Poor Behavior

Brockton Mother Threatens To Kill Woman Who Warned Her That WIC Baby Formula She’s Selling On Facebook Was Recalled After Babies Got Sick


Editor’s Note: The woman featured in this blog says she wants to share her side of the story on the Live Show tonight at 9 PM. Click here to subscribe to our YouTube channel and watch.

This is Naomie Paul from Brockton.

She’s a rapper, Herbalife salesman, and an aspiring Craigs List call girl who goes by the street name “Nana,” presumably because Grandma was already taken.


She’s got a couple kids, and recently gave birth in December.


She breast feeds and thus has no use for all the food stamp baby formula she acquired, so naturally she began selling it in the one place where guttermuppets go when they wanna buy half priced food stamps.


The problem is there was a recall on this brand of baby formula.

The FDA said last week that it is investigating four reports of infants who were hospitalized after consuming the formula, including one who died, so it’s probably best not to sell this to strangers. It’s also probably best not to rip off the government by selling your food stamp baby formula on Facebook.

A concerned woman reached out to the Gestation Jizzard to let her know about the recall. She replied by telling the concerned woman that she was aware of the recall, but she was selling it anyway because people wanted to buy it.

Makes sense. People wanna buy heroin so logically then you should be allowed to sell that too.

Nana then began to message and call the woman with threats, inviting her to her crack lair in Brockton. In doing so she inadvertently admitted that she doesn’t actually have custody of her children.


“I don’t have them…they’re well cared for.”

Correction – they’re well cared for BECAUSE you don’t have them.


When someone else is raising your raw dog trophies for you it leaves you with a lot of free time for Facebook living yourself double fisting with the homies.


After that she had a collection of men, who quite likely just finished running train on her, leave the concerned woman some threatening voicemails vowing to pull up to her house 4 cars deep.

So yea, if you’re in the market for some half priced baby formula and don’t mind risking your newborn’s life then his up Naomie because it’s going fast!



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