Woman With $20K GoFundMe For Dog With Cancer Is A Prostitute Who’s Been Neglecting The Dog For Years, Media Falls For Lie About $3K In Quarters Being Stolen From Apartment

Here’s a story from 2017 where the media helped a crackhead raise $20K via GoFundMe for her dog, but we later discovered that the whole thing was orchestrated by her.
The other day we published this blog about a Worcester woman who raised close to $20K on a GoFundMe for her dog after Fox 25 News broadcasted her sob story about thieves stealing $3,000 in quarters from her apartment that was set aside for a life saving cancer surgery for the dog.
She initially messaged us to get her story out there, but we thought something didn’t smell like for a variety of reasons:
- She said the thieves were in her house for 40 minutes, which means they were apparently taking a bubble bath, and yet they only took a speaker (which they threw in someone’s yard) and an animal cracker’s jar full of change
- She said they stole 12,000 quarters, which is physically impossible for one person to do, especially when that person was clearly a small woman
- They broke in the backdoor where there were no cameras, and the glass is on the outside, which would seem to indicate that it was broken from the inside
- She claims the cops told her it was gang members, but they made her pinky swear not to give out their names
- She keeps stressing that another house was robbed a year ago on her street, so naturally the same people have been casing her out for a long, long time
- Worcester Police we spoke with tell us that they suspect she is lying
- Her sob story on Fox 25 News seemed forced with crocodile tears:
Well here’s a twist – Melissa Horstman’s real name was Melissa Proal. And she’s got some fun Google trophies in her closet:
A Holden woman and her Worcester husband both pleaded not guilty today in Framingham District Court to prostitution charges. Police arrested Melissa Proal, 22, of 34 Wahlstrom Lane, and Andrew W. Morris, 24, of 12 Mendon St. at 1 a.m. today at the Red Roof Inn on Cochituate Road. Police said Proal was advertising herself as an escort on the website, backpage.com, and offered to have sex with an undercover officer for $200 at the Red Roof Inn. That’s where Melissa Proal posted her ad, promising “Sexy blond waiting for the call.” Morris drove to the hotel with Proal and sat in the car while she went inside, police said. Proal and Morris were both charged with prostitution. Morris was also charged with a restraining order violation. Proal has a restraining order against her husband.
Oh look, she’s a prostitute.
Never saw that one coming!!
And according to someone who knows her, this is what is alleged:
I remember when she first got that dog, she also had a female dog as well and she used to bring the male dog that supposedly has cancer to NH and leave it at random people’s houses to breed all the time to make money so it’s hard to believe that she cares for that dog so much. She’s a nasty person and I wouldn’t believe anything that comes out of her mouth. If someone did actually break into her house they probably stole her prostitution money or drug money and she made up the change story.
Here’s what a source tells us:
So the go fund me for Prince the dog. I have live on Melissa’s street since she moved in 4 years ago or so. She has NEVER ONCE taken that dog for a walk. She used to tie it up on her back porch, the dog was never even out there very often. The ground was covered in feces and it would get cleaned up every 6 months or so. And yes the dog does have a vicious bark, which I hear from several houses down the road. So for some one to break in, they had to know that dog I think. Also not that this has anything to do with it she is a hooker.
Oh look, Turtleboy is the only media outlet that’s at all interested in the real story behind the story. Shocking. She almost definitely knew the people who “broke into” her house, and this is clearly one gigantic money grabbing scam. The dog IS sick, but I’d bet money that it’s due to neglect and living with this trashbag.
The most insane part about this story is that she messaged us first to look into it:
Here’s a piece of advice going forward. If you’re a veteran hooker neglecting your dog, staging a break in, telling an unbelievable story about 12,000 quarters being stolen from your apartment, while benefitting off of a fraudulent GoFundMe, don’t ask us to investigate. Because we will, and unfortunately for you we will get to the bottom of it and it will not be the kind of blog you were hoping for.