Canton Cover-Up Part 293: A Letter To Karen Read Supporters – Please Stop The Cringe Behavior

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Yesterday was the second to last pretrial conference in the Karen Read case, and it was rather uneventful. The highlight was an announcement that the FBI would be handing over their findings to the Commonwealth and the defense but is putting a protective order in place that will prevent either side from publicly disclosing their findings. The Commonwealth has not yet agreed to the terms. My educated guess is that the FBI doesn’t want the targets of the investigation to know they are the targets which would mean it’s most likely the McAlberts and state police. But that’s just a guess.
The next hearing is scheduled for February 26 and the motion to dismiss will be heard on that day. I will be in attendance as a free man, as my last day in jail is set for February 23.
That brings me to a topic I wanted to avoid but must address. I was sent some videos yesterday of an incident outside of court in which FKR supporters were getting into a verbal argument with fake reporter Grant Smith Ellis. Grant is a pathological liar who is clearly on the spectrum and spouts insane conspiracy theories while misreporting what actually happens in court.
With that said, the videos I was sent were appalling. Weeks ago, Grant decided to announce to the world that he smokes marijuana for medicinal purposes. Specifically, he bleeds from his anus because he has colitis. And apparently marijuana helps with that. The fact that he would share this information on his “professional” Twitter account speaks volumes to his desire to be a victim and to his undiagnosed autism. People like Grant want you to make fun of them for stuff like this so they can claim victimhood and paint the opposition as mean and cruel.
Yesterday some FKR supporters did exactly that. I will not share the videos, but it was embarrassing to watch multiple people screaming at Grant about his bloody asshole. Have we forgotten what’s at stake here? An innocent woman is framed for murder and I’m in jail for asking questions to the real killers. And we’re tracking down Grant Smith Ellis to taunt him about his bloody asshole? Cringe.
I won’t call out individuals as I don’t believe it’s my duty to police all FKR supporters, nor am I responsible for their behavior. But it’s some of the same people I’ve had to ask to stop doing this before and I’m getting tired of it. It’s a terrible look and not one that I want to be associated with. I implore all FKR supporters to stop giving people like Grant the victimhood they desire. Please watch my video from July for further context.
I was hesitant to write this as I don’t want to get in the habit of denouncing random supporters. I don’t want to give the impression that it is the responsibility of content creators to police the behavior of their thousands of supporters. If I continue to do this, it will likely embolden trolls to stop what I’m doing and condemn every ugly comment made online by my worst-behaved followers. This is not my job or duty to do so.
I’ve been told that Grant apparently started the argument by yelling ridiculous questions at Karen and telling her supporters that they were making fun of her by mocking colitis. Obviously, this makes no sense whatsoever so my response to that is, who cares? Grant doesn’t hide the fact that he is a troll and is not attempting to be a serious person. Let him make a fool of himself instead of giving him the attention he craves.
When I see Grant, I may ask him questions, but it won’t be about his bloody asshole. It will be about his blatant lies and misreporting, and the effect disinformation has on the public. It will be about how someone as dishonest as him can get press credentials in the first place. Grant’s bloody asshole is a distraction from his much more problematic shortcomings.
I realize that I have filmed myself following various McAlberts to their cars. But when I do that, I’m asking questions related to the Karen Read case. I don’t ask Yuri Bukhenik about his shirtless dancing, I ask him about the Ford Edge. I don’t ask Jennifer McCabe about her resemblance to Mr. Ed, I ask her about her involvement in a murder. I don’t ask Karl Dugal about his cuck status, I ask him how a detective can purely use emotions to determine guilt in a murder case.
Please, just leave the car escorts to the experts and stop trying to be Turtleboy, because you’re doing it all wrong. I appreciate your energy and support and I know your heart is in the right place, but you can’t pull it off like I can. Movements need leaders, and the fact of the matter is that I’m the leader of the FKR movement. The problem is that I’m in jail and I’m watching the movement I started turn into an episode of Jerry Springer.
This is why I jokingly started calling myself Daddy months back. It’s not a sexual thing, it’s a reference to the fact that sometimes I have to put my foot down and say enough is enough. I don’t like what I’m seeing, but Daddy’s coming home soon, and I hope to see better behavior on February 26. If you come to court, please dress appropriately or stay outside. If you feel the need to confront someone from the other side, please be appropriate and keep the conversation relevant to the Karen Read case. Remember – it’s not about YOU, so please don’t make it about you by drawing unnecessary, negative attention to yourself. No one is impressed, and in the words of Meatball Morrissey it needs to stop.

