Canton Cover-Up Part 148: Jen McCabe Tells Motorists They Are Being “Taken For A Fool,” Makes Jokes About Karen Read Drinking

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Jen McCabe used to be a regular at the Karen Read hearings, wearing her Justice for JJ button and giving back rubs to drama hungry wine moms, pretending to care about John O’Keefe.
She continued to show up even after it was discovered that she had Googled “hos long to die in cold” at 2:27 AM before John’s body was left on the front lawn of 34 Fairview Road to die.
But after I escorted her to her car on May 24, and after she tried and failed to get a harassment prevention order against me, and after I confronted her at her kid’s lacrosse game, she has been nowhere to be found.
[video_lightbox_youtube video_id=”czHYfE1XKKw&t=2s” width=”560″ height=”315″ auto_thumb=”1″]
Jen did not attend yesterday’s hearing in the Karen Read case, nor did she attend the last hearing in July. Jen liked it when she could pretend to be the victim, but now that she is been exposed as a sociopath who conspired to kill a police officer she’s too much of a coward to show her face in court.
This, in of itself, is a victory. Jen McCabe should be a social pariah for what she did. She should be rotting in a jail cell, and every moment she is breathing free air we will be there to remind her of what she did to John O’Keefe, Karen Read, and the two children John left behind. We have shamed the most shameless woman on the planet into staying at her home for Read’s hearings.
Apparently during court yesterday Jen was at home when a passerby noticed her in the driveway. Instead of going inside like a normal person who everyone knows helped cover up a murder, Jen began to film the people filming her and in doing so made herself look like an even bigger twatwaffle.
“You guys are being taken for a fool.”
“Bye! Keep sending money to Karen!”
The arrogance this woman has is like nothing I’ve ever seen before. She puts on a front that this is all just a big joke to her, much as she did when I confronted her outside of court and at her kid’s lacrosse game. She doesn’t have it in her to do what Brian Albert, Brian Higgins, and Colin Albert have done – keep a low profile. Her narcissism doesn’t allow her to. But down she is frightened and loses sleep over the impending fear she has that one day her nightmare will become reality, and she will be indicted for her role in murdering John O’Keefe.
However, what really matters to her more than anything are appearances. Jen was once Queen B of Canton. The youngest of four daughters, she grew up spoiled and entitled, and somehow managed to rig the senior superlatives so that she won “best looking.”
This woman tried to get her to walk away and stop.
But she’s incapable of that, because keeping her reputation as a suburban soccer mom on the PTO matters more to her than anything. Innocent people don’t hide. Brian Albert has given us the W by moving out of his house, selling his dog, and hiding. Jen McCabe is incapable of that. Her narcissism prevents her from publicly taking the L.
But she will one day, when the FBI knocks on her door with a warrant for her arrest.
Jen McCabe is a psychopath. She saw John O’Keefe’s lifeless body inside Brian Albert’s house, and instead of doing something to try to save the life of her daugther’s friend’s father, she called her 17 year old daughter to be the killer’s getaway driver, and thus become an accomplice to murder. She then went home and Google “how long to die in cold” to make sure Karen Read didn’t find his body until hours after it had been placed on the front lawn.
Jen McCabe is not losing a second of sleep over the prospect of Karen Read spending life in prison for a crime that Jen knows she didn’t commit. She is evil incarnate, and a deranged lunatic who justice will soon be coming for. I can’t wait to see her cry the first time when she finally realizes that she’s not as untouchable as she thinks she is. After that she’ll not only lose her freedom, family, and home, but also something that is even more valuable to her – her reputation.

Something wrong Jen? Why the long face ?
I think it’s safe to say she lost her reputation. Anyone who still stands behind her I question their character and moral compass. Great reporting as always.
She’s not even a Gardner High School 6, yikes.
Mrs. Ed
Best looking… yikes 😬
Jen…the War’s over. Reacting this way to total strangers exercising their first ammendment rights is not a good look. Its a sign of guilt. Just ask C. Albert. By the way, looking at little long in the tooth lately, everything ok? Time for another vacation? Don’t worry those big black unmarked SUVs will be pulling up to your house soon. Try to show a little more decorum when the FBI hauls you away in metal bracelets.
Just a reminder, cameras are everywhere, ( maybe even 34 Fairview Rd.? ) ,anyone can be video recorded in public, including in your driveway. In the mean time, try to stay classy.
if she was voted best looking hate to see what the rest of the girls in school looked like
my thoughts as well because YIKES
I’ve honestly heard she rigged the votes, student council used to count them back then… who was on that committee 🤔 hmmm sounds a little like the canton select board
There is no way in hell she was the best looking! Someone out here has to have a yearbook for her graduating class, we must look and see for ourselves.
Hello, I’m Ms Jen
A horse is a horse, of course, of course,
And no one can talk to a horse of course
That is, of course, unless the horse is the famous Mr. Ed.
Go right to the source and ask the horse
He’ll give you the answer that you’ll endorse.
He’s always on a steady course.
Talk to Ms. Jen.
Closing Theme:
A horse is a horse, of course, of course,
And no one can talk to a horse of course
That is, of course, unless the horse is the famous Mr. Ed.
Go right to the source and ask the horse
He’ll give you the answer that you’ll endorse.
