Law and Order

Brawl In Hyannis Housing Project Leads To 3 Arrests, Parents Upset Their Kids Were Filmed Flashing Gang Signs In Video 


Last week in Hyannis police were called to Cromwell Apartments to break up a chick brawl, and the video is a microcosm of what Barnstable has done to Cape Cod.

“Tell him to get that camera out of here before I f***ing sue him.”

She seems charming. Pro tip – if you don’t want be arrested and filmed it’s best not to engage in mid-day brawls in the projects.

You know you live in a country that’s not thinking straight when you can live in public housing while rocking Jordan’s and a fupa. If this isn’t a Barnstable birthday suit I don’t know what is.

What I’m about to say is the most common sense statement ever:

If you can afford to be morbidly obese then you shouldn’t qualify for public housing. Everyone who collects welfare in this country should be skinny from hunger and not own anything nice. If you can afford $200 sneakers and so much food that your tank tops look like they’re shrinking faster than glaciers on global warming, then you shouldn’t get a dime from the taxpayers. These maggots will spend the rest of their lives leeching off the taxpayers, doing nothing to improve themselves, contributing nothing while causing nothing but problems for police, using a disproportionate amount of government healthcare and police resources, and not once asking themselves how any of this is paid for.

According to the police log the cheesehog and Doogie Eyebroswer are named Taylor McCollem and Talese Lopes, and somehow during the sordid affair they managed to assault both a pregnant woman and a police officer.

As for the parents who are worried that their children were inadvertently filmed in public and wanted their images removed from the video, you have completely failed as parents.

Your little project potatoes are flashing gang signs and loved every minute of the chaos.

A woman by the name of Ashley Lorraine was vigorously defending the junior hoodboogers in comments.

“Their probably gonna be father in life.”

No argument there, but they definitely won’t be paying child support.

Funny she believes that these kids are going places in life though, since Ashley should know better than anyone what the end product of ratchet parenting looks like.

Just ask her parents Amy Stetson and Jeffrey Hine.


In her house growing up the middle finger was just how they said hello to each other.

Anyway, if any of these fine sea creatures wants to come on the Live Show this weekend to tell us more about this event they’re free to email [email protected] or message Clarence Woods Emerson on Facebook.


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