
Rachael Rollins’ Office Forwarded TB A Letter She Sent Condemning Campaign Organizer Rachel Corey For Doxxing A Boston Police Officer’s Home On Social Media


Rachel Corey is a a black lives matter campaign organizer for Suffolk County District Attorney Rachael Rollins who we exposed last week for posting a picture on Twitter of a Boston cop’s home and encouraged a mob to show up there as part of the defund the police movement.

Today I received an email from Matthew Brelis, the Director of Communications for the Suffolk County DA’s office, which contained a letter that Rollins sent to Rachel Corey after reading the blog.

DA Rollins Ltr to Ms. Corey (063020)

I’m a huge critic of Rachael Rollins and probably always will be, but I will always credit anyone who does the right thing, and this is a great move that shows true leadership. Rollins did not have to write this letter, and Brelis did not have to reach out to me and share it. But they did. And they made it clear to their own supporters that there is a line and Rachel Corey crossed that line. At a time when the police are under attack like never before, it was refreshing to see a DA who aligns herself with BLM but isn’t afraid to tell a BLM supporter to that this sort of attack on the police will not be tolerated.

More importantly it shows us that TB Daily News is relevant enough and influential enough that it can catch the eye of the DA’s Office in a major American city (Boston). One could even argue that Rachael Rollins is a turtle rider at this point. For all the critics out there like failed middle school teacher Jeff May, who pretend that TB doesn’t matter, and who think that only right wing yahoos read TB, this clearly shows their preconceived notions are wrong. TB is relevant enough that it can force the DA to act, likely because turtle riders contacted her office. 

As much as I despise Rachael Rollins’ politics, I do have a respect for her because she’s been on Tucker Carlson and Howie Carr many times. Cowards like Elizabeth Warren refused to even participate in a debate that was hosted by Fox News. Rachael Rollins identifies who the opposition is and does battle with them. And I will always respect people who do that.


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