TB Investigates

Canton Cover-Up Part 114: DA Michael Morrissey Issues Statement Demanding That We Stop Protesting State Sanctioned Lynching Of Karen Read


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Norfolk County District Attorney Michael Morrissey declared war on the First Amendment today in the most cowardly style – with a Friday afternoon news dump that he recorded on video so that he could avoid questions from the media. In the five minute video he told us to stop protesting the fact that his office is trying to LYNCH Karen Red and cover up the murder of John O’Keefe. Every second of this video is more enraging than the last, and I listened to it for the first time on an impromptu live stream on my way home from the gym. Make sure you’ve subscribed to our YouTube channel by clicking here and hit the notification bell so you never mess an impromptu live stream. Warning: foul language.


I will have a lot more to say about this tomorrow night at 9 PM on the Live Show, and maybe another blog breaking down just how outrageous and dangerous this speech was. But for now, here are some quick thoughts:

  • We are going to protest this scumbag so much harder now as a result of this speech, and Jen McCabe, Chris Albert, and every other person complaining about it can thank this fat drunkard for that
  • We will NEVER remain silent and watch the most powerful people in our state murder a police officer, murder Sandra Birchmore, and LYNCH Karen Read
  • Karen Read saw John enter that home, and Ryan Nagel said he wasn’t in the car or outside of the car, so the only other place he could be was in the home
  • The only conspiracy theory is that John’s autopsy photos are a result of him getting backed into by Karen Read’s unscathed Lexus
  • This guy doesn’t represent the family of John O’Keefe, he represents Colin Albert, Jen McCabe, Matt McCabe, Brian Albert, and the rest of the white trash possy that thinks they can get away with murder
  • Phone evidence shows John was in the house
  • Brian Albert said Colin was in the house
  • Colin Albert was NEVER even questioned by police to this day
  • If we’re harassing Colin Albert, who I’ve never seen in person before, then what do you call what the FBI did to him on April 10?
  • These are the same people who had the audacity to ask the judge to gag the defense last month so they could spew lies and misinformation and poison and potential jury pool – NOT GONNA HAPPEN!
  • Colin Albert is the face of privilege in America. He is a throwback to something that liberal cultural revolutions were SUPPOSED to have rid our society of – entitled white male jocks who think they can get away with anything. Colin Albert quite likely murdered John O’Keefe, after spending his first 18 years on earth threatening and fighting anyone who got in his way, and not only was he never questioned about it by police, the DA himself is now acting as his personal attorney.
  • John was bit on the arm by Chloe the German Shepherd, which is why the prosecution tried so hard to prevent the defense from getting animal control records, which ended up proving their theory – Chloe bit multiple human beings.
  • He wants us to afford these scumbags the presumption of innocence and not make their lives uncomfortable while he uses the power of the state to LYNCH an innocent woman and ruin her life.
  • He told everyone not to listen to the Internet, while posting ON THE INTERNET!
  • He had the audacity to say that Michael Proctor “was never at Fairview Road.” Fact check – according to HIS OFFICE’S CHARGING DOCUMENTS, Proctor was at the scene all morning, and took John’s phone into his possession.

  • He said that Proctor didn’t have the opportunity to plant tail light, despite undeniable evidence that he lied about what time he towed Karen’s car from her parent’s home in Dighton
  • He had the audacity to say that Proctor had no close personal relationship with ANY of the parties, despite the fact that Proctor’s own mother calls the Alberts her “second family”

  • Our democracy was built on protesting and standing up to tyranny. Nothing is more American than what we are doing right now, and nothing is more tyrannical than what this EVIL monster is doing. Every defense attorney and media member in this state should be LOUDLY condemning what he just said. Silence is complicity.

He says it “needs to stop now,” but we’re going to do the exact opposite. There are 27 towns in Norfolk County, and I will be holding demonstrations in ALL OF THEM, to spread awareness of this case. I will be going to his house, to his office, and to his family events. He, and the people who murdered John O’Keefe, will not have a moment of rest moving forward. No justice, no peace, no murdering good police.

I will have much more to say on this tomorrow on the Live Show, so make sure you’ve subscribed by clicking here and tune in at 9 PM.





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  1. That fat old drunk was as desperate and pathetic as anything I’ve ever seen. Nothing could make the Canton Cabal look more guilty.

