Poor Behavior

Wilbraham Woman Asks Aruba Facebook Group If Grocery Stores On The Island Will Accept Her Food Stamps While On Vacation


This is Kim Rice-Demers from Wilbraham.

She is a part time nanny who also owns her own “free in home wine tastings” business, which kind of sounds like her driving to your home with a box of wine and calling it a business.

She’s also a member of a Facebook group with thousands of members called “Aruba.” It’s for people who are vacationing or are planning to vacation there so they can share ideas for places to visit while visiting the island. Kim is planning on going there at the end of April.

And she had a really important question for people who had been there before.

Nothing to see here, just a woman leaching off the government who can barely afford to get by but proudly announces to the world she’s going on a trip to Aruba. This group has people from all over the country in it, but they all knew based on her question that Kim was from Massachusetts. Ratchets in Indiana know better. Either way it didn’t go over well.

Although she did have at least one person trying to come up with a way to rationalize how this woman wasn’t a full fledged guttemuppet.

Yea, maybe that’s it. Someone just gave her a free trip to Aruba, and she wants to make sure she can leach off of a foreign government with her taxpayer money while she’s there. Maybe she won the trip on Wheel of Fortune. I think I remember that episode now that you mention it.

She never chimed in again to clarify, even after all these people tried to give her a chance to talk her way out of it, so one can assume she’s just your run of the mill Massachusetts free loader. Quite frankly I expected nothing less from a Grandma with a nose ring.


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