Andover Parents Of 9th Place Girl Displaced By Male Brookline Hurdler At State Championship Meet Defend Cheating Boy, Attack People Defending Girl Athletes

Update – Matthew Quick just called me on the phone and threatened me repeatedly. I will be discussing this on the Live Show tonight at 9 PM. Click here to subscribe to our YouTube channel and watch.
Yesterday we published a blog about a Brookline High School boy who believes that he is a girl and helped the girl’s track team win a state championship by finishing in 4th place in the 55 meter hurdles. Chloe Barnes had a message for any of the girls he beat who objected to his intrusion into their previously safe space.
“Deal with it,” Barnes said. “Just deal with it.”
Here is Chloe collecting his 4th place medal.
In the hurdles it helps to be tall and have long legs. Chloe went through male puberty so his femurs are bigger and stronger than the rest of the girls, and is able to step over the hurdles with relative ease. None of his competitors stand above his shoulders.
Many have suggested that this will never end until girls take a stand and refuse to participate in this charade. It would certainly send a loud and powerful message if the gun went off and he was the only person who left the starting blocks. Unfortunately this is a lot to ask of 15 year old girls, who know that they would be vilified by their peers, coaches, administrators, and the media for standing up for themselves. Here is a reaction to our story from an Andover resident named Brad, proving that point.
If you stand up for girls when boys cheat in order to beat them in sports, then you are a transphobe and a bigot. Your sharing of this information is “biased and “has no place here.” So says Brad.
But Brad is a childless ghoul who doesn’t care about girls because he’s a misogynist. This is why these girls’ parents need to be their voices for them. Sadly, it appears as if the parents of the girls who were most effected by this obvious cheater are willing to watch their daughters suffer.
This is Matthew Quill and Kathy Quill from Andover.
Their daughter Shayla finished in 9th place in the preliminary heats, but only 8 qualify for the finals so she was kept out. If Chloe ran against the boys as he should’ve, then Shayla would have qualified for the finals and scored points for her team. Her prelim time would’ve placed her in 7th in the finals.
These are the girls who are most affected by the allowance of male intrusion into female sports. The women who finished in 9th and 17th place in the NCAA swimming championships last year missed out on being All-Americans due to Lia Thomas announcing that he felt like a man. But too often we only pay attention when the male athlete gets first place or smashes a record in ridiculous fashion. When the male athletes finish in 4th no one notices.
If Matthew and Kathy cared about their daughter they would be outraged on her behalf. But Shayla’s parents seem to be OK with it. Here’s what Dad said.
Any man who refuses to stand up for his daughter when boys are taking things away from her that she has earned, is not a man. This is why this it is allowed to happen – weak, spineless cowards like Matthew Quill allow their daughters to be treated like this. According to him it is “Trumpist trolling” to believe that boys should not be allowed to beat up on his daughter and other high school girls.
Your daughter “missed the finals” because a boy was allowed to compete against her. No matter how hard your daughter worked and trained over her 4 year career at Andover, there was nothing she could possibly do to beat a biological male who just began hurdling this season. Allowing yourself to be victimized in order to avoid a confrontation is not being a “compassionate kind person,” it’s being a coward.
People like Matthew Quill are so obsessed with Donald Trump that they are willing to allow their daughters to be treated like this. In reality you do not have to be a Trump supporter to point out that something seriously immoral and evil is being perpetrated against female children. Nor do you have to be a Tucker Carlson fan.
Tucker Carlson is not the only person who can see when an obvious injustice is playing out in front of our eyes.
Matthew Quill is a misogynist who is too cowardly to stand up for his daughter, but he will stand up to a random person on Facebook who points out that his daughter got screwed over by the poison of transgenderism.
If only he brought that same energy to the MIAA for allowing this to happen.
He really wanted to meet up with this guy though.
Your daughter didn’t even qualify for the All-State meet because you have to make the finals to do that. You can’t advance to nationals without first advancing to states.
The mother was just as bad.
So it’s OK that this happened because it was a month ago and anyone who has a problem with male intrusion into women’s sports is a hateful Tucker Carlson watching bigot. Gotcha. I’m not sure why “the girl that missed out” is in quotes, because that’s exactly what she is. What’s really sad is that strangers seem to care more about standing up for her than her own useless parents.
Others in the community agreed with the parents, like Aneesah Hasan.
According to Aneesah, “the girls that this article is advocating for could have run and placed first,” and then Chloe wouldn’t have beaten them.
Ya got that girls? It’s your fault because you didn’t work hard enough. You should’ve finished in 1st place instead of 9th, and then you wouldn’t have to worry about a boy beating you in the hurdles. Stop crying, losers!
Or how bout this quote from Aneesah?
“Are the girls that didn’t make the cut upset about this? If they aren’t, I don’t see what we could do.”
You’re the adults. You are supposed to be their voice for them. When kids do speak out they are attacked as bigots and transphobes. Just ask Selina Soule, the Connecticut girl who kept finishing in 9th place in track events because two boys became girls and smashed every state record in the sprinting events.
Selina Soule is a bigot.
— gertrude mugler (@gertrude_mugler) September 28, 2022
Aneesah also “doesn’t subscribe to the notion that someone took someone else’s spot,” because “things meant for you will happen and things not meant for you will not happen.”
Ya got that ladies? If boys take things from you it’s best if you shut up and deal with it. It’s just not meant to happen. Just ask the feminist whose ultra-conservative religion forces her to wear a hijab whenever she leaves the house.
As a man I will never be personally affected or hurt by transgenderism. Only women and girls will by this transparent misogyny. Do not allow the people who are actively seeking to hurt women to gaslight you by calling YOU the bigot. Call them out, name them, shame them, and never stop advocating for girls who would otherwise be voiceless.