TB Investigates

Canton Coverup Part 420: Adam Lally Knew Grand Jury Failed To Indict Karen Read On Conspiracy Charges With Turtleboy Before Filing Motion To Prevent Turtleboy From Courtroom


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Earlier in the week Ted Daniel’s reporting confirmed what we reported several months ago – a grand jury was convened by Ken Mello on March 27 that tried to indict Karen Read and Turtleboy for conspiracy to commit witness intimidation, and no charges were filed because they did not probable cause.

This despite the fact that blue check-marked idiots on the side of the cop killers insisted that Karen and I were still under investigation.

When I was in jail Brian Tully raided Karen Read’s house with a search warrant for her phone, signed by Judge Peter Krupp. Brian Tully presented a 34 page after David explaining that he had spoken with two mentally unbalanced women with an axe to grind – Natalie Wiweke and the Fake Victim – and they told him that I had previously (gasp) spoken with Karen Read on the phone! Because apparently journalists are not allowed to speak with the subjects of their reporting in Nazi Norfolk County.

Based on this information Tully contacted Karen Read’s cell phone provider to get all of her records. He discovered that Read and I spoke on the phone 189 times!

Obviously this was no big deal, as it’s not illegal to speak on the phone with a reporter. But the mainstream media bought it hook, line, and sinker, clutching their pearls about how new charges could be coming!

Tully flew to California to speak with Natalie, who didn’t tell him anything that is actually useful to prove any conspiracy to commit witness intimidation occurred. She gave him all of the text messages between me and Natalie, in which Natalie was relaying messages from Karen. Tully thought some of these messages would make us look bad, including one where I ask her how they know Colin Albert was inside Brian Albert’s house.

But what he didn’t include was that they responded by showing me strong evidence that Colin Albert was inside the house, which he was. At one point it shows me getting upset with them:

Tully thought it would make it look like I didn’t believe in the conspiracy theory if he put one of my texts saying “the 2:27 google search MAKES NO SENSE” in a court document. But like everything the Commonwealth has submitted in my case, this quote is completely out of context. I was getting frustrated going through Natalie by May 7 because there was no need for her anymore, which is why I began speaking directly with Karen shortly after that. At the time I didn’t know about Lucky Loughran, and thus was under the assumption that John’s body was placed outside before 2:27. All texts like this show was that I did’t take anything Karen or Natalie said at face value, and questioned everything looking for evidence. The defense always brought receipts.

Tully also pointed out how Natalie revealed that I went out for “lunch” with Karen’s lawyers after a May 3 hearing.

Except there was no meal of food consumed. Natalie told me to go there, I briefly met Karen and Alan Jackson, and then I went home. The fact that they think this is worth investigating but the Ford Edge parked outside of Brian Albert’s house isn’t, really tells you everything you need to know about how corrupt the State Police are.

Tully also seems to think it’s a scandal that I previously denied ever speaking with Karen Read.

Karen Read was an anonymous source whose anonymity I was protecting. It’s also not a crime to not be completely forthright with Gretchen Voss.

They also reported that I had spoken with Karen’s attorneys AFTER I wrote my first article on the Karen Read case.

Thus proving that I was NOT hired by the defense to write favorable things about Karen Read. Unlike Jennifer Coffindaffer and Gretchen Voss, who were bribed with David Traub burgers because the Commonwealth needed SOMEONE in the media to say nice things about them.

The Fake Victim had basically nothing of interest to offer Tully, but she really wanted me to go to jail so she told him what Natalie had already told him – I spoke with Karen Read on the phone.

Fake Victim also told Tully that the Read family bribed me with a free Lexus, prompting Tully to pull my records from Lexus and TD Bank. They went through all of my records and found out that I never took a penny from anyone on the defense team, but because I was so successful I could afford a nicer care than he’s ever had.

How’s that feel, Tully?

Fake Victim also made a complete lie that Karen Read spoke directly with Josh Levy.

I never told her that because it never happened. She just made it up because she’s mad that she got dumped.

Tully said that these facts were enough to establish probable cause that Karen Read conspired to commit witness intimidation of the McAlberts.

Tully believed there “will be” evidence on Karen Read’s phone that she conspired to commit witness intimidation.

Not “could be.” He said “will be.” As in, he guaranteed it. Except there wasn’t a single shred of evidence from Karen’s phone presented to the grand jury. Nothing in my bank records, her Jet Blue records, or any of the records for Lexus were even mentioned once. It was all a giant waste of time, and Karen Read had her property stolen from her by the same people who framed her for murder.

At the grand jury on March 27 Ken Mello’s only witness was Brian Tully. He basically just repeated everything you Natalie and the Fake Victim told him, and a grand jury said this wasn’t enough to charge her. The old saying says that you can indict a ham sandwich, but all Tully had to work with was a bunch of bologna.

But the most scandalous part is that on May 10 Adam Lally filed a motion to prevent me from being in the courtroom for Karen Read’s trial, and his argument was that Read had conspired with me to commit witness intimidation against witnesses against her.

Keep in mind, this was 6 weeks after he became aware that a grand jury chose NOT to indict Karen Read for conspiracy to commit witness intimidation. Yet he still intentionally represented to the court that Read had conspired to commit this crime, in order to prevent an award winning journalist from doing his job inside the court. In a non-corrupt county this would be a really big deal, but Lally knows that he works in Norfolk County, where there are no consequences for blatantly lying in court in order to kick a journalist out of a courtroom.



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    1. There you go, giving scummie people a bad name, for comparing them to the Fascist in Norfolk County.

  1. It blows my mind that the FBI hasn’t stopped this madness. With no proof at all they were able to get warrants to bust into her home and steal her belongings and there’s no consequences for them being completely wrong. I hope Karen and TB sue the state of Mass and these scumbags personally

  2. Horseface must be neighing with glee that she’s not so much in the spot light now. Wonder if they are practicing their testimony again, only this time they cant sway too much from what was already said on the stand already. Oh my the shock and horrah

  3. We really need a giant rubber duck that we can paste the entire US Constitution to the bottom of. These idiots actually think they have the authority to tell people, not only who you can talk to, but what you are allowed to talk about. I wish we could export them all to a country where that sort of thinking is allowed.

    I remember thinking Lally was just a dumbass that they were throwing under the bus in some sort of bizarre attempt to blame him for everything that is wrong in Norfolk County. He’s just as morally bankrupt as Morrissey. He has no ethics and he isn’t the slightest bit interested in justice.

  4. Will there be a complaint filed with the BBO? But then again, look at what happened with the BBO complaint on Morrissey – 0.00

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