Poor Behavior

Patrick Mahomes Stupid Brother Got Roasted By A Bar After Smearing Them On Social Media, Then They Caved And Apologized To Him


Patrick Mahomes’ untalented ambiguously gay lucky sperm brother Jackson was up to more shenanigans again last week:

Jackson Mahomes is feuding with a local Kansas City bar that accused the social media star of trying to “crush” the small business while acting entitled. The younger brother of Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes reportedly arrived at SoT cocktail bar this week with a large group that the establishment was unable to seat due to space. Mahomes then took to social media to put the bar on blast to his massive following, according to a note on SoT’s Facebook page.

“We are sorry that we set boundaries that you tried to ignore,” SoT wrote, tagging Mahomes in the post.

“Often times people with un-earned status and a sense of entitlement think they are above the rules and will lash out at the employee enforcing them. We are sorry we could not seat your very large group. As you probably saw, our bar is very small.

“We are sorry that you have the reach that you do, or at least that you think you do and that instead of using it for something positive you decided to use it to try and crush a small business. We survived a global pandemic, we’ll survive your ego.”

Elsewhere in the note, SoT mentioned Mahomes’ recent controversies at Chiefs games. In September, he poured water on Ravens fans for taunting him. The next month, he apologized after facing backlash for dancing on the late Sean Taylor’s logo during a memorial game in Washington. 

“We are sorry you didn’t reach out to us first before taking to social media, but then again that is an expectation we would have from a mature and rational person, not someone who pours water on fans and dances on the memorials of tragically lost people for TikTok clout,” SoT’s post continued.

“We have not been fortunate enough to be born into a much more talented and much more famous family but we would like to think that if we did have that much luck- we would use our influence in more responsible ways.”

I don’t think it’s possible to hate any two people more than Jackson Mahomes and Patrick Mahomes baby momma after they lied about being harassed by Patriots fans and constantly flaunted their unearned privilege and stardom in the most obnoxious ways possible.

It’s why I can’t ever root for him under any circumstances. Aaron Rodgers is someone I will always have respect for because he’s not afraid to cut toxic family members out of his life, and he’s flat out refusing to get jabbed. Patrick Mahomes ins’t man enough to tell his stupid family to shut up and stop embarrassing him. I can’t trust a quarterback who chooses to be surrounded by people like this. He must be horrible by default.

With that said, “we survived a global pandemic, we’ll survive your ego” was an all time burn by SoT. Unfortunately for them they cowered the next day with this apology for their roasting.

What a pathetic display of cowardice. No, you had it right the first time. You’re just scared because you attacked  the brother of a God in your city, and instead of standing up for your employees you gave into the goofy brat in skinny jeans.


Hi @yankees

♬ bills – –

Jackson Mahomes of course hasn’t apologized and says he’s “unbothered” by it, because he’s a walking example of what happens when you’re not taught the value of earning your way in life. He is a exhibit A for why we need more bullying in schools. And if Patrick Mahomes were a decent person he’d tweet something out and encourage people to do business with this place. But he won’t, because he knows what kind of person his brother is and enables him anyway.




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