“Minister” And Grandmother Refuse To Look At Body Cam Footage Of Springfield Man Shot After Stabbing Cop In Face, Accuse Police Of Racism, Murder, And Coverup

In the latest episode of “f*** around and find out,” a 23 year old Springfield man named Orlando Taylor stabbed a police officer in the face last week and was then shot and killed for doing so. But because Orlando was black this was the headline:
“I pleaded with the police officer not to shoot my grandson.”
“I don’t understand why they had to shoot him.”
I’m just thinking out loud here, but probably because he stabbed a cop in the face.
I thought this was a joke at first, but then I remembered back to 2020 when street communists who called themselves “black lives matter” were rioting, burning, and looting American cities, and the response of our new Vice President was to share a link to bail them out of jail. So basically any time a black person gets killed by a cop it’s gonna be the cop’s fault. Those are the rules now. You have to just stand there and die.
It’s not surprising to see Springfield City Councillor Tracye Whitfeld put out a press release saying she doesn’t trust the police to do their job:
This is the same City Councillor we blogged about in 2017 when her son was the “victim” of a fake hate crime, and when she found out the racial slurs were written by a black person she still insisted she was a victim because she had to see the words.
“It’s a still a slur — whether it was a white person or a black person who wrote it,” she said. “My son still experienced it. We still experienced it.”
She was also featured in a blog in 2020 when she led a protest against a bar for instituting a dress code that included no gang colors.
The bar owner caved because that’s what cowards do when communists come after them.
Tracye Whitfield says the system failed him because his mental health issues went undiagnosed:
In fairness, it is harder to find a therapist these days if you’re unwilling to be hospitalized. But how is that the officer’s problem? He’s supposed to get stabbed in the face because Grandma was too lazy to follow up with BHN and get him an appointment?
Mayor Domenic Sarno, the DA’s office, and Police Chief Cheryl Claprood have all seen the body cam and are anxious for it to be released and shown to the family. They probably wouldn’t be so anxious if it made the officer look like he did something wrong.
“The video should be made public as soon as the family have a chance to view it,” said Sarno in a statement on Wednesday afternoon. “Transparency is required. We invested in the body-worn camera system so there would be greater transparency. I have asked the District Attorney and I am awaiting his directions.”
“In my eyes, unfortunately, it was justified,” Sarno stated at the press conference hours after the incident Sunday. “Deadly force was used against one of our officers and in turn the officer, unfortunately, had to use deadly force to keep other individuals from being hurt and or murdered.”
Sarno and Police Commissioner Cheryl Clapprood, in consultation with city Solicitor Ed Pikula and incoming city Solicitor Judge John Payne, has contacted the Hampden County District Attorney Anthony Gulluni requesting that the body-worn camera video be made public, with appropriate redactions so as not to interfere with any ongoing investigation.