  2. Definitely has to be the most pathetic attempt at damage control ever. We all knew it would be coming. Friday afternoon?? Really? Michael, you know that’s cutting into your drinking time. Just regurgitating everything Lunch box has been spewing for months, (“because I said so”),. No explanation for cancelation of the evidentiary hearing, why the FBI has inserted themselves in a State run murder investigation, or the myriad of inconsistencies that haven’t been answered, nor will be answered until its forced out of them. My greatest fear is that any corruption in this case leads to Morriseys office. The collateral damage that everyone in Massachusetts, if not the country will face would be unprecedented. Murder convictions vacated, violent criminals released, families having to be victimized again. We all knew the damage control was on its way. Just not this predictable and pathetic. This is nothing more than complete and utter desperation. What’s even more pathetic is the DAs office is probably high fiving each other, saying, ” we showed them”, …What they fail to see is they just showed their hand and it’s a giant lossahhh. You chose poorly Michael.

    1. He is whistling past the graveyard. Dont look over her Michael, you might see your own headstone.

  3. No. TB has stretched reality so many times with so many people, it’s starting to smell. The TB supporters who show up at his rallies have gunts and tattoos and cant pronounce their R.

        1. At least Collin is killing it for BSU oh wait he’s killing actually people instead or maybe wasn’t good enough for college football either or i think its more first theory

    1. Lol, the pictures show a different view?
      But if we need to invite some bike gangs to make you feel better. They are all about Freedom and rights of people being assaulted.

      1. 😂😂😂 i forgot how great Scituate is wouldnt want to disrupt the tibbetts family dinners

  4. 2+2=5. Stop doubting our elected officials, believe what they say! I’m waiting for the DA to tell us to “Follow the sCieNcE”

  5. Obey Obey Obey, give up your rights peasants! How dare you protest! Mask-up peasant! Police road blocks doomed fleeing motorists in Lahaina just keep your mouth shut.

    Citing “dramatic” recent increases in the number of COVID-19 cases among employees over the past two weeks, UMass Memorial Health is reinstating a mask mandate for staff members whenever they interact with patients.

    “Should we continue to see increased transmission rates, we will need to further expand the mask requirement to include anyone who enters the building,” officials wrote in a memo to caregivers. “We will be following viral trends closely and will re-evaluate this mandate in 4 weeks’ time, unless worsening conditions dictate otherwise.”

    Close the gyms, restaurants, roll out new jabs and lay off non essential people the sky is falling courtesy of power mad Leftists.

  6. This guy is a disgrace and should resign ASAP, if not be fired.

    Imagine how emotionally he is wrapped up in this case that he would do such a thing.
    This is unheard of.

    When have you ever seen a DA take to the airwaves and give his own testimony as to what are facts. He place to plead his case is in the courtroom.
    He should be dis-barred

  7. They are scared and beginning to crack. Confident prosecutors don’t do things like this. Corrupt ones are the ones who try to silence the truth using a compliant media. The damage is done.

    1. Swamp creatures don’t like being put in the spotlight and this case has a very large spotlight. It makes them very nervous because there is massive scrutiny upon them. They’re used to flying under the radar and can slide things through without much public scrutiny. Now they have to be very careful how they handle things with all the eyes watching.

  8. What incentive would a DA have to be this emotionally involved in protecting a 19 yo kid and washed up , over the hill whore from any scrutiny?
    Thats the million $ question.

    1. Almost as if someone has something on him.
      He’s not even believable!
      The one eyebrow so much higher than the other and his inability to smile is bad Botox on a very flabby face.

    1. Not to long ago he was at Berkowitz retirement party. He was quite tight with Brian Albert and Ken Berkowitz
      One was a “surveillance expert “

  9. TB calls him out for the disaster which was the Sandra Birchmore case / investigation, and a day later this happens. Pathetically predictable, and such a weak move. So weak.

  10. Looks like the Judge needs to Gag Morrissey. Wait, if he was gagged, would he still be able to drink? I wouldn’t want to see him go through withdrawals. Somebody please send him a copy of the First Amendment.

  11. Is the Norfolk county law/justice apparatus controlled by an Epstein style blackmail operation ?
    Is Canton its unofficial capitol? There appears to be an inordinate # of groomers within the ranks.
    These are questions worth asking.

