Law and Order

“Minister” And Grandmother Refuse To Look At Body Cam Footage Of Springfield Man Shot After Stabbing Cop In Face, Accuse Police Of Racism, Murder, And Coverup 


In the latest episode of “f*** around and find out,” a 23 year old Springfield man named Orlando Taylor stabbed a police officer in the face last week and was then shot and killed for doing so. But because Orlando was black this was the headline:

“I pleaded with the police officer not to shoot my grandson.”

“I don’t understand why they had to shoot him.”

I’m just thinking out loud here, but probably because he stabbed a cop in the face.

I thought this was a joke at first, but then I remembered back to 2020 when street communists who called themselves “black lives matter” were rioting, burning, and looting American cities, and the response of our new Vice President was to share a link to bail them out of jail. So basically any time a black person gets killed by a cop it’s gonna be the cop’s fault. Those are the rules now. You have to just stand there and die.

It’s not surprising to see Springfield City Councillor Tracye Whitfeld put out a press release saying she doesn’t trust the police to do their job:

This is the same City Councillor we blogged about in 2017 when her son was the “victim” of a fake hate crime, and when she found out the racial slurs were written by a black person she still insisted she was a victim because she had to see the words.

“It’s a still a slur — whether it was a white person or a black person who wrote it,” she said. “My son still experienced it. We still experienced it.” 

She was also featured in a blog in 2020 when she led a protest against a bar for instituting a dress code that included no gang colors.

The bar owner caved because that’s what cowards do when communists come after them.

Tracye Whitfield says the system failed him because his mental health issues went undiagnosed:

In fairness, it is harder to find a therapist these days if you’re unwilling to be hospitalized. But how is that the officer’s problem? He’s supposed to get stabbed in the face because Grandma was too lazy to follow up with BHN and get him an appointment?

Mayor Domenic Sarno, the DA’s office, and Police Chief Cheryl Claprood have all seen the body cam and are anxious for it to be released and shown to the family. They probably wouldn’t be so anxious if it made the officer look like he did something wrong.

“The video should be made public as soon as the family have a chance to view it,” said Sarno in a statement on Wednesday afternoon. “Transparency is required. We invested in the body-worn camera system so there would be greater transparency. I have asked the District Attorney and I am awaiting his directions.”

“In my eyes, unfortunately, it was justified,” Sarno stated at the press conference hours after the incident Sunday. “Deadly force was used against one of our officers and in turn the officer, unfortunately, had to use deadly force to keep other individuals from being hurt and or murdered.”

Sarno and Police Commissioner Cheryl Clapprood, in consultation with city Solicitor Ed Pikula and incoming city Solicitor Judge John Payne, has contacted the Hampden County District Attorney Anthony Gulluni requesting that the body-worn camera video be made public, with appropriate redactions so as not to interfere with any ongoing investigation.

Unfortunately? Why would he want the cop to be at fault? Even Democratic politicians who defend the police only do it reluctantly, and are openly disappointed when the cops aren’t blood thirsty racist killers.

The Mayor and Police Chief both want the family to see the video, but the family doesn’t want transparency:

The family of Orlando Taylor III, who was fatally shot by a police officer after stabbing an officer in the face, are complaining that they feel “intimidated” by the Springfield Police Department and mayor’s office following an offer by the city for the family to review officer body-worn camera footage of the shooting

The family said to MassLive on Monday that they do not want to have any further contact with the mayor or police and will only communicate with Hampden County District Attorney Anthony Gulluni’s office during the investigation.

“Commissioner Cheryl Clapprood and I, out of respect and concern of the grieving family, extended an invitation to them to view the videos. They have declined our invitation,” Sarno told MassLive. “Once again, Commissioner Cheryl Clapprood and I offer our sympathy, thoughts and prayers to the grieving family. Also, to our injured Springfield Police Officer, our thoughts and prayers of good health and a speedy recovery.”

They’re intimidated by the police and mayor offering to show them what happened because they know it will prove that it was justifiable. The fact that he stabbed a cop in the face probably should’ve been their first indication though.

Here’s what Grandma told Western Mass News about her 23 year old grandson, who she apparently knows so little about that she thought he was 20:

Police said that he stabbed one of the two responding officers in the face after being told to drop his weapon.

“And he proceeded. And I’m still yelling not to shoot him. I’m telling you he has a mental health issue,” Taylor said. “Next thing I know, everything just went so fast, pop, pop and I just freaked.”

This was not the first loss Earlene Taylor has had to face. She told Western Mass News that Orlando’s father was murdered four months before he was born. She spent her life raising her grandson.

“My grandson was a 20-year-old black male,” Taylor said. “He worked. He went to school. He had a family. He had sisters and brothers. He had a mother. He had people who cared about him who loved him. He was a person that just happened to fall through the cracks.”

She told us what may have prompted Orlando to have used a knife.

If Orlando had a knife, I mean whatever they said that he had, and he used it, it was because he felt threatened,” Taylor told us. “What you don’t understand, Orlando was scared of the police. He did not interact with them.”

Earlene and her family want answers on proper police protocol when handling someone with mental illness.

“It’s not his fault that he tried to stab a cop because we brainwashed him with communist anti-police propaganda.” – Grandma.

Maybe if you stop brainwashing black kids into thinking the police are trying to kill them then deadly situations like this will be less likely to happen. This is your fault Grandma. You failed as a parent, and then you failed as a grandparent. Do better and stop blaming other people for your own shortcomings.

Then there’s this guy with the well kept porch:

The parachute jorts really tell you everything you need to know about Minister 40 Acres and a Fool.

His name is Charles Stokes, and he’s a “minister.” In other words, he likes to wear a bowtie and blame everything on racism while ignoring the root causes of violence in the community because he simply doesn’t care about black people dying.

This absolute moron is the family’s official spokesperson, which basically tells you everything you need to know about the family. That and the fact that the males always seem to die from getting shot.

The other day he held a press conference with Mom and Grandma, and it was just the most absurd thing you’ve ever heard:


At the 1:30 mark he accuses the Springfield Police of “messing” with the body cam. His evidence? Racism.

At the 2:20 mark he said that there was no evidence that it was a justifiable shooting. Except for the video footage that shows that it was.

At the 9:30 mark he was asked what evidence he had that the cop murdered Orlando Taylor? His evidence? 500 years of slavery and racism. Oh, and cops are slave catchers. Duh.

So many other great quotes too:

“That they would have the audacity — after justifying [the family’s] grandchild, cousin, nephew being murdered — and then to call the family to come to sit with [the mayor and commissioner.]” said Stokes. “It’s not their job. They should be reprimanded.”

Those cops should be reprimanded for offering to show the family the evidence they’re demanding to see!

I’m going to air this whole thing and make fun of it all Tuesday night at 9 PM on the Live Show.  Click here to subscribe to our YouTube channel to watch.

DA Anthony Gulluni could easily just end this by releasing the video, but he’s a political hack who’s elected by and afraid of communist mobs so he’s taking his sweet time and letting the racial tensions stir in the comments section.

Meanwhile the officer who did absolutely nothing wrong and is now being called a murderer has permanent nerve damage to his face:

The officer is now scheduled for surgery with a facial and nerve specialist in Boston due to what is most likely permanent nerve damage in his face, according to Springfield police spokesperson Ryan Walsh.

Let’s be clear – he is the ONLY victim here.


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