TB Investigates

Canton Cover-Up Part 133: Whistle Blower Private Investigator Steve Scanlon’s Call To David Yannetti’s Office Was Turning Point In Karen Read Defense Strategy


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This is Steve Scanlon from Boston.

I’ve mentioned his name several times on the Live Show, and made references to his involvement in the Canton coverup, but I’ve never written about until now so a lot of people are confused about who he is. He is not a villain in this story, and is not believed to have been involved at all in the coverup of John O’Keefe’s murder. He never wanted to be part of this story, but he has nonetheless played a vital role in the evolution of this case.

Thirty years ago Scanlon met Brian Albert when they worked as corrections officers together, and they were both on the BPD boxing team.

Soon after Albert became a Boston police officer, and Scanlon started working as a private investigator.

Scanlon told me that he spoke to Brian once every 5 years, and that they were merely acquaintances. However, there are pictures of them together on his Facebook page, which we have used in stories before.

In almost every picture Brian Albert is in, he is the focus of attention. This 30 year old image is the only time I’ve ever seen him smiling.

In almost every picture Brian Albert gives the camera a menacing look, and often has his fist pointed out in order to prove what a tough guy he is. Scanlon told me that he has not spoken with Brian since John O’Keefe was killed.

I spoke with Scanlon in June after his name kept getting brought up by tipsters who said he knew a lot about what happened inside 34 Fairview Road. He told me that on February 3, 2022, he contacted Attorney David Yannetti after seeing Karen Read being arraigned on the news, to tell Yannetti that he believed that John O’Keefe was beaten inside that house.

Scanlon told me that “this thing stinks, and an innocent person should not be blamed if they didn’t do it.” He said that he reached out to Karen Read through Facebook messenger to offer her free PI help, but that when he never heard back from her he decided to go directly to Yannetti.

“This dude got beat up,” he reportedly told Yannetti.

But what part of the story “stunk” on February 3? And how would Scanlon know that John was beaten inside the house if he wasn’t there?

He told me that “if someone backs up into a guy they’re gonna have bodily injury and bruising,” and John didn’t have that. The autopsy photos had not been released by February 3, but he told me he knew what John’s body looked like from hearing news reports about swollen eyes.

“It looked like a fight.”

Scanlon told me that he had told Yannetti that he had heard that Brian Albert’s nephew was involved in the beating, and that an ATF agent was also there. He didn’t know the names of either of them at the time, but they fit the profile of Colin Albert and Brian Higgins. This was likely the first time Yannetti had heard that Colin Albert was inside the house, which was a huge clue since Colin had previous disputes with his former neighbor John O’Keefe.

Prior to Scanlon’s visit to Yannetti’s office, Karen’s only attorney at the time was publicly skeptical of the Commonwealth’s story and said that his client should not be charged with manslaughter. However, at the time Yannetti hadn’t made any comments alleging that O’Keefe was beaten inside the house. Scanlon’s tip likely confirmed any suspicions Yannetti had, and was the official beginning of the defense’s pursuit of a third party culprit defense.

Scanlon seemed very evasive and nervous while talking to me. He denied having first hand knowledge of what happened, or said that someone in the house told him what happened.

“It was only my opinion.”

But why would a PI approach a defense attorney if he was just another person with an opinion? I got the impression while speaking with Scanlon that he knew more, but feared the wrath of Brian Albert. He admitted to me that once they started to pursue Brian Albert’s involvement he refused to speak with them anymore.

Scanlon genuinely sounded like he felt bad for Karen Read and couldn’t have it on his conscience that an innocent woman was being charged with a crime that he knew she didn’t commit. However, he wasn’t willing to go all the way because he knew Brian Albert. He wanted to help, so long as his name was never brought into it. He wanted to be the whistle blower, without actually being named as the whistle blower.

I find it hard to believe that Steve Scanlon could’ve been certain that John was beaten up on February 3 based solely on media reports. The autopsy photos were not released, and this was the description of the injuries from a February 2, 2022 Boston.com story:

Via an autopsy, authorities found O’Keefe had multiple skull fractures. His pancreas was also a dark red color, which meant that hypothermia contributed to his death, according to Lally. Both of O’Keefe’s eyes were swollen shut. He also had multiple cuts to his right arm as well as a two-inch cut on the back of his head.

