Boston Globe, City Officials Come After West Roxbury Restaurant After Activist Share Photos Of People Eating And Geoff Diehl Holds Political Event Inside

This is Meri Bond from Roslindale.
A few weeks ago this woman, who evidently goes to the same barbershop as Rand Paul, was walking by a restaurant in West Roxbury called West on Centre when she noticed people (gasp) EATING!!! Naturally she posted a picture of it in a community Facebook group in order to shame the patrons and the restaurant for the crime of not living in fear of COVID like she does.
There couldn’t be more than a dozen people in that restaurant, they’re sitting separately, and they’re not wearing masks because you can’t eat or drink with a mask on. But this is Roslindale so of course these innocent people supporting small businesses needed to be named and shamed by Rozzy Rand Paul.
The post was pulled down after innocent people eating food began to get doxxed, but the next day the topic was revived again and an intense conversation broke out about the dangers of being out in public for more than 10 minutes while wearing less than 3 masks.
These people don’t even realize what a parody they are. Meg Vulliez spent an “unnecessary” 10 minutes at Savers while wearing 2 masks, and she can’t stop thinking about if she did the right thing by venturing out in public to buy something at a store. If only she had worn 3 or 4 more masks, then 5 grandmas would’ve been spared. Hope she survives.
She would never eat an entire meal of food at a restaurant with non-family members, but she would eat food in her house with her family despite the fact that 74% of transmissions occur in your home. Because, science.
Meanwhile, Emma Jane McWilliams said that going out to dinner “doesn’t seem that enjoyable at all.” But then again, does this look like the face of a human being who has ever found anything in life enjoyable?
Nuff said.
According to her it was OK to shame these people because “mind your business doesn’t apply here.” And that right there is COVID hysteria in a nutshell. You no longer are urged to shut up and mind your own business because we have empowered an army of Karens who believe they are saving lives every time they shame law abiding citizens for the crime of choosing to live their lives, rather than cower in fear.
Now three weeks later the City of Boston and the Globe are coming after this same restaurant because Geoff Diehl posted some pictures at an event there two weeks ago.
Boston licensing officials may sanction a West Roxbury restaurant where Republican leaders gathered earlier this month and appeared to flout COVID-19 social distancing protocols, according to photos from the event posted online. A former state representative, congressional candidate, and a few dozen others gathered at West on Centre for a “Lincoln’s Day Breakfast” event where many attendees appeared to be maskless, even in close quarters. The city’s Licensing Board is aware of the event and plans to call the restaurant’s managers to a violation hearing, a spokeswoman said Tuesday.
Geoff Diehl, a US Senate candidate in 2018 who is reportedly considering a 2022 run for governor, posted a series of photos from the mid-February event showing a buffet station with several chafing dishes, and attendees serving themselves beverages and listening to speakers. Diehl and others, including Mark Littles, a Republican candidate for Congress, are pictured without masks in selfies. Attendees, including Diehl and Littles, did not return requests for comment, nor did representatives for Governor Charlie Baker, a Republican, and the Massachusetts GOP.
For many state and county Republican parties, “Lincoln Day” is a major fund-raising event. Massachusetts restaurants are allowed to operate at 40 percent capacity under strict requirements. Customers may remove masks only “in the actual act of eating and drinking.”
“Self-serve, unattended buffets, topping bars, drink stations, and other communal serving areas must remain closed,” according to the state’s restrictions. Restaurants may be fined as much as $500 per violation.
Managers for West on Centre did not respond to questions about whether the event observed COVID-19 restrictions. A woman who answered the phone at the restaurant said only that the event was a “non-story.”
You know Shirley Leung hit the roof the minute this restaurant’s manager told the reporter that their story was a “non story.” The Globe is very busy covering up for Monica Cannon-Grant and countless others who go along with their political agenda, so they have plenty of time to dedicate to “non stories” about people eating food together at a restaurant.
For what it’s worth there isn’t a single restaurant in this state that’s operating at less than 40% or making people wear masks in between bites. Go out to eat and watch what happens. This guy made a great point about it on Twitter and you should give him a follow until they ban him again.
We tried going out to eat last Friday and couldn't get a seat at multiple restaurants which were well over 50% capacity. Nobody is scared. Nobody is listening. Yet he keeps talking.
— AidanKearneyTB (@DoctorTurtleboy) February 23, 2021
If you want to trigger these people then just go out and take selfies with your friends in public. Nothing freaks them out more than that.
Here’s the thing though, it’s OK when Geoff Diehl does it because Republicans have been vocally opposed to lockdowns and masking this whole time, largely because they know it doesn’t stop the spread. Democrats also go out and violate these rules all the time, but the difference is they’re the ones promoting lockdowns and masking. See Gavin Newsom, Nancy Pelosi, Marty Walsh, Gina Raimondo, the Mayors of Austin, San Francisco, and Denver, along with pretty much every other politician for reference.
The best part is that a year ago these same hypocrites telling you to stay home and blaming Donald Trump for not doing enough to prepare and stop the spread, were telling you to go out and eat at Chinese restaurants to prove you weren’t racist. That’s exactly what lockdown queens like Ayanna Pressley and Michelle Wu did in Boston.
“Support Chinatown restaurants hurt by overreaction to coronavirus.”
Overreaction to coronavirus. This is what they were saying as the virus spread rapidly across the United States, but before they told you it was Trump’s fault that businesses had to close and your kids can’t go to school.
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