Poor Behavior

Braintree, Andover Teachers Defy School Committee Orders To Return To Work Because They Feel Unsafe, Pictures From This Summer Show Crowded Maskless Gatherings 


Teachers in Andover and Braintree are defying their local school committees who voted to begin school using hybrid learning, where kids are in school for some days and do “remote learning” on other days. There’s no reason for schools not be fully reopened, since children do not die from COVID, and according to the CDC just 6% of reported COVID deaths were completely attributed to COVID. Any teacher who is so sick that COVID could potentially kill them is free to get a doctor’s note and get a paid vacation while a sub does their job for the year. But the vast majority of teachers are healthy and can do their job without dying, even if they contract the virus. The unions in Braintree and Andover have decided that none of them are safe, and are acting like spoiled children who have never been told “no.”

WCVBTeachers in Andover returned to work Monday for an in-person development day but refused to enter the school buildings. Monday was supposed to be the first of 10 in-person professional development days for teachers before students start hybrid-learning on Sept. 16, however the Andover Education Association voted overwhelmingly last week to start the year remotely.

“We’re going to work today. We’re going to do our job. We’re going to do it remotely outside of the school buildings,” said Matt Bach, president of the Andover Education Association.

The Andover School District said the workplace safety action is really an illegal work stoppage, writing “Today’s action by the Andover Education Association shows a disregard for our families and students, who have confidence in the district’s work to ensure our buildings are safe for our students and staff.”

The School Committee will hold an executive session at 4:30 p.m. to discuss options for litigation, adding that they expect educators to continue their professional development in school buildings Tuesday.

“I think there’s just a growing group of parents who are really frustrated at this point and super concerned. This has become about so much more than our kids, and our kids belong in school,” parent Stephanie Sweet said. “I think that the issues between the union and the school district are really starting to cloud what’s most important in this.”

“We are OK with the added safety measures. We are not OK with teachers refusing to show up at school,” she said.

The media should call this what it is – a paid strike. Teachers work for the the taxpayers. Their employer is the School Committee, and they have voted for them to return to work inside the building. Their opinions on what is and isn’t “safe” is irrelevant. If they don’t like it they are free to quit. But parents and pretty much everyone else in the world has had quite enough of the whining coming from teachers, especially when we can’t send our kids to school and are expected to quit our jobs in order to do theirs for them. Everyone else finds a way to interact with other human beings all day long, but for some reason it’s teachers who are the ones who seem to be most susceptible to dying from COVID.

I am glad to see parents finally speaking out though. These teachers do not care about your kids and certainly will not advocate for them. You elected a School Committee to set policy, and you pay for the salaries of the people who are supposed to be teaching your kids. You don’t have to be silent about your displeasure.

This is the Andover Educator’s Association President Matthew Bach.

As you can see, he went with the tenured college professor look, but apparently couldn’t get a job in higher education so he teaches in the public schools instead. If he doesn’t do his job and go to work as he’s been dictated to then he should be fired. Plain and simple. He’s being insubordinate and urging other teachers to do the same. The only people being hurt by their selfish actions are the kids, who they clearly do not care about as they enjoy their nice day lounging on the grass.

Meanwhile in Braintree they have something similar brewing.

“We do not believe that….”

What you believe doesn’t matter. The community feels safe enough to send their kids back, they pay your salary, the SC said you have to go back, so you must go back.

“We will conduct our work remotely.”

Oh I see – you set policy now. If you don’t feel like doing what your employer tells you to do you can just ignore them. Ya know, because people travel to Braintree.

Unlike every other town in America where a wall keeps foreigners at bay.

Again, if the union led by Claire Brady and Hillary Carpinella don’t feel like going back, they’re more than welcome to find a new line of work where listening to your boss is optional.

The Braintree Educator’s Association didn’t seem too afraid of COVID this summer though.

They’re really afraid of going back to work because then they’d have to be near each other and could spread COVID. But standing shoulder to shoulder without masks on is perfectly safe. Ya know, because…science.

Just going through the MTA’s Facebook page will drive you insane.

“Why would we need to be in the building in order to teach?”

Maybe because that’s where the kids are, you brain dead nudnik. I’ve never seen such a group of pathetic cowards in my life.

These same people will tell you to “stop whining” if you complain about it too.

Plenty of my taxes go to you already, and I’m fine with that because I support public education. But a big part of public education is having functioning schools where kids can go to learn. We don’t have that because you’re pretending to be afraid of a virus that killed less than 11,000 Americans. (According to the CDC just 6% of reported 180K COVID deaths were completely attributed to COVID. Most were extremely sick already. So unless you have a doctor’s note saying that COVID could push you over the top if you get it, then you need to get back to work and stop crying about a virus that we’re all going to get eventually. Stop hiding from commie cold.


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