Boston 25 News Reporter Memorializes Revere Man Who Stabbed Boston Police Officer On Saturday And Was Killed


A Revere man named Richard Ortiz was killed by Boston Police in Dorchester over the weekend after stabbing a cop. Here was Boston 25 News reporter Jill Konopka’s initial take on it:

After that she decided to speak with the victim’s friends and family, except to her the “victim” was the dead guy who stabbed a cop:

Oh good, I really wanted to know more about the life accomplishments of a deadbeat criminal who fucked around and found out. I’m sure his 4 kids were well taken care of and will split the trust fund he left them. Good thing Jill Konopka went out and found Angelina Colon so she could share pictures of him rocking the flat brimmed hat at her baby shower.

Boston 25 News was rightly bombarded with comments calling them out for glorifying a would be cop killer and ended up removing the story entirely, which I don’t think I’ve ever seen before. People should do this every time the media tries to commemorate a career shitbag who was justifiably killed by police officers in order to stir up racial tensions. Even Michelle Wu resisted the urge to make this incident all about the dirtbag.

Her thoughts are most definitely not with the officer’s loved ones, who she’d fire in a heartbeat if they weren’t vaccinated.



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