Perhaps Scanlon’s background as a boxer led him to believe that the swollen shut eyes were evidence that John had been involved in a fight. But at this point it wasn’t made public that John was found on the snow. I remember when the story first broke and I has assumed she hit him in the driveway, which knocked him unconscious when his head hit the concrete (I hadn’t really thought it through).

To me it just didn’t seem realistic that Scanlon could’ve heard this description and immediately felt so confident that John was beaten inside the house that he messaged Karen Read and went to her attorney’s office in Boston. I don’t believe him when he told me that he had no personal information or insight into the matter.

I believe that he went to Yannetti’s office because someone told him that John O’Keefe was beaten inside the house.

But who could’ve told him that? Surely Brian Albert wouldn’t confess to a random friend of his who clearly likes to blab. But Scanlon does have a daughter who is around the same age as the Albert children, and lives in a town nearby. She is virtually invisible on social media and there are no images we could find of her with anyone involved in this case.

But people talk. One of the most common arguments made by people who claim there was no conspiracy was that you can’t get that many people to keep their mouths shut about a murder. I don’t disagree with that. Steve Scanlon’s testimony confirms this theory – someone in that house told someone who wasn’t in the house what happened. Eventually that got back to Scanlon, and he couldn’t live with it on his conscience. He just wasn’t willing to divulge who his source was. He wanted to help because the excitement of being involved in a murder mystery appealed to him, he just wasn’t willing to go all the way.

At least three young women his daughter’s age – Emily Fabbiano, Mary Kent, and Kathryn Doody – were present inside the house and claim to have left prior to John O’Keefe arriving. Three other women were inside the house when O’Keefe arrived – Sarah Levinson, Julie Nagel, and Caitlin Albert. All it takes is one of those women telling a friend, who promises not to tell anyone, but then goes and tells one more friend who they trust not to tell anyone.

This is how I believe that Steve Scanlon became aware of what happened. I believe he heard a rumor that a lot of people had heard, and to his credit he is the only person who couldn’t live with the fact that Karen Read was being blamed for it. He doesn’t want to divulge who his source of information is, which is why he’s pretending that he went to Yannetti based on a hunch after hearing a physical description of John’s body on the news.

Our sources at Moakley Courthouse tell us that Steve Scanlon has been subpoenaed and testified in front of a grand jury, specifically about his contact with Brian Albert, and his knowledge of what happened inside 34 Fairview Road. If and when the indictments come we will find out what he told the grand jury. But Scanlon’s February 3 trip to David Yannetti’s office was the first turning point in this story, and will be a major part of the way this story is retold when it finally comes to an end.


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  1. When this movie comes out it might even be better than Goodfellas. But don’t let the Walburgers produce it they know the Albert’s from that other show.

    1. I think Noah Schnapp would be perfect for the role of Colon Albert.

      When Colon gets sentenced to decades in prison, Noah will display a shit-eating grin because it’s not really a punishment since Colon’s in the closet and now he can freely explore his true sexuality as a prison

    1. How so? I’d want an honest p I, if I were going to hire one….. I love stand up people, I’d say what I had heard if I thought it was in any way credible…how can they investigate, otherwise…so many people living their lives on appearances only….. it only goes so far, imho

    2. I completely disagree, if it somehow came out that this PI knew an innocent woman got railroaded for a murder and did nothing he’d be done as a PI, honesty is a quality I would want in a PI, the whole point of a PI is to help citizens investigate things that the police wont, or didn’t do correctly!

    3. He has a strong conscience and risked himself and his career to save an innocent victim Karen Read. He could have remained silent and nobody would have known, good man.

      1. I fully agree with you.. good for Steve for doing what was the right thing to do. Many people would have remained quiet for concerns of own and their family’s safety. Regardless what other people may think, he can sleep well at night and look in the mirror having a good conscience, and at the end of the day it’s that what counts. I’m sure Karen is thankful for that.

  2. Thank you Steve, and the Beatty’s for coming forward and sticking your ground. More people need to, including those young women who were in the house. Why are people still afraid and trying to protect the Alberts/Canton PD/Proctor? Oh that’s right, because I heard that members of Canton PD knocked on doors threatening those in the know to keep their mouth shut. They don’t have a leg to stand on anymore at this point. You can’t lie forever, it will certainly come back to haunt you

  3. It sounds like he’s torn & conflicted because he’s got a strong desire to ‘Do The Right Thing’ and not stand by to see an innocent person get railroaded on a homicide charge…..yet at the same time Brian Albert is a friend / acquaintance whom he’d rather not incriminate. He also knows Brian Albert is a boxer / MMA guy and would be fully capable of punching John’s lights out and heard about both eyes being swollen shut and it instantly clicked for him…..he knew why those eyes were swollen shut. I feel bad for Scanlon….but he made the right choice. He can live with himself because he made the right choice in tipping off Karen’s lawyer. If he chose to keep his mouth shut and Karen ended up in prison he would not have been able to live with himself.

