TB Investigates

Canton Cover-Up Part 128: McCabe Clan Swears At Women And Children For Taking Picture Of Them At Yarmouth Beach Resort


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The McCabes took their third vacation of the summer, as turtle riders once again spotted them over the weekend at the Riviera Beach resort in Yarmouth. Their group was rather large, and we posted this picture of them on the beach, which was sent to us.

Once they realized they had been spotted they responded in classic McCabe fashion, according to the woman who was there with many children and sent us the image:

Witness 1: We were sitting next to these scumbags at the beach yesterday. Some big fat guy with them and a woman came over screaming at us about “taking pics”. The fat guy came after my sister and I. I had no idea who they were. He was so close I pushed him away from us so he yelled “she assaulted me! Call the cops!” Mind you we had 5 small children with us. Apparently they saw pics of them as soon as it went online. They were all gathered in a big circle on the beach like they owned it. Friday night they were all outside partying. Even the teenagers with them were drinking. I come from a Blue Family. I am the mother and sister of police officers. They are disgraceful and disgusting.

Witness 2: Riviera Beach resort in Yarmouth. Their group yelled at me & called me trash. I told her she should be ashamed to show her face in public. I had my kids, so we walked away once they started yelling and causing a scene.

These people have no shame. Of course they’re drinking with teenagers – it’s what they do. I’m just grateful Big Mac McCabe kept his shirt on.

According to the witnesses Jen hid behind the aggressors.

Jen was there. She said nothing. I don’t know who the fat mouthy dude was. But he was “mother f***ing” all of us in front of the kids.

They had a large group. A chunky dark haired woman came over to me and asked if I was taking pics of them. I wasn’t. I told her I didn’t know her. Then the fat guy started swearing at us and screaming. He said…”I’m calling the cops”. My sister yelled…”go ahead! My family is all cops too! You’re all cop killers!” Needless to say…we moved down the beach. 

The fact that these people continue to go out in public like everything is fine and normal shows you how narcissistic and arrogant they are. Normal people would stay home and lay low. They are incapable of that.

Jen McCabe will only go out in large groups now because she knows that millions of people will recognize her face.  She needs other people to protect her from legitimate criticism from those of us who don’t appreciate the fact that she was involved in murdering a Boston Police Officer. She is a coward.

But this is more evidence that the McCabes are unraveling and it’s a great sight to see. Their daughter Allie was subpoenaed by the FBI and is now admitting that she drove Colin home the night John O’Keefe was murdered. How did she suddenly get brought into this? There is no way they suddenly decided to volunteer this information to the feds. The only logical conclusion I can reach is that the FBI did to Allie what they did to Lucky Loughran – confronted her with irrefutable evidence that she was at the house. The feds could easily obtain the geo fence data that Michael Proctor intentionally chose not to obtain.

Like Colin Albert, Allie McCabe has unenrolled from her college and is no longer playing soccer at Ithaca. I looked forward to sophomore year of college more than anything I’ve ever looked forward to in my life. After your first year of tasting freedom it’s the longest summer ever going back to your parents house. The fact that those two have unenrolled from college is a huge deal, which they would not do voluntarily. These are people dedicated to living life like nothing bad is happening because they want to project normalcy. Perhaps the FBI told them not to travel far because the end is near. They’re certainly acting like it is.


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  1. innocent people would be providing phone data, ring cams, other witnesses, location data ..anything they have that would prove to the courts and public, but these people have nothing but “karen read did it”.

      1. “colin wasnt in the house” why does this matter if john okeefe never was as well. These people are playing a game of Crackhead Clue

  2. I’m not great at reading body language, but those clinched fists, toes and the jaw sure looks like a high level of stress to me.

  3. Imagine for a second that these are innocent people (pausing for laughter to die down).

    Now tens of thousands of people are accusing you of murder and conspiracy. Your family’s involvement in a murder is being discussed ad nauseam all over the country, there’s a documentary in the works and you’re on Court TV.

    Do you party? Your lives face total ruin and you’re partying on multiple vacations? Separation from your children, you children facing possible prison sentences and you’re not tearing your hair out pleading your case to the world? Throwing your cellphone at every forensic analyst to show you didn’t do anything?

  4. Tick tock Jen, enjoy your last bits of freedom. Some butch skank with a broom handle awaits

  5. They’re really hitting it out of the park as far as popularity goes. Exactly like PR said – if I were innocent, I’d be giving everything and anything up to prove it. Phone records, my car, house, DNA, literally whatever it took. They have been doing the exact opposite from the very beginning. Hello guilty? Doesn’t take a genius to figure that one out.

  6. Oh! They’re ON the Cape?!?! Perfect opportunity for the Feds to bug all their houses.
    I’m sure that has already been done months ago

  7. Most likely the Feds offered Allie immunity to tell them her involvement that night. What time she was at The house and what time she picked up and dropped off Colin. I’m thinking she agreed and is cooperating. Not telling the truth to the Feds would be a whole lotta pain none of them would not be ready for.
    BTW – are rumors true that Brian Albert is on paid administrative leave from BPD?

    1. If the Feds confronted Allie with that GPS info, and she still has the car, a DNA swab would be the nail in the coffin if O’Keefe’s DNA is in that car. In addition to Colin’s DNA, a mixture of O’Keefe, the dog & Brian and its game over for Allie. Give us what we need or you’re an accessory to murder, kid. All for doing your mom and her side-piece boyfriend a favor.

  8. they may want to get used to being photographed…there will be a lot of that going on when they are taken into custody…you know kind of like when Karen Read was perp walked a while back…

  9. Someone really should start asking for passports. Cause these probably a good chance these dirt bags will be hitting the road as soon as the shit hits the fan.

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