  12. Could he/them/they be in the loop that the FBI isn’t going to do anything?

    Sure Reed will be innocent or hung jury at least, but then they don’t want pressure to actually go after one of their boys.

      1. Agreed. This idea the Feds will come in obviously ignores fed behavior with the MAFIA, domestic and foreign terrorists, black criminals, etc. There’s no reason yet to believe they will act. It’s purely system projection.

  13. Thank you for your press conference today. That got thousands more people up to speed on what’s going on. On par with how the Trump mug shot backfired on the Democrats!

    Great work!

  14. Hey Morrissey, shouldn’t you be a little more upset about screwing up the Michael Chesna case?
    Did I miss something?
    I don’t recall you having a press conference with so much passion about a cold blooded, no question murder of a dedicated police officer and a poor woman looking out her window!
    And then how you could possibly f that up?
    Yet, you feel impassioned to describe your thoughts on a crime that clearly has many questions. Very telling of who you are.
    Not to mention the questions of what you are hiding/scared of.
    Please resign.

    1. What an utter embarrassment that trial and that pos judge are. Yeah let’s bus in a buncha degenerates from Worcester for a jury and kow tow to their demands. How bout you let 12 people from the south shore decide the fate of that little pussy. Recuse yourself Beverly!!!! And fat Mike, can’t wait to see you squirm. Recall petitions now!!! Proctor can’t testify, whatcha gonna do Mikey??

  15. Michael Morrissey is prosecuting Karen Read for deliberately killing Officer John O’Keefe. That’s supposed to be his only job in this case.

    But Morrissey’s “carefully worded” statement makes no mention of Ms. Read’s alleged culpability. Only that the Canton Crew is 100% completely blameless. Michael Proctor actually is *so innocent* that, suddenly, he was never called in by the Alberts and wasn’t even there that day. How odd.

    It’s as if he doesn’t believe it to be true. He’s now become the Albert/McCabe/Proctor defense attorney. Full stop.

  16. ” . . . the Constitutional value of a fair trial.”

    A fair trial for whom, Mr. Morrissey? To whom in this case is a fair trial owed under the Constitution? You? The Albert/Proctor McCabe syndicate? Maybe you didn’t think this all the way through.

    Did you even look at this drivel before it handed to you?

  17. Grow up. Be a man. This is absolutely pathetic. Your website sucks. To get on here and actually read anything it’s full of shit ads and half the time your site leads to a dead end. You have no actual journalism degree and you didn’t quit your job you mutually left after being investigated.

    1. Oh boy, someone is triggered by TB. “…you mutually left after being investigated”. Say what? I’ll take “Phrases That Make No Sense” for $2,000 Alex. Please seek the help you so desperately need so you will finally stop seeing Turtles in your sleep.

  18. Wow – all this ranting does is solidify that there’s a problem in Norfolk county DA office

  19. I wouldn’t be surprised to learn the MSP & local cops have been covering for this lush for years. Looks like he enjoys more than the occasional drink from time to time….

    Or maybe it’s the rest stops

  20. Mortifyingly bad look, maybe a career-ender. To me, it signals something bigger. I have no respect for Morrissey, but this reeks of him being told to do it, or else. Too egregious and aggressive of a move from a hack county DA. Unless, of course, it’s step 1 of the DA’s office to sabotage the case internally. Create legal missteps so the case gets tossed because they know how wrong they are and that they’re never getting a conviction here. Bad look, but a better look than where it’s going.

  21. Norfolk County DA is all done. His is a Fascist maneuver and an epic fail. The Defendant if ever tried is found not guilty. No state charges will be filed against Canton PD or MSP because the DA says not enough evidence to pursue. However Federal Charges could be filed. The DA releases a video stating he will not seek re-election. The stink will hover over the town and DA’s Office for years. Please just finish this tragedy.

  22. TB got smoked by a low energy prosecutor and has to pretend to be mad and warn about foul language hahahaha.
    This is why you will never get out of your basement and why anyone without a tin-foil helmet will never trust or respect you. anyone that actually matters will always just ignore him hahahahhahhaha

  23. As is always the case, when a government claims something, it is always the opposite. MASS is the most corrupt state government in the USA.

  24. Him stating that proctor doesn’t have a relationship with any of the witnesses is absolutely ignorant. I mean, come on! Absolutely ridiculous and incompetent

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