Thank you for addressing this.
Harassing/teasing anyone because of a medical issue is wrong, pathetic and so immature. We don’t need to be like that. We don’t need to stoop to that level. Thankfully, the majority of those involved with this movement are not like that. They don’t yell obscenities at people regardless of who it is. They don’t harass, ridicule, swear, etc.
We don’t need to act that way. We have justice on our side.
With respect to this man, he seems to clearly have some intellectual disabilities. Did I see someone post recently that he is in his 30’s and lives with his mom? If so, that’s a good indication that he has somewhat of a diminished capacity. Best thing to do is to ignore him. We also don’t know whether he is dangerous.
But I did notice something from that hearing. It wasn’t attended by many from the other side with the exception of JM, her sisters, a couple of random girls and KP. I heard no mention of any MA State Police there, no Proctor, no Bukhenic and no Tully. Don’t the investigators usually attend these hearings?
Note to JM, that is when you should know you’re close to hitting rock bottom when you have someone like KP in your inner circle. It’s looking like your circle of friends and supporters are dwindling. Maybe because they are experiencing an “awakening” of sorts on your role in John O’Keefe’s murder? Maybe also they don’t want to be on the receiving end of a blog about them. The Alberts, McCabes, and Proctors have become the pariahs in their own town.
Aidan, the finish line is within sight. Keep your chin up, take it one day at a time, and be proud of yourself for making so many aware of this massive injustice.
KP was not at court yesterday with JM.
Oops my bad.. But she is in her inner circle now.
I have worked with adults that are on the spectrum. I love them brutally honest. It’s obvious that he wants one of us to assault him. Ignore him. Better yet roll him a blunt.
What “finish line” within sight lol? Is you stoned? Aidan his staying in jail. He’s hopelessly legally boned. More charges coming. Karen Read cutting him off from information. She’s facing new charges soon. The federal investigation is a tick tick fizzle fizzle no boom! Karen Read’s attorney looked like an idiot in court when asked about “dog dna”. The trial is still on. There is and never was any “coverup”. Hos long until you feel stupid? “Finish line” lmao. That would be Aidan’s face with an inmate’s nut ready to splash him. That’s the “finish line”.
Aidan, let me clarify that I am a supporter of yours. I love that you have exposed the corruption that we all knew existed before this case.
My issue is this. When you were at the sb meeting, standing there giving the Canton Salute with that grin, the look on your face reminded me of a teenager showing off for his friends, looking for approval. That was CRINGE.
Again, I support you, love what you’re doing but you should not throw stones while living in glass houses.
I have mixed feelings about that. I think him giving the finger was more about how CA was known to do that on his social media account. CA is the one that provoked that. Seems like what Aidan did was take that behavior and then throw it back at them. The LOOSAH comment too was initiated by CA.
I get what you’re saying. However he looked like a jackass, 18 year old punk trying to be cool in front of his friends. Aidan has done himself no favors with this incident and others. Stay classy, especially Aidan.
I’m pretty sure he’s not looking for approval from anyone 😂
You’re a blind follower, a.k.a. sheep. 🤣
You missed the point. #StayClassy
There’s a difference between Aidan doing a parody of the so-called victim’s social media presence and absurdly insulting a rather disgusting medical issue with no relevance at all. Huge.
Glass house now that’s a laugh he lived in his wife’s basement but not anymore he has to crawl back to daddy to put a roof over his head. Even though he has grifted so much from all those’d indoctrinated.
Sure Kate whatever you say
Aidan is exposing himself as The Bloody Asshole he always has been .
He certainly has jumped the Shark now.
TB isn’t perfect he doesn’t claim to be but giving the finger does not compare to the endless embarrassing behavior from the FKR/TB supporters. So many weirdos have joined these groups including on Facebook and the cringe behavior is every single day and takes away from the issue at hand.
I personally don’t like hearing people made fun of because of their looks but the difference to me is that if you go out and kill someone, cover it up and then frame an innocent person then it’s fair game. I have no mercy for those people .
