
Arlington Town Manager Forces Police To Remove Thin Blue Line Emblem From Police Cars After Ordering Black Lives Matter Flag To Hang From Town Hall 


This is Arlington Town Manager Adam Chapdelaine.

He’s a rabid SJW who constantly panders to the domestic terrorist organization known as black lives matter, which has been responsible for massive property destruction, looting, and rioting nationwide. In early June he further endorsed and amplified this organization by ordering the black lives matter flag, which is political in nature, to be hung from Arlington Town Hall and virtue signaled about it at a press conference.

I’m sure he felt quite proud of himself. He fixed racism. Yay.

Despite being a good labor supporting liberal, Chapdelaine wants to make it clear that the one union he’s not a support of is police.

Funny, he has no such worries about teacher’s unions protections that reduce accountability if black kids aren’t receiving an adequate education. I suppose he’d have to be in charge of a town where over 2.3% of the population was black in order for that to happen though.

Adam Chapdelaine has apparently been watching the news out of Hingham and Danvers where cowardly town officials forced the fire departments to take down thin blue line flags, because he wanted to take it one step further by doing it to the Arlington Police.

He’s making the police take down a symbol that supports murdered police officers, presumably because the police mourning their dead is offensives to someone who hates the police. This despite the fact that the APD has bent over backwards to work with BLM by protecting anyone who has had their BLM flag vandalized, and despite the fact that the town is actively hanging a BLM flag from Town Hall.

Arlington is a town where just 17% of the people voted for Donald Trump in 2016. And because the President supports law enforcement and doesn’t bow to BLM, this will likely be a popular move amongst the people who live there and look down on the men and women who keep them safe in their overwhelmingly white, wealthy community. What a disgrace. If you’d like to write Adam Chapdelaine a respectfully worded email urging him to reconsider this insanely hypocritical and partisan decision, you can reach him at . Meanwhile the police should refuse to obey this ridiculous order.


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