Poor Behavior

Beverly Nurse Uses Dead Patient’s Hand To Fear Monger And Spread Propaganda About Why We Should Give Up Civil Liberties


Editor’s Note: I discussed a lot of the content in this blog on last night’s live show, so if you’re on the road you can listen to it on YouTube or download the podcast from our iTunes channel.




Saw this viral post shared yesterday in a Milford Facebook group and it drove me nuts.


I saw a dramatically staged woman’s hand holding a rosary and immediately knew what this was – a person who allegedly died of COVID. Without even reading the post I knew what the message was – if you want to open up your business and/or not have all of your civil liberties stripped from you, then you killed this woman.

Let me be very clear – this sort of propaganda means absolutely nothing to me. It doesn’t have the effect that you thought it would have when you posted it. It just strengthens my resolve to open up the economy because it makes me realize that all that Team Lockdown has is fear and emotion. They don’t like logic, facts, or reason, because all of those things will lead you to the conclusion that the country must open up. Thus they resort to “you want old people to die if you think your rights are important.”

The post she was sharing came from Liz Rowney Morrison, a “float RN” at Beverly hospital. Guess what Facebook filters she uses?

If you’re a nurse and you’re writing, “Stay the f*** home” on Facebook, you are trash. I don’t care what you do for a living. You are vulgar and trashy and I have no respect for you. I won’t be told what to do by self important authoritarians who are still getting paid, think they’re more important than everyone else, and swear at me on Facebook.

Here’s her post that has been shared over 5K times and counting.

Just a few problems:

  • There’s no evidence whatsoever that this happened, or that this is a patient of her’s.
  • Anyone who gives permission to a nurse to stage a dramatic photograph of their dead mother so that she can use it to push fear mongering propaganda on Facebook, isn’t someone I feel remotely bad for.
  • The fact that this woman “had other health issues” proves my point. This is a disease that is less dangerous to healthy, young people than driving a car.
  • Most importantly, where is the evidence Grandma died because someone without a mask on breathed COVID on her? This narcissistic nurse is saying with absolute certainty that Grandma would be alive if people wore masks, yet there is no evidence of that. This is just idiotic, meaningless propaganda, and exploitation of a grieving family so that she can get likes on Facebook and other suburban white women can tell her how brave she is for doing her job.

She shows her true colors with this line:

“I don’t know what is sadder these days … all of the deaths or the fact that our society is so self consumed that wearing a simple mask to protect our most vulnerable members of society is such a infringement on our civil liberties . Wearing a mask is about protecting our elderly our sick and vulnerable it is not about YOU.”

The second you cavalierly tossed aside the blatant infringement on civil liberties due to a disease is the second I stopped taking anything you had to say seriously.

It’s not about me, it’s about everyone.

It’s about the small business owner who is losing everything over this ridiculous, pointless lockdown.

It’s about mothers going for a walk in Gloucester who get harassed and attacked by people like this nurse for not wearing a mask.

It’s about the 86% of child abuse victims who aren’t being protected because DCF can’t do home visits and their teachers can’t see the bruises on their arms.

It’s about my kids who couldn’t interact with another child for two months.

It’s about high school seniors who just were stripped of some of the most memorable experiences of their lives.

It’s about the people who are driven to suicide to over this.

It’s about people who can’t eat because they have a cavity and can’t get a dentist appointment.

It’s about people who need to talk to their therapist but can’t because it’s not essential.

It’s about people who are in pain and can’t get an appointment with a physical therapist.

It’s about people of color who are now being racially profiled and arrested because they have pot on them in large cities for the crime of not socially distancing.

I could go on and on. Just because I care about these people and the complete erosion of our civil liberties, doesn’t mean I don’t care about Grandma. And you are a terrible person for telling me that it does. Posts like that only radicalize me more because it makes me realize how desperate and pathetic Team Lockdown is. I don’t know the woman in that picture, but at no point in her younger years did the elderly tell her that she couldn’t live her life. And I have a hard time believing that she wants the rest of the society to stop living in order to protect her, even though she’s in no danger at all if people choose to not be slaves to their homes.

The nurse also shared this:

She should be fired for even suggesting that hospitals should refuse to treat COVID patients for “protesting and disagreeing with what experts are saying.” Will they turn away people from herpes treatment because they’re addicted to raw dog? Will they turn away people from bypass surgery because they like Wendy’s and never exercised? Will they deny people the right to an abortion because they didn’t use the Turtleboy birth control method of the chest?

I mean that too. She should be fired. No questions asked. This woman is a disgrace to her profession. Shut up and do your job.


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