Canton Cover-up Part 283: Mello Cottage Fails Forgets To Do His Homework. Again.

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On January 24th, Turtleboy’s attorney, Tim Bradl, filed an Emergency Petition For Relief From Order Revoking Bail Brought Pursuant to G.L.c. 211, sec. 3. with the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court. Subsequently, Judge McCallum denied Turtleboy’s motion to vacate the prior restraint in paragraph 14 of the RO in Dedham District Court. As a result of this denial, Attorney Bradl had to file a motion to amend the caption of the emergency petition. You can find both documents below.

Emergency Petition for Relief from Order Revoking Bail brought pursuant to G.L. c. 211 sec. 3

SJC petition for relief bail


Motion to Amend Caption of Defendant’s Emergency Petition For Relief From Order Revoking Bail Brought Pursuant to G.L.c. 211, sec 3

Motion to amend caption SJC petition for relief bail with certificate of service final


A response to the emergency petition was due from Mello to Attorney Bradl and the SJC, by midnight last night. As of 9:00 am this morning, Attorney Bradl has not received it and it is not docketed on the SJC site. It appears Mello Cottage Fails may have forgot to do his homework. Again.

As we know, forgetting to do his homework is totally on-brand on for Mello:

  • Going back to the first hearing in superior court, Judge Krupp was practically begging Mello to agree to continuing the hearing until the following week because Mello was so unprepared.
  • At the last hearing in Dedham District Court, Mello forgot to bring the MANDATORY discovery, causing Attorney Bradl to file a motion to the court asking him to do so.
  • Mello didn’t bring any evidence to the hearing in Norfolk Superior Court, for his own motion, which prompted Judge Squires-Lee to remind Mello that usually evidence is brought to court.
  • Mello has a history of defaulting as both an attorney representing a plaintiff and as a defendant himself. He either just doesn’t show up or he chooses to not file the required pleadings.

This is the most competent attorney they could find that would agree to take a case to attack the First Amendment.

We expect a decision from Justice Kafker sometime next week. If Mello truly did not respond to the petition and isn’t granted an extension, Justice Kafker will therefore have no opposition to take into consideration. Any respectable attorney knew better than to take this case. Remember, you get what you pay for. And its the taxpayers of the Commonwealth who are paying for this. Normally, the ADA would prosecute this case under their normal salary. But because no respectable attorney would take this case on, we are forced to pay extra to the guy who forgets to do his homework.

Fingers crossed we could have Dr. Turtleboy back in our lives next week.


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