  4. Sometimes a little brown gets on the dip stick. Sometimes it’s tough to wash away and it stays with you in the form of disease.
    You can’t shake it. It stays on you.

  5. In every picture Brian Albert looks spaced-out he’s probably a little autistic in addition to being a violent psychopath.

    Alec Baldwin could play Brian in the movie, Alec is also an angry dope and experienced murderer so method acting would be a breeze.

    I’d like to nominate Sean Penn or Hunter Biden to play Chris Albert.
    Jen McCabe could be played by Alice Cooper.
    Doody, Berkowitz and Jen’s fat girl friends could all be played by Jack Black or Rosie O’Donell.

    Steven Segall now bald and fat could easily roll on the floor and be Alec’s stunt man for fight/murder scene.

    1. My bad, Steven Seagal although fat and ill tempered seems to have hair, he’d just need to shave his head.

      Nominating Jussie Smolette in white face or Lance Bass to play Colin.

    2. OJ Simpson could play Briana Albert he has the experience and is good with knives.

      Phil Specter to play Jen McCabe.

      Rian Waters of TB lawsuit failure fame to play Colin Albert.

      Dana McIntyre of rasta Pasta Pizza in Beverly to play Chris Albert.

      (The former Beverly pizzeria owner Dana McIntyre accused of using PPP funds intended for pizza shop employees to buy an alpaca farm in Vermont was indicted on federal wire fraud and money laundering charges.)

  6. Every so called journalist, local news talkin bubble heads in this state should be ashamed of themselves! This is what a journalist is supposed to do. Independent thinking, not play follow the leader, and listen to their puppet masters. Turtle boy is the gold standard of what a journalist should be! This cat has Balls! Take note all you nitwit news dopes. Rock on Aiden! ❤️

    1. All those journalism school graduates, ivy leaguers, big salary “journalists” not one of them investigates a thing, their low paid staff investigates.

  7. The “It can’t be a cover-up! You can’t possibly keep that many people quiet!” is a valid point that I happen agree with.

    And funny enough, after a little bit of time, not everyone is keeping quiet here anymore, are they?

    Nice little self-fulfilling prophecy for the supporters of those who were inside the house that night.

  8. Well, it wasn’t just a hunch that, “he had heard that Brian Albert’s nephew was involved in the beating, and that an ATF agent was also there.”
    That came from somebody with knowledge of what happened and who was there.

    1. This is a guy who kept a dead young boy stuffed in suitcase a secret for a few days to try and be the hero? This is the guy arrested for smacking his ADA girlfriend around yrs back. A bit?? Unreliable

  9. Short time, Brian Albert will give himself air conditioning. Maybe he and Proctor will grab a handle of ( whatever they drink) and ‘ night Irene!
    Unless they wanna try their chances behind the wire. Solitary for a while… but eventually in general population. They will both run in to….
    Either way, ‘Night Irene. Bald head and shaved?
    Your skull will be stomped. Bald head with a beard.? Your head will be stomped.

  10. “If and when the indictments come we will find out what he told the grand jury.”

    The DA in Suffolk County just made felony possession of firearms disappear based on the belief they couldn’t “prove beyond a reasonable doubt” that the perp put the guns in his bag.

    Don’t hold you’re breath. People here mean well but it is NOT a fair and just system. Especially for people who look like Karen Read.

    1. Pro athletes always get special treatment.

      Remember when Dante Stallworth received a mere 30 days in jail for DUI manslaughter?

  11. See, there ARE good people out there. Thank you for coming forward, Steve and the Beatty’s. Coming forward five days after John was beaten and left to die in the cold, is a big deal and shows even more how innocent Karen is.

  12. maybe they knew scanlon and wanted to hire him knowing he was “shady” and would go along with their made up story. The thing is, scallion might be shady but he has ethics. They wanted him to be the PI so called him. Because Scan is a PI he had to swear to privacy but he did not accept , He said NO so they got another PI

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