TB Investigates

Canton Coverup Part 413: Chris Albert Calls Woman “Disgusting Bitch” For Writing FKR On Her Own Car Window Two Months After Apologizing For Poor Behavior


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On Thursday McAlbert spokesperson Katherine Peter briefly posted an ominous Ring video on Twitter with the caption “coming soon,” depicting a woman outside of D&E Pizza writing “FKR” on her parked car’s passenger side window. The video was filmed from inside D&E, and picks up audio of Chris Albert repeatedly calling the woman a “lossahh,” and a “disgusting bitch” while he speaks to Colin Albert who tells him to take a picture of the woman.

Keep in mind, on July 9 Chicken Parm Charlie issued a forced apology after the June 23 incident outside CF McCarthy’s when his employee and sister in law were charged with assaulting an award winning journalist. Chris promised not to behave like that ever again:

“Despite the tremendous harassment, stress, and anxiety that my family, extended family and I have been subjected to, my interactions were inappropriate, and as an elected official I am held to a higher standard.  And I understand that the residents of Canton expect public officials to always handle themselves professionally and focus on the business of the town. I apologize for my recent reaction and will refrain from any further public incidents that are unbecoming of a member of the Canton Select Board.”

It’s not an apology if you start off by making excuses for your shitty behavior. Chris isn’t being harassed. He’s engaging with anyone who passes by his mediocre pizza shop and then crying to Bukkake about what a victim he is.

What part of “what a disgusting bitch” is acting “professionally” as a member of the Canton Select Board? This is yet another person who came to Canton to spend money, pay taxes, and stimulate the economy – something Chris Albert rarely does with his own business. We knew then that he wasn’t sorry, and it’s even more evident now after he degraded this woman using misogynistic language because she wrote three letters on her own car. Chris Albert is a pig, and a continued embarrassment on the town of Canton.

Krusty Panties (Katherine Peter) removed the video within 30 minutes because she realized how bad it made Chris Albert look. It showed that he is not a victim, and he’s not experiencing “emotional harm” as he claims to be experiencing every time someone expresses their opinion about Karen Read’s innocence around him.

More importantly, it showed that the McAlberts use them as their mouthpieces. They can’t find anyone decent to take up their cause, so they recruit criminals and abusive “mothers” like KP to harass and dox FKR supporters, and use the State Police to intimidate anyone who challenges them.

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  1. Chris Albert might be the biggest pussy out of everyone in the case. I bet even his son Colin, not exactly a gold glove boxer, could whip his ass.

  2. What do they call someone who drives drunk, hits someone and then drives away in an attempt to flee?! Give up??


    BUT, in Chris Alberts case, just an obstacle in the way of his life so he gets away with murder! What a role model he has turned out to be for his son Colin.

    I believe D & E is full of roaches, literally and figuratively. What an embarrassment Chris Albert is to the town of Canton , representing Canton as a drunk murderer and calling women names…. apparently Chris Albert is a male chauvinist pig also.

    Hey Chris….. #FKR ♥️. A Woman who intimidates YOU!! And, it shows.

  3. Chris Albert is the Ultimate Loser.

    Everything about him defines what a loser is.
    His wife is a loser
    His kids are loser, especially Colin
    He’s a loser in life and can’t pay his bills

    Chris Albert.. A complete and total LOOSAH.

  4. Chris Albert hiding in his store and mumbling disgusting bitch and losaaaahhhhhh is pretty silly. Like a small dog barking at cars going by. Seeing rubber ducks is very triggering of chris’s losah reflex action.

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