Law and Order

Bridgewater Resident Calls Police On Neighbor For Dog Abuse, Turns Out It Was Stuffed Animal In Cage For Sale On Front Lawn


A blog in 2 screenshots:

We did a few blogs on on the Bridgewater Police Twitter account in 2015 and it’s one of the best local police department follows on the web. Apparently dog drama is one of the biggest issues in town.

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But they also have cat drama.

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Shitty children drama.

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Naughty wife drama.

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Drunken college kid drama.

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And other really important, pressing matters.







But the Karen who called the cops because they couldn’t differentiate between a living, breathing dog, and a prize someone won at the Brockton Fair 8 years ago, is my new favorite Bridgewater Karen. The owner should’ve used a stuffed pit bull instead of that cute pooch. No one gives a shit about pit bulls.


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