TB Investigates

Another Person Threatened By WCVB Reporter Katie Thompson Falconer For Posting About Dog Abuse At Falco K9 Shows Messages 


Katie Thompson is still on the air at WCVB despite her alleged involvement in covering up widespread animal abuse at her husband Tyler Falconer’s Falco K9 business. Another victim of Katie Thompson reached out to us yesterday to show us screenshots of messages Falconer sent her after the woman posted about the allegations of abuse at Falco K9 in a South Boston Dog Facebook group in 2021. Thompson said that there was only one allegation, and that it was an isolated incident.

The woman Katie is referring to is Margie Ruggieri, whose 5 month old Great Dane came home emaciated after a short stay at Falco. Ruggieri’s whistle blowing launched the ARL investigation in 2021 and Falconer attempted to silence her by threatening in her in a case and desist letter. Thompson called Ruggieri on the day she was marrying Falconer and used her unborn baby in an attempt to guilt Ruggieri into removing her posts about Falco K9. After I mentioned this call in the blog Thompson and Falconer drove to Plymouth to file a police report against Ruggieri and myself, alleging without any evidence that her phone call was secretly recorded.

Thompson made it seem in the message above that Ruggieri took down her posts after the cease and desist letter was sent, which never happened. There was no misinformation spread by Ruggieri, and it was not an attack. This message was yet another attempt by Thompson to monitor the Internet and intimidate people into self-censorship in order to cover up animal abuse at her husband’s business.

However, the woman she had messaged was an attorney and was the one who had referred Ruggieri to Falco in the first place. Falconer had accused her of slander on South Boston Facebook group post and got the admins to remove the post entirely.

Katie Thompson was well aware of the serious allegations of animal abuse and neglect going on at Falco K9. She could’ve said nothing, but instead she repeatedly contacted anyone who said anything disparaging about her husband’s business in an attempt to bully them into self-censorship. This makes her complicit. No one who works in the media should be in the business of any sort of censorship, and no one accused of such serious crimes should be employed as a firefighter in Burlington. But even more concerning is Thompson’s acceptance of widespread animal abuse, and her smearing of those who dared to speak up about it.


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