Boston Police Chief Interrupted With “Your Momma” Vulgarities By Heckler Friend Of Rachael Rollins During Press Conference At Triple Shooting Homicide

This is Joao Depina, a self described community activist from Boston who asks for PayPal donations so he can follow the scanner around looking for drama.
He ran for City Council in 2017 but it didn’t go as planned.
He’s still politically active though and is a big supporter for District Attorney Rachael Rollins.
And since he’s active in BLM and left wing politics he of course runs in the same social circles as Boston’s biggest racist, Monica Cannon-Grant.
Over the weekend three men were shot in the South End/Roxbury area and one of them died.
#BREAKING: One man died in a shooting in #Roxbury tonight, according to @bostonpolice Commissioner William Gross. Two others were also shot, he said. #NBC10Boston #NECN
— Mike Manzoni NBC10 Boston (@MikeNBCBoston) September 19, 2020
Joao heard it on the scanner and showed up to harass the police officers and go after Chief William Gross, who he apparently dislikes despite posing for selfies with him.
He streamed it live on Facebook, and it was everything you dreamed it would be and more. Around the 23 minute mark, for absolutely no reason, he starts harassing some officers who had set up a perimeter for the crime scene. Then around the 40 minute mark he started harassing Willie Gross, who may or may not have subtly given him the middle finger, before losing his ever loving mind, vowing to disrupt the press conference, following through on his threat, and being consoled by Rachael Rollins herself (she comes on around the 1:06 mark).
His voice sounds like two cartons of Newport Lights making a baby. Maybe I missed the part where Chief Gross talked smack about his momma, but he sure seemed to have a thing for Willie’s momma.
“With your crazy college degree that you got cuz you was fucking the administrator bitch. I know your business Willie. You stupid fat f***!!”
“My momma’s way beautiful and better looking then yours will ever be. And mine is still alive and doing well. You’re gonna suck d*** when she dies.”
All I could think of was….
He has since changed his profile picture to Chief Gross flipping the bird in his direction which he totally deserved.
Keep in mind, someone had just died and two more were suffering from gunshot wounds, but instead of respecting that Joao decided to cause a scene and make it all about him in the name of “free speech.” He is the black Josh Abrams with smaller boobs.
This is what it sounded like on the news.
“You should’ve never given me the finger and you wouldn’t have had a mother f***ing problem. Ya fat cowboy!”
I won’t lie, I laughed.
Luckily Auntie Rachael was there to make him feel special and keep Joao from getting arrested, which almost definitely would’ve happened because he’s obviously incapable of any sort of self control. The conversation was like a first grade teacher talking to a student who forgot to take his Ritalin.
“He gave me the finger Rachael.”
“Right out here on camera.”
“He told me My momma and gave me the middle finger.”
“He shouldn’t, let me make a comment about what happened tonight and I will come right back to you. Can you hold my phone and my badge? Please, I don’t want them to do anything, you are entitled to what you are feeling. If that happened that shouldn’t have happened.”
“That’s what happened, I have it on camera Rachael.”
“OK but look at me. I don’t want you to be bothered by the police tonight.”
“My heart is pounding.”
“I felt that.”
“Hold my badge and my phone, I trust you with my belongings.”
This woman really is the neighborhood ratchet whisperer. She knows how to calm them down because grundle gremlins like this are a significant part of her campaign team. Just let them play with your badge and tell them you’re investigating their very serious allegation of the chief of police talking smack about Joe Momma so they can feel special and go back to leafletting for you next election cycle.
I’ll give Rachael Rollins one thing – she is the ultimate politician. She knows exactly how to present herself as fair and not radical by going on Tucker Carlson and Howie Carr, despite being one of the most radical politicians holding political office today. But at the end of the day this is who she represents, and there’s a reason people like Joao have a direct line to her. All they have to do is just not embarrass her publicly or endorse someone running against Ed Markey like Monica did and she won’t cut bait.
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