Wife Of Former Patriots RB Patrick Pass Is Price Gouging Trademarked Pats Autographed Masks, Says She’s Donating To The “Frontline”

Patrick Pass was a third string running back/fullback from the first three Patriots Super Bowl Championship teams who used to steal touchdowns from Cory Dillon on your fantasy team.
I had totally forgotten that name until his wife Monique came to our attention with her glamorous Kia and sass.
She’s recently decided to take advantage of the crisis by price gouging unwashable trademarked Patriots masks, and getting her husband to autograph them to make a few more bucks off of this pandemic.
As you can see, she sells out quickly and business is very good because people enjoy throwing money away.
Keep in mind, you can’t sell anything with the Patriots logo on it unless you get permission from Bob Kraft to do so, which I’m sure she has.
She’s also doing the thing where they get you to buy an overpriced piece of fabric by claiming that every time you purchase a mask they donate one to the “frontline,” and tells you that the pandemic is “pulling us together.”
Whatever that means.
Her poor aunt with the cut and swollen hands from waking up at 3 AM to fulfill orders totally doesn’t sound like a sweatshop either. After all, she has a smile on her face.
It’s OK though because she’s getting ripped off on the fabric too.
“We’re supposed to be helping the world with making masks.”
No, you’re selling trademarked, bootleg masks at an inflated price and using your husband’s storied career as a Patriot to do so. You’re not saving anyone. And ironically her friends want her to report her supplier for price gouging.
She’s also extremely defensive and seems to be aware that she’s engaging in price gouging since she responded to a post about price gouging that didn’t mention her by name.
Anyone who would pay that kind of money for an autographed Patrick Pass cloth that you use to smother yourself deserves to be without that money, but it’s the price gouging during a pandemic and using trademarked logos to do so that sets me off. We could probably make a lot more money if we sold Patriots products in our store, but we can’t because the Patriots are a trademarked business.
Although I think the most offensive part about this is that she’s pretending that she’s doing it help the community.
Then again, using her husband as a prop to make money seems to be her thing. In March she tweeted pictures of her husband’s lifeless body laying on the bathroom floor in an attempt to get the player’s union to reject a CBA proposal that cuts disability benefits.
Husband’s lying down on the ground with his Patriots pompom hat, that he wears in the house for some reason, lying besides him. Better grab a picture and post it on Twitter.
Patrick currently collects disability and social security. The new CBA basically would just subtract whatever a former player is collecting in social security from whatever the NFL is paying them for disability. It prevents double dipping.
‘Right now guys in Inactive A, their T&P disability is in addition to their social security disability,’ Scott said. ‘If you’re getting $11,250 a month, plus $2,000 in social security, you’re getting $13,250.’
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