Burrillville Woman Who Used Credit Card Sent To Wrong Address To Buy Cigarettes And Thongs Is A Reverend Who Works For Security Agency

A few weeks ago a Burrillville woman posted in a community Facebook group after her new credit card was shipped to the wrong address and the ratchet on the receiving end decided to go on a spending spree instead of contacting the person it was intended for.
Two weeks later they figured out who it was.
NRINOW: A Harrisville woman who police say was attempting to shop both online and in-person using someone else’s credit card has been charged with theft and fraud after an investigation earlier this month. Inez Sanchez, 47, was arrested on April 3, and is now facing six counts of fraudulent use of a credit card, plus one count each of theft and obtaining money under false pretenses. According to police, the victim said her new Capital One card had never arrived in the mail, but it had been used for online transactions with clothing retailers Fashion Nova and Shein. The card was reportedly declined when someone tried to use it to purchase cigarettes at Li’l General in Harrisville, and police identified Sanchez via camera footage. The arrest report notes that when an officer called the suspect, “she stated she was not going to come willingly to the police station to speak with me.” Records provided by Capital One showed additional charges from Etsy.com and RI Zoological Society, and company officials told police that they wished to press charges. A warrant was issued, and police visited the suspect’s home to take her into custody. Sancez is set to be arraigned in 6th District Court on Tuesday, May 3.
Turns out she’s done it to other people too.
And she looks exactly as you imagined a person who received someone else’s credit card and instinctively thought to buy Newports and thongs would look.
Yikes! Girl got more brows than Google Chrome. Who wore it better?
Trust me Rhonda Browsy, we definitely know your story. And it involves a whole lot of larceny, evictions, restraining orders, judgements in civil court, bong rips, food stamps, and raw dog.
You’d think that after getting arrested and charged Inez would keep a low profile for a bit, but instead she’s on Facebook bragging about how she can pay her bills without a man.
All she needs is someone else’s credit card.
The night before she was living her best life, AKA doing Facebook Live videos getting crunk in a salsa club
Why does every song sound exactly the same?
All I can think of when I hear music like that is some guy with a flat brimmed Chicago Bulls hat and a chin strap who never left Lawrence, driving around with the windows down in his pimped out 2007 Honda Civic, forcing other people to listen to the audio diarrhea he makes babies to.
She’s full of inspirational quotes about correcting bad behavior, and “being yourself.”
Even though for Ronda Browsy “being herself” means never correcting shitty behavior.
She also appears to be gainfully employed as a security guard for a company called DRIKS Agency.
Apparently this place hires criminals to do security for the Mayors of East Providence and Brockton, the Governor of Rhode Island, and the 4th biggest music artist in Brazil.
Someday they will provide security for the 3rd biggest music artist in Brazil. Someday.
DRIKS appears to be a very legit organization where ratchets get to dress up like cops and give themselves arbitrary titles like they’re part of a revolutionary junta that temporarily took control of a poverty stricken Central American nation.
They undergo extensive pat down training in furniture free residential buildings.
It’s a really serious company.
Oh, and did I mention that Inez is also a certified Reverend?
Still more legit than Bishop Tony Branch. You would think that “thou shalt not steal” would’ve kept her from doing what she did, but when you’re a reverend you can just forgive yourself for your sins anyway.