But let’s stay focused, stay positive, and let’s keep fighting for justice.
Word from SJC today – Petition DENIED. It was a scathing and 100% rebuke and shut down of Turtleboy and his money sucking attorney. Aidan ain’t getting out of jail soon. Denied, denied, denied!
Dear Turtleboy – We’re just not that into you.
Love, the Supreme Judicial Court
Come on now.. I don’t think we expected it any other way. We are talking about a corrupt DA and his minions.
But can we talk about you for a second. Have you considered some treatment for your mental health issues? Have you considered an in-patient program, medication, therapy, etc. You would benefit from all of it. Think about how much you obsess about Aidan in your daily life. Is it 1 -2 hours or is more like every waking moment? Seems like it is close to every waking moment for you and let’s be honest, that ain’t healthy or normal.
Now ask yourself, and be honest here, how unhappy you are with your life and how it’s turning out? My guess is that if you are honest with yourself you will admit that you have a miserable and depressing life that won’t get better unless some drastic changes happen.
Your rage, anger, obsession, and whatever else you feel in a day is a horrible way to live. Every time you post here or on one of the social media accounts it just shows how sad and pathetic things are for you. Do you get that? It highlights your deficits not Aidan’s. It’s a reflection on you and not anyone else.
What’s hilarious is YES, you all expected it another way. This was the Supreme Judicial Court. The court all y’all minions were so putting all them turtle eggs into. Aidan was shut down hard. Aidan is feeling it in his anus right now while crying in his cell. Not only was his petition DENIED, it was denied as scathingly as a justice of the court could write. Aidan’s high priced leech lawyer looks like a fool.
Link, Granty Panties?
Go to ma appellate court …I’m sure you can figure it out from there.
Sure, look up the Ma appellate court and search bro, search. Otherwise you’ll have to wait forever for the Turtlewaxers to ever post anything on it. Because it’s a huge defeat. And there’s no way to spin it.
No “immediate release”. No phones back. No computers back. Restraining order stays. No release next week.
Thomass Betit. You’re not fooling anyone. By the way, thanks for keeping the psycho babble short this time.
Grant, stop with the fake news already!! Give it up and use a harbor whistle for your bloody brown eye.
“Fake news”? The decision has been published today. Denied denied denied. Licked Aidan right out of the SJC. Won’t you feel stupid that it’s real news – just not the news you needed to see. He’s not getting out next week. Dats fax
Me Cox
Thanks for the update, but it was forgone failure. Wrong venue, premature and j juvenile attempt
15 minutes of fame Bundl, Keeping turtledope at the mushroom farm,( in the dark, feeding him manure). Dope won’t be out for the 26th- he will be indicted, held without right of bail.
He knowingly intimidated a commonwealth witness.
Today’s screed , Nothing more than a hypocritical transparent feeble attempt at Rebranding of turtledope , as reasonable.
Judge and jury will see it , for what it is, Bundl telling his client, try settling Down the crowd, you riled up.
The Karen Read hearing was tragic, in that Yanneti failed at every opportunity.
Was attorney black aware, the hearing was not continued? Typical trial court trial by ambush, Canone didn’t put her thumb on the scales of justice, she took a seat next to launch pail lalley.
Ditto 🤙🏻
Thanks Aidan to some your statement may seem narcissistic but it’s true. Right now I would think twice about attending a hearing or anything else. Tom CPU seems like a nice guy but everything he gets into a cackling match with someone it embarrassing. Or to have that LTL guy act like this is his movement now is a joke. LtL I don’t come to support YoU. Fact is know one has added anything since TB been railroaded. Everyone just still reporting his work. Right now I watch MM girl and the glarer does a great job and stands behind TB
I 100% agree about LTL, he doesn’t even know the basics of this case yet is now the self appointed leader milking every dime he can get. He constantly superchats bigger channels so that they stop what they are saying to announce their thanks to him …..they then seem to be obligated to have him on their channel. I predicted that when Sean was on the Glarers channel that LTL would do everything in his power to then have him on his channel.
Sean appeared on Melanie Little’s channel and lo and behold who pops up non other than LTL …..again the stream stops to welcome him and then he starts gushing to Sean how much he loves him!! All he did was over pronounced nodding throughout the stream and had zero to add to the discussion ….then the very next day he announces Sean will be his next guest ….but that Sean was sick so they would need to rearrange …..I can’t stand LTL and the only reason he covered for TB on TB channel was to raise his own profile and cash in ….I don’t know why all of the luvvies can’t see it??
