Canton Cover-Up Part 106: Selectman Protecting Chris Albert From Criticism Caught On Hot Mic Calling Concerned Residents “F***ing Random Citizens,” Offers Fake Apology


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John Connolly has been on the Canton Board of Selectman since the beginning of time (the 1980’s). He is arguably one of the most well known and respected people in Canton, and had nothing to do with what happened to John O’Keefe.

However, like many people in Canton who are not guilty of any sort of involvement in the coverup of John O’Keefe’s murder, Connolly has been doing his part to discredit and alienate anyone who questions the actions of the Canton Police Department and his colleague Chris Albert. He likes things the way they are, and he will do everything in his power to protect the most powerful people in town from legitimate criticism. Like Chief Rafferty, Connolly is chummy with disgraced former Chief Ken Berkowitz, and spoke at the circlejerk retirement party for him that was attended by DA Michael Morrissey, Brian Albert, Kevin Albert, and Brian Higgins. (20 minute mark)

People who are not as familiar with the case are more likely to believe that Karen Read’s supporters are anti-police conspiracy theorists because trusted public figures like Connolly dismiss them as crazy. Last month a well respected, taxpaying resident of Canton spoke out at a Board of Selectman meeting and referenced that the Canton Police were under scrutiny. Instead of listening to her concerns Connolly looked at her with disgust, rolled his eyes, and nodded his head, completely dismissing her legitimate concerns.

That’s what he thinks of those who question authority.

John Connolly had nothing to do with the coverup of the murder of John O’Keefe, but his primary concern is protecting the integrity of the institutions that did because it’s the world he’s been entrenched in for 40 years. I don’t believe he’s doing this because he wants the Alberts and McCabes to get away with murder. I believe he’s doing this because he hasn’t read anything about the case, and as a town leader he doesn’t want people to distrust the police department and other elected leaders.

I understand the urge to not want to believe that this was a conspiracy. When I first found out about this story I had a hard time believing that nearly a dozen people in a house could keep a secret for that long. But the fact of the matter is that it wasn’t that complicated. Some people in a house, who are all close friends and family, saw a fight escalate out of control before the unthinkable happened. They sympathized with the Alberts because they didn’t think they meant to kill John, and they didn’t want to see them go to jail for the rest of their lives for it. Aside from those who actually moved the body outside, the conspiracy wasn’t complicated – just say that John never came in the house if you’re asked about it. That’s it. You don’t need to explain anything else because you didn’t see anything.

But unfortunately for them Jennifer McCabe’s Google search got my attention made it undeniable that a conspiracy took place, and it’s not OK for people like John Connolly and Helena Rafferty to dismiss concerns of citizens who want to talk about it.

The Canton Board of Selectman consists of 5 older white men, and a politically connected Town Administrator. It looks like something you’d expect to see in the 1950’s, not in an overwhelmingly liberal town in Massachusetts. There was a woman on the board from 2020 to 2023 named Lisa Lopez, who graduated from Yale Law School and had been civically engaged in Canton for decades. She’s a liberal, and as the incumbent in a town that Biden won by 30 points she would’ve been an overwhelming favorite against any challenger.

But she somehow lost to this guy:

Compare Chris Albert’s resume to hers.

Chris Albert dropped out of college and went to jail for killing a man when he was 23. He has acquired substantial debt, which is why he has $65K in tax liens, and several judgements against him in civil court. He doesn’t vote in most town elections, has never served on any boards, and had to resort to cliches like “I have a big heart that I sometimes wear on my sleeve” because he had nothing else to say about himself. Lisa Lopez highlighted the differences between her and Chris Albert on meet the candidates night.

Lisa Lopez should have won in a landslide because:

  • She’s a liberal in a very liberal town
  • She’s immensely more qualified
  • She was the incumbent

But unfortunately in politics all of that can be overcome if you’re popular. And the fact of the matter is that Chris Albert, despite being a member of a party that is outnumbered by 30 points, was able to easily defeat her because he’s popular. People in Canton are willing to vote across party lines if it involves the cool kids from Canton High School circa 1991. Despite being unqualified Chris Albert received campaign contributions from fellow board members Charles Doody, Michael Loughran, and John Connolly. They didn’t want someone on the board who challenged the way things were always done in the Canton good ol’ boys network.

Now Connolly is actively protecting Albert from legitimate criticism from citizens. Last week at the Board of Selectman meeting where Helena Rafferty complained about my peaceful rolling rally, Connolly was caught on a hot mic calling a woman who had just called for Albert’s resignation “f***ing random citizens.”

This is what he thinks of people in town who don’t think it’s a good look for members of the Board of Selectman to be involved in the coverup of a murder. Their concerns are not legitimate and mean nothing to him. They are nothing more than random f***ing citizens who he can roll his eyes at, and he likely didn’t listen to or consider a word they said.

Today in the Canton Citizen he “apologized” to the community, while dry bragging about what an institution he was.

“I have allowed my emotions to get the better of me recently and have apologized for my actions.”

What actions? He can’t even say what he did. He should be apologizing to these two women by name, and the people of Canton entirely, while reiterating that those who speak at meetings are not “f***ing random citizens.” They’re taxpayers participating in democracy.

“I am committed to being held accountable to the people of this town.”

Then resign, and demand that Chris Albert do the same. Absent that, nothing else matters. I’m as right wing as you can get, but I would support the most radical communist possible over a bunch of gasbags who are willing to coverup a murder. Hopefully someone steps up and runs, if they’re not recalled first.


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