WPI President Who Instituted COVID Policies That Led To Student Suicide Epidemic Gets Promotion From NASA, Championed For Being A Woman

Seven WPI students have died since July of 2021, including a man last week who was found in his apartment. At least three of these deaths are confirmed suicides. Under the direction of President Laurie Leshin WPI instituted extremely strict COVID mandates on campus. All students are required to be vaccinated and boosted, and masks were mandatory everywhere on campus, including dorms when students weren’t alone.
In September of 2020 she said that at WPI there would be regular testing, forced masking, and a ban on social gatherings, but even that wouldn’t be sufficient.
In December of 2020 she urged students not to eat with “people outside your bubble,” because you have to take your mask off to eat.
In other words, she wanted students to form small cliques and avoid meeting new people and developing new friendships because doing so could lead to the spread of a disease that has no chance of killing them.
Just months ago Leshin told perfectly healthy and vaccinated young people who pay her salary that they must not socialize in large groups, or attend parties and go to bars.
Unless a student is morbidly obese they have less than a one in a million chance of dying from COVID, and that was before the vaccine they must take existed. But she ruined the social atmosphere for these students and threatened expulsion on those who were caught breathing air freely. Well, everyone except her and her son.
Luckily Laurie Leshin believes in science and knew that the virus doesn’t spread when you’re posing for pictures.
WPI is already a very challenging school and the students have enough pressure and stress on them already. It’s also overwhelmingly male, and it’s impossible for these overworked young men to meet women their age in social atmospheres if they can’t go to parties or bars. Effectively they were forced into small areas with the same people and forced to cover their faces at all times or risk expulsion and the end of their pursuit of a prestigious diploma from WPI.
COVID restrictions like this takes away young people’s ability to socialize and congregate, which inevitably leads to depression, anxiety, and suicide. When you tell these intelligent students (who know how ineffective these restrictions are) that they must perpetually cover their face with a piece of fabric and get another jab, they naturally get more stressed. None of this was taken into consideration by COVID monsters like Lauire Leshin.
But instead of apologizing and reckoning with the damage they caused people like Laurie Leshin credit themselves with saving lives. After the most recent tragedy Leshin released a statement admitting that under her leadership WPI had all but created a mental health crisis on their campus.
“We have experienced tremendous loss this academic year, and we are actively working to help our community,” WPI said in a statement. “We are focusing on providing resources to those most directly impacted, and we continue to expand the ways in which we support our students, families, faculty, and staff.”
The statement noted that continuing news of deaths at WPI could exacerbate students’ mental health and lead to additional suicides.
In a sane world the people who instituted these policies would be jailed and held accountable for their actions. Laurie Leshin makes over $750,000 a year and couldn’t keep her students safe from themselves during the pandemic.
The very next day WPI announced that they were no longer mandating masks everywhere on campus.
“As expected, most cases are mild, and symptoms are manageable.”
Translation – we knew there was no reason to force you to get vaccinated and wear a mask because the vaccine doesn’t stop the spread and it’s pretty harmless if you get it anyway, but we did it and even though students keep dying so we’re going to pretend like it worked.
Make no mistake about it – this is Laurie Leshin admitting that her policies have led to unprecedented amount of deaths. Her policies are infinitely more dangerous to the health of students than COVID could ever be. WPI students were never in danger of dying from the virus, but they became much more likely to commit suicide as a direct result of COVID policies implemented by this overpaid woke tyrant.
In some regards the restrictions actually became more strict though. Although students are now “allowed” to take off their masks in their dorm rooms they still have to wear them on campus because Worcester has a mandate, and cloth masks are no longer adequate or permissible because the left is finally admitting that they never worked in the first place.
This is the same woman who earlier in the pandemic insisted that cloth masks work.
Now she’s admitting they don’t while still pretending to be an expert on science. We will never have justice in this country until this pandemic “ends” and honest accounting is done so that people like Laurie Leshin are held accountable for their crimes.
Despite her failures NASA announced the next day that Laurie Leshin was being hired to be the Director of the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
This is a very big deal and a very important job. It’s being cheered on by people like Ed Markey, Jim McGovern, and Bill Nye (who all have relatively the same expertise in science) because she’s a woman, even though no one in his party can tell you what a woman even is.
But it doesn’t matter if she’s incompetent and oversaw a suicide epidemic by disregarding psychological science and ignoring mental health concerns, because the ruling class only cares about identity.
Laurie Leshin did the right things to please this communist ruling class during her tenure. Six years ago she wrote an anti-police email to the campus community announcing that in light of the justified police shooting of Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge she would be appointing new diversity and inclusion czars (equity wasn’t a buzzword yet in 2016).
Then she did the most important thing she had to do when the pandemic began – politicized it. Sure, several students are dead now, but she’s a woman and she repeated the communist’s talking points so she gets a promotion for that.
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