Totally agree its been very easy to see Brian go on channels then when he goes Live he states its his own opinion, when it was Sean’s ,Wills or Daves. He is close to Coffindodger too which I think is concerning 😟
When we have watched his streams he berates chat constantly. MULTIPLE Times he told EVERYONE not to turn up for standouts and court. The first time I thought he had information that others didn’t but Noo.
Since Aidan’s been away the others are only rehashing what Aidan investigated on and reported on with the exception of Sean onthegulf. He seems to have some good informants and he brings his years of experience. He’s the only one that seems to have new information too.
The rest of the Youtube channels are all just regurgitating all the info we learned from Aidan. I do like the Glarer because he seems less fearful and is willing to speak out. Not so much on the others. MM is also just taking the information that we already knew.
I think you mean Sean McDonough, not Sean on the Gulf
Oh my goodness your spelling and gramma is so bad I question your age but then again you do say your a turtle follower
Ltl was given the ok to keep this going he’s said many times OBVIOUSLY he is not TB never claimed to be, he also covers other high profile murder cases maybe you should think before you speak
He’s calling himself “Daddy”? This is beyond fucked up. In my world I’m not calling any shithead blogger “Daddy”. That must be the way he preys upon needy and desperate women. Real men and real father’s don’t cheat on their wives like this ass-skid. How long before his children visit this website and see how he respects their mother. Reminds me of my time at the Legion where some similar limp cock rocket was going through a divorce and was bad mouthing the mother of his children to any drunk who would listen. When he landed next to me and started that bullshit, I told him to get the fuck away from me while he was badmouthing the mother of his children. Yeah that’s your “DADDY”
Better than calling himself Tom Betit. It’s Beatty and trust me, he would knock you out.
He seems to think his kids will never see his writings or his videos they will the internet is forever plus they have friends that will tell them, as it is now his kids want nothing to do with him it is his wife that is trying to protect them from him and all the havoc he creates.
With a name like Pua, you’ll never have a wife nor kids.
Tom CPU is loud, annoying and embarrassing. That’s right I said it.
I agree with trying to end these corrupt people,but you can’t do things that you have done the last couple months to put yourself in a bad situation with very questionable woman and aggressive reporting towards people you are going after and then calling what other people are doing Jerry Springer,play one side Aiden,be a bad guy or a good guy pick one and stick with it
Has been proven he was not reporting he was intimidating people and will pay the price as he should. The courts have said he is not a journalist he is just a blogger.
Unc is right. Classy is not a word I would use to describe those videos. Please guys don’t give em the satisfaction of recording you in poor form.
To late, he loses.
8===D ~~~ (Pua’s face)
Aidan Kearney the Turtleboy is a fucking sellout. You set the example and now us FKR supporters are cringe? You gave us the addresses, dog! What is this shit? You are up on felony charges for threatening people and you are going to get sanctimonious on us? You are as bad as that phony Grant. Stop fucking those ratchet fans and stop being a bully you fraud
Oh wait as it gets a bit closer to court for his felonies then you will see the real turtle as he throws all under the bus.
I think it is all ” Tounge and cheek” he expects more taunting by mentioning Grants Bloody Asshole at least 10 times in a small poorly written statement. And by saying don’t do it distances himself, but we all know what he means. Wink,wink, say no more, say no more. We got the message.
Msjc agreed with me,how much you pay for a wasted pleading, Wrong venue, premature and telegraphed any defense you had th Mello.
For your pending grand jury indictment, joining you other 11? Charges of witness intimidation.
15 minutes of fame Bundl, Keeping turtledope at the mushroom farm,( in the dark, feeding him manure).
Dope You won’t be out for the 26th- yiu will be indicted, held without right of bail.
You knowingly intimidated a commonwealth witness.
Today’s screed , Nothing more than a juvenile hypocritical transparent feeble attempt at Rebranding of turtledope , as reasonable. Fail!
Judge and jury will see it , for what it is, Bundl telling his client, try settling Down the crowd, you riled up.
The Karen Read hearing was tragic, in that Yanneti failed at every opportunity.
