Poor Behavior

Woman Evicted From Plainville Public Housing Complex For Attacking Lesbian Couple Over Dog Poop Violates Order By Calling Out Victims In Facebook Group


This is Erica Edwards from Plainville.

Last week she made a post in a Plainville Facebook group, alleging that a rival lesbian couple in Willow Trace Apartments did something to her family over dog poop and bullied them when the constable was kicking them out in April. She posted a mugshot for one of the two women and warned residents to beware of these dangerous scissor sisters.

However, it soon became apparent that there was much more to this story that Grammy Grundlestains was leaving out. Particularly the fact that she didn’t live there anymore but her kids still brought the dogs to the apartment complex to shit all over the place and not pick any of it up. Then it was discovered that Grammy Grundlestains clan of corn fed raw dog trophies were evicted from their section 8 housing after previously assaulting one of the short haired lesbians (after mocking her haircut), and she had the pictures and video to prove it.


Only in America are the poors more likely to die from diabetes than they are from starvation.

As it turns out Grammy Grundlestains has an open court case for the assault, as does her oldest daughter, and has an order in place that she was likely violating by engaging in such a manner with the victims.

She tried every trick in the book to avoid eviction, except showing up for court because she got defaulted. She then filed a motion to vacate the default, but once again forgot to show up for the hearing on that.

Grammy Grundlestains couldn’t handle this fight on her own, and luckily for her the older daughter who’s also facing assault charges chimed in and accused the lesbian Latino couple of racially profiling them.

The evidence actually “proofs” the opposite, as do the court records, and the two adults being charged are being held accountable for starting a fight because they didn’t wanna pick up dog shit. But yea, I suppose the race card is really the only thing you can play when you’re this level ratchet and out here looking like the diversity, equity, and inclusion spread eagle Violet Beauregarde.



Grammy Grundlestains attempt to shame the lesbian couple didn’t work out the way she thought it would, but it certainly didn’t stop her from defending her honor since shame is a concept she’s completely unfamiliar with.


Several people on the post tried tagging me and saying “where is Turtleboy,” which is a horrible idea. If you want a story written then just message me on Facebook at Clarence Woods Emerson because I can’t smell ratchets in private Facebook groups if you don’t tell me about them. Grammy Grundlestains actually requested I reach out to her for comment.

So I did, but I didn’t hear back. But if she’d like to come on the Live Show this weekend to talk about what went down she’s more than free to message Clarence Woods Emerson and we can make that happen.

I think this is the first ratchet blog I’ve ever written out of Plainville because it’s a pretty nice town. So just remember this the next time some feel good liberal in your town tells you they want more affordable housing, because this is what you get.

*Editors Note* We discussed this story on the Live Show and Erica Edwards came on for an interview (15:35)



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