Weymouth State Rep Who Attended Michael Chesna Memorial Votes For “Police Reform” Bill That Puts Police In Greater Danger

Over the weekend the State House of Representatives passed their version of the “police reform” bill, which will make it much harder for police to do this jobs, open the door for frivolous lawsuits, deter qualified candidates from pursuing jobs in law enforcement, and make all of us less safe. As State Rep Colleen Garry from Dracut (one of the few reliable democrats who doesn’t hate police) pointed out, this new bill would allow drug dealers to use children and the elderly as shields in order to prevent the cops from executing no-knock warrants.
“The people who are drug dealers, who have weapons, who have fentanyl and cocaine and all these things, certainly will get this trick now,” Colleen Garry (Dracut, D) said. “‘Oh, let’s just have a kid in the room with us, and they won’t be able to do a no-knock warrant.’ That’s putting children and the elderly in harms way.”
In Cindy Chesna’s rant she mentions that several lawmakers showed up after her husband was killed and pretended to care. Read it if you haven’t already because it’s fantastic.
One of these people who voted for the bill was Ron Mariano from Quincy.
This freeloading hack has been living off the public dime for nearly 3 decades now, and serves as a State Rep for several precincts in Weymouth.mYou can see him on stage in the front row at the memorial for Chesna two years ago, clapping and pretending to support this family.
As the Police Chief said during that speech, hesitation might’ve gotten Michael Chesna killed.
During a vigil at Weymouth High School Monday night, Weymouth Police Chief Richard Grimes discussed the ongoing debate over use of force by police officers. He said, “hesitation gets officers hurt.” Describing the moment when Lopes allegedly struck Chesna with a stone, he said, “The courts, the politicians and everyone in this country should put themselves in that split-second decision, and you tell me, ‘is a rock a rock?’ I stand here today and tell you it’s not.’”
"Hesitation gets officers hurt.” – Weymouth Police Chief Richard Grimes discussed the ongoing debate over use of force at a vigil for Officer Michael Chesna https://t.co/ldgbj5HvYV pic.twitter.com/rfzizZbuci
— WBZ | CBS Boston News (@wbz) July 17, 2018
Because he had to worry about whether or not he’d be the next “racist” cop for shooting an “unarmed” person of color who threw a rock at his head, Chesna may or may not have hesitated. We’ll never know because he’s no longer with us. Mariano clapped for that one, then went on to vote for this bill which will make cops hesitate more than ever.
If anyone runs against this clown they will have our full fledged support. It should be unacceptable for politicians to vote this way and think we’re just going to accept it because there’s nothing we can do. Here’s a link to his Facebook page. Feel free to let him know what your thoughts are.
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