Was attorney black aware, the hearing was not continued?
Typical trial court trial by ambush, Canone didn’t put her thumb on the scales of justice, she took a seat next to launch pail lalley.
Karen’s defense has yet to receive mandatory Brady discovery.,let alone investigate, evaluate and prepare-
For a murder trial in 3 weeks.
Yenetti agreed that no canine dna, henceforth, no claims of dog bite.
So now, what caused Circular ones on O’Keefes arm ?
Canone assisted lalley, ambushing yannetti, into a rushed reply.
Karen read being led to slaughter, by an intentionally ineffective attorney.
Uneventful turtledope?
Please get a clue, or refrain from commenting
or was in uneventful because you were not there. After all it is all about you turtledope.
Turtledope better start advocating for himself, or he’s in for an extended stay.
Tucker call?
Tom Betit
Don’t mind me, I’m all liquored up and pumped full of meds I’ve been saving for the weekend.
i’m a lawyah! Th thh thhhh thats all folks!
What a load of BS you just scrawled with pathetic gramma as usual, you have groomed all these turtle riders to do exactly what they did and have always gone to humiliate smear and intimidate. Grant Ellis Smith has press credentials because he is a journalist you do not have them because you are just a blogger and not a very good one, maybe some education in English would help.
Your sentences run and run and then run some more. Tell us what form of English Education you received so we know to stay clear away
If you are going to call out poor grammar, please utilize correct grammar. This includes correcting your run-on sentences and using proper punctuation. Thank you.
Aidan does not need any of your hard earned money he just wants it, ask him to sell the damaged Lexus he paid for in full $60.000 or use the money from its insurance to pay his legal fees he is that one that got arrested and earned all the felonies not anyone else. Aidan has said all his supporters have made him a wealthy man from their donations plus his merch store so please keep your money you work hard for it, Aidan does not.
Don’t give your money to instagram skanks and cam sluts either. I wish I could get my money back for that findom session!
“Its’s being done all wrong” lol apparently!!
How can we forget about Grants Bloody Asshole if you say it in every other sentence.
Like you said , ” You are the Leader in the FKR movement” Your Highness , Go Fuck yourself. You have turned into Jerry Springer.
I liked Jerry Springer he paid hookers by personal check, no fucks given.
You’re not a journalist and you can’t put the shit back into the can that you opened. Morally corrupt hypocrite.
Out from the shadows of mommy’s basement. Now get back down there, recess is over. Clown.
Best thing to do
Is the hardest thing to do
Which is ignore
Even refrain from neg down votes of trolls
Let them scream into the wind
Startin with me
no more negs for tools
Hey TB
Watchin you evolve for years
Not surprising some things spin out of control
Seein how humans are involved
Keep on learning
Keep moving forward
Wow you used to say that people who did what you are doing were terrorist organizations. Routinely harassing ppl the way grant is being, because the MSP told you too, now years later they turn on you, and your not a hypocrite .. I watched you go from a ratchet bigot racist, to an admirable competent reporter, and now they’ve torn you back down to hypocritical elitism ,it’s a shame I was growing respect for you…this is about Karen I get it your having your moment but chill you are nobodies daddy lol
Hehe. This is good but should’ve been articulated a bit better.
Aiden you have to get where these comments are coming from.
Your nose was so far up the blues butt (blindly) for so long. If they charged someone. It was true. Immediately when someone was arrested you wrote about them like it was undeniable evidence.
I myself know that not all police officers are bad but I am not blind or naive and know some people are just on the wrong side not necessarily the wrong side of the law
I remember reading lines that so blindly trusted all forms of government, and anyone who went against them or was being routinely charged didn’t have a leg to stand on because,
“the police didn’t go after normal law abiding citizens “
You are definitely not full blown bigot or racist but,
You have never had a neutral standpoint on things. You also never had a problem tearing down someone’s: looks, lifestyle, “crotchfruit” ways of living, what they drive, what diseases they have… Aiden you have been a savage to people while building a following of people who read that and now ask them not to tear someone else down?
Don’t forget the bully you are at heart.
You did use the term “terrorist organization” WAY too loosely, almost as loosely as they are using “witness intimidation”
We get the whole taking the ball and running with it, but you are giving the trolls fuel.
