
Woman Confronted By Somerville ACO For Leaving Dog In Hot Car For 30 Minutes Plays Victim Card


This blog is a friendly reminder (which you shouldn’t need) that it’s not OK to leave your dogs in a hot car with the windows up, even if it’s only in the high 60’s or low 70’s outside. From the Somerville News Weekly:

So Somerville it hurts.

To the surprise of no one she was driving an electric Prius, which she was charging while keeping the dog locked in that sweatbox.

Driving a Prius, lives in Brighton, forces her small dog to go with her wherever she goes. There’s at least a 99% she’s voting for Bernie.

Of course the first thing she did when confronted was make up excuses and self-victimize.

“I’m having a panic attack.”

“Panic attack” is almost as overused as “my anxiety.” It’s just something people diagnose themselves with now whenever life gets mildly stressful.

She insisted it wasn’t too hot, but the guy disagreed.

“It’s not 90 degrees in there!”

And since his shirt says “ANIMAL CONTROL,” and her leggings are covered in bleach stains, I’m going to side with him.

She attempted to deflect from what she’d done by taking out the dog.

“This is my dog Bubble. I love Bubble so much.”

Of course she named the dog Bubble. Because…of course she did.

Why didn’t she leave the dog at home?

“He’ll cry if I leave him at home, he loves to be around me all the time.”

Trust me, that dog would’ve been much happier at home then locked in a 90 degree car while you disappeared for half an hour.

But in her mind she wasn’t the bad guy here. The real bad guy was the concerned citizen who filmed it and called ACO and the police, both of whom arrived at the vehicle before she did.

“You don’t have, like, any grounds to judge me, that way.”

Our entire legal system is based on the idea that private individuals have grounds to judge other private individuals who did something wrong. I assure you, there were plenty of grounds for judgement in that video.

Anyway, we would love to know this woman’s name so we could reach out to her for comment. If we could get a turtle rider to run license plate 5ZK 513, that would be great.


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Hello Turtle Riders. As you know if you follow Turtleboy we are constantly getting censored and banned by Facebook for what are clearly not violations of their terms of service. Twitter has done the same, and trolls mass reported our blog to Google AdSense thousands of times, leading to demonetization. We can get by and survive, but we could really use your help. Please consider donating by hitting the Donation button above if you'd like support free speech and what we do in the face of Silicon Valley censorship. Or just buy our award winning book about the dangers of censorship and rise of Turtleboy:  Qries


  1. i have been a huge fan of the turtle for several years now , but let me just say the anxiety and panick attacks are real for some people , i dont go out and commit crimes and blame my attacks for it , it does affect MY life , but yet again i dont commit crimes and blame anxiety for it , but please dont say anxity is not real until you experience it , i have real anxiety and panick attacks , and i also have 2 chihuahuas , but i would never leave them in a car for even 5 minutes alone , its just common sense , the panick attacks come after your caught doing a stupid thing like leaving your dog in a car

  2. Holy Jesus this girl is a piece of work! At the end “I should at least get a chance to talk”…bitch you been talking non stop the entire time trying to make yourself a victim.

    Nice outfit too – rubber boots, yoga pants to show off the Gunt and cottage cheese ass, hairnet . Probably has an I Love Bernie tattoo on her body somewhere.

  3. The grounds we have for judging you is being stupid enough to leave your dog in the car in hot weather, overcast or not!!!!!

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