that she would let a complete stranger stay with her kids for that long, and then air her dirty laundry to them and assume they want to hear about it, pretty much says it all.
Kaylah recognized all of this from her brief time with Frosty the Faux Man and Vicky Vulvarine and did the right thing. Consequently the children were removed from the home and Dominique reached out to blame Kaylah instead of recognizing that she was the actual problem.
“Let me know how it feels when you grown human life in your body for nine months, twice.
Congratulations on being fertile and allowing a domestic abuser to drop a load of baby gravy in your stench trench. You’re really enlightened on parenting now.
“Then some stranger walks in and takes away the only thing that you breathe for.”
The stranger didn’t “walk in,” you invited her in and showed her exactly why you shouldn’t be allowed around your kids. You couldn’t even pretend to be a normal relationship for a couple hours. The stranger didn’t take away the kids, DCF did because of YOUR choices. And you certainly don’t “breathe” for your kids, because if you did then you would choose them over the silver haired face froster.
“I hope you know the damage and the unforgivable unforgettable pain that you have created not only for Anthony and I but for our babies”
The fact that you’re still referring to “Anthony and I,” shows that you have absolutely no intention of getting rid of Frosty the Faux Man, and your babies are much better off not being around either of you.
“you traumatized them and I no longer trust you”
Oh no, the drunken slampig who lost her kids no longer trusts Kaylah. How will she ever get over this?
“You didn’t do the right things. You caused us hell. All four of us.”
No, she definitely did the right thing, especially for the only two people who matter – the innocent children. And because you didn’t like the outcome you went and publicly shamed her on a community Facebook page.
A quick search for her name shows that Dominique often used the Weymouth Facebook group to get people to look at her doodles, or find complete strangers to watch over her kids for a couple hours.
And according to people who contacted Kaylah after she made her post, this was a pretty standard night out for the lovebirds. One person said that she once threatened to jump out the window while holding her son, started smashing her head into a wall, and then stole all the phones in the house when the police were called.
Others shared text messages Dominique sent, claiming that she was in the mental hospital because Anthony said she was suicidal in order to take the kids from her. She talked a big game about leaving him, but of course never did.
This is pretty standard for them according to courthouse records though. Anthony has a whole bunch of Google trophies and likes to sell drugs.
In 2020 he was charged with A&B on a family member, but charges were dropped last month, presumably because Dominique decided she loved him and was unwilling to testify.
In 2021 Anthony was charged with violating the abuse prevention order she had on him, but that also ended up getting dismissed, and we all know why.
She filed for divorce in 2021, but then decided not to go through with it the next year.
Anthony also appears to have knocked up a woman in West Boylston and has a teenage daughter he was trying to establish paternity over.
I’m sure that 16 year old girl really needs this guy coming into her life right about now. He hasn’t ruined enough lives.
Anthony owns a business called A Plus Painting and look who gave him one of his only 2 reviews.
She repainted her “business office” and has nothing but good things to say about it. In other words, this is where they plan on launching their Only Fans channel out of.
I have no sympathy for Dominique. If you wanna be trapped in an abusive white trash relationship, that’s your choice. I know it’s not easy to leave, as these victims are often manipulated, gaslit, and psychologically abused, but she’s choosing to expose her kids to this. She clearly doesn’t care about the psychological damage her choices are causing them. She doesn’t care that this is the type of behavior she is modeling for her children. She’s teaching her son that it’s OK to beat up women, and she’s teaching her daughter that it’s normal to put up with it.
Keep in mind, these people barely know Kaylah. She was in their lives for a matter of hours and witnessed all of this. They didn’t even attempt to hide it. Imagine what it’s like when no one is around.
I also don’t care about Dominique and don’t consider her a victim because she went out of her way to hurt and defame Kaylah, who was clearly the protagonist in this story. She was portrayed as a home wrecker who can’t be trust around other people’s kids. She told people privately that Kaylah was on drugs and broke children’s bones.
Now she’s ironically threatening to sue Kaylah for deformation, and crying on her Facebook page about how sad she is.
Boo hoo. You chose dick over your children time and time again, and would’ve kept doing it if Kaylah didn’t contact DCF. No one cares about your feelings.