Hey, you are in jail and have sacrificed a lot. You deserve your time in the spotlight, but you are bored lining politician level hypocrisy.
You are kinda a candidate for ratchet madness this year just saying 😂
Funny to get to the end of the article and see you pissed off as many as me
Still rooting for JOHN. justice, KAREN and tb
OMG TB calling yourself daddy and lecturing people on appropriate behavior and language 😂 with multiple references to a fake reporters “blood asshole” you crack me up but you’re right.
TB you have matured in jail, the new TB is a breath of fresh air! I look forward to your scrupulous precise escorting and questioning of team McAlbert people to their cars.
You’re almost out TB don’t let the warden set you up or get caught tunneling out. Spring is just around the corner. I’ll bake you a cake and Mr. gravy boat Morrissey can’t have any! When is that fat slob going to try Ozempic?
I was reluctant to say anything because I was happy that Aidan was getting more followers but these newbies who don’t understand “after David” and call him Daddy are so obnoxious. I left his Justice for John and Karen FB page because some of the people and activity on there is pretty toxic. I’ve been riding the turtle so to speak for over 6 years now and I really hate seeing these people ruining the brand.
The brand has always been Jerry springer garbage and putting down ratchets turtle boy has never had a bit of class lol
Sorry TB – love your reporting and your humor most of the time but let’s not forget that you are in jail right mow because of your ego. I hope when you return you are a little more humble and ffs stop calling yourself daddy. It is beyond cringe. Don’t engage with rachets and then try to lecture people on here now to act. I just cant get behind you on this one. You want to be a leader of this movement you need to make better choices and have more decorum before telling others how to behave. No one likes a “do as I say, not as I do” mentality. Do better please.
Does his clussy honk? Do it squirt blood or water?
I’m a proctorologist. I know all about bloody buttholes. I prolapse every time liz is elbow deep in me. The bugman should becareful with his dragon dildos.
You recent publications of “Dear” so and so which were entertaining but probably not helpful to your own defense is the exact same thing as the supporters mocking Grant Ellis. The supporters don’t need a “daddy” they need a good example to be set by you.
TB – You are a good reporter an I have followed you throughout this whole case. However, your above comments about autism are disgraceful, unprofeesional an frankly ignorant. Whether Grant is on the spectrum or not is a mute point. Just becuae someone on the spectrum does not place them in a category to “spout insane conspiracy threories” nor do those on the spectrum desire to be a victim or want you to make fun of them. Indiviuals are born this way, do not ask for the extremem difficulties and horrendous treatment they recieve. And, quite frankly, a percentage of them have off the chart intelligence . I have supported your right to the 1st ammendment and put aside some of your innappropriate actions without judgement, but could not ljust let this pass. I have heard you insult autism before when clearly you know nothing about it, nor do show any compassion. What if one of your chidlren had it and was bullied and mistreated relentlessly because that is what I see in my working with those with special needs. Do better TB, please do better.
TB – You are a good reporter and I have followed you throughout this whole case. However, your above comments about autism are disgraceful, unprofessional and frankly ignorant. Whether Grant is on the spectrum or not is a moot point. Just becuase someone on the spectrum does not place them in a category to “spout insane conspiracy threories” nor do those on the spectrum desire to be a victim or want you to make fun of them. Indiviuals are born this way andd do not ask for the extreme difficulties and horrendous treatment they recieve. And, quite frankly, a percentage of them have off the chart intelligence . I have supported your right to the 1st ammendment and put aside some of your innappropriate actions without judgement, but could not just let this pass. I have heard you insult autism before when clearly you know nothing about it, nor do you show any compassion. What if one of your chilren had it and was bullied and mistreated relentlessly because that is what I see in my working with those with special needs an is is unfair and heartbreaking. Do better TB, please do better.
WhatDaFuck this whole case is a cascading bloody anus.
I’m glad he said it: none of us are Aidan. Leave the trolling to the person who’s been making a GD living at it for years.
Nothing more pathetic than copycats that aren’t even good at it. Sorry if that hurts anyone’s feelings but I’m sure it does because sensitive pussies are everywhere, including here.
Aidan, I really appreciate the work you do but I wish you would stop insulting women about their faces. No matter how scuzzy these women are, it’s cringeworthy. Low-life misogyny, and has no place in your quality work.
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