He’s always on a steady course.
Talk to Ms. Jen.
People yakkity yak a streak and waste your time of day
But Mister Ed will never speak unless he has something to say.
A horse is a horse, of course, of course,
And this one’ll talk ’til his voice is hoarse.
You never heard of a talking horse?
Jen, why didn’t you knock on B. Alberts door and ask for help while Karen was trying to resuscitate John? B. Albert is a trained first responder who has probably actually performed CPR on someone before. Why didn’t you at least ask for BLANKETS? Oh ya, you were actually hoping he was dead so he could never tell anyone what actually happened to him, and your role in it.
Get right with god Jen because a Norfolk County Jury is the least of what you will have to answer to.
She could have saved him. But the last thing Skeletor wanted was for John to survive. She deserves the electric chair.
Why didn’t she alert Brian Albert? Because she was trying to PROTECT him.
Best Looking??? Reminds me of how they gave a Noble Peace Prize to a recent president for no apparent reason. When asked specifically what this president did to warrant being awarded the Noble Peace Prize….they have no answer.
Oh, you mean the gay crack-smoker?
Nice comment, but you didn’t build that.
Barry Soetoro From Indonesia. Never forget,
Good cutout to scare the crows away.
It’s Neigh Neigh 🐎
Jen McCabe telling someone they are a fool is like Myley Cyrus telling someone they are jaded or Charles Manson calling someone crazy.
The only thing causing Jen to lose sleep is all of the powder going up her nose 🤣
Best looking. Canton jail.
Was Brain Albert really hitting that? Well I guess if he was it won’t be to much different from the action he’s gonna get it jail. Might be a step up.
Tick tock Jen. Enjoy your freedom, it’s not gonna last.
BEST LOOKING!! Sounds like the Alberts were threatening people going back to 94!! What would the Alberts do if they didn’t vote for Jennifer HORSE FACE Weeks?
“ Your Honor, and I use that term loosely, because you are just a Taxachussette-do-nothing-bird-brain hack that paid HARD in to a more than a few campaigns on Beacon Hill, you do not know the Law.
Never once has she acted the way an innocent person would if they were wrongly accused.
Did you see them under my shirt? They’re pretty good.
If John had only touched them when I asked no one would know about my fried eggs.
Baby Karl Dugal’s flaming insecurities fly above him like a neon sign . Karl’s faded Varsity dreams scream irrelevant wimp. Karl’s bodybuilder wife reminds me of Susanna Gibson the Virginia democrat with the chaturbate account, if anyone knows mrs Karl’s pornhub handle please share.
Jen is one toothy mean bitch, like a barracuda skinny and toothy. She never passes up the chance to fight with strangers, Jen’s husband is another cuck like Baby Karl.
There are worse people involved than Karl but Karl is such a pathetic wimp it’s hard not to focus on him and his mean bodybuilder wife. Guarantee Karl’s wife has sex with other men and women, Karl is such a weakling. Nothing worse than a scared wimp that pretends to be a tough guy by pushing other people around.
“Karl, you better f-ing say something about Karen RIGHT NOW! The media is here… Say something NOW or I’m gonna hide the lubricant next time”
Jen McTooth was sober?
The tooth-a-saurus was thought extinct!
This kind of thing has to be making her crazy…. uhm more crazy.
Hos long to FBI?
I bet she wipes her ass with 20 dollar bills where she lives
Best Looking? Did she go to Norfolk Aggie and was voted best looking horseface??? Then again- the tool in the photo next to her has a backwards baseball hat so we know the standards weren’t too high!
They won’t give up the evidence because lab is still testing it. Why didn’t they do all this testing before arresting Karen? Shouldn’t they have had their case completed first? Arrest first, investigate later? Miscarriage of justice.
All they can say is “You’re being taken for a fool.” or “The truth will come out”
They never have anything to back what they say up. How are we all fools here? Now would be a good time for you to drop that truth bomb. You’re about to be arrested by the FBI and your reputation has been destroyed for life. You drop that truth bomb and all those problems driving you to hit the bottle go away. All these articles keeping you up at night not only come crashing down but turtleboy gets destroyed forever. You have so much to gain, and so little to lose from bringing out that big thing of truth you keep saying you’re holding onto.
If you can’t produce that, then in the court of public opinion, this looks guilty as the devil.
Hos long until Auntie Bev does anything about L ally’s lies?
Lally said he’s been in touch with lab. Defense said he has not been. These are opposite statements which means someone is lying. You would think a judge would want to get to bottom of who is lying in court. Either Lally has been in touch with lab or not. Shouldn’t Auntie Bev be curious who is lying to her? She has shown no interest in finding out up to this point.
Auntie Bev is a drunkard. She gives the greatest blow jobs in Norfolk County at every dive bar after a few cocktails
Poor Karen! I pray she is vindicated.
Bang bang kid quieter and hiding more than this harpy. The poor tough kids a pussy.
Why is Horsetooth kids still on Ithaca soccer roster? Fake News turtle
She was not listed on the roster until last week. Her only stats are from the most recent games on 9/13 and 9/16.
Her younger sister has remained a freshman starter on the Merrimack team throughout this season. Merrimack plays in Division 1, a much higher level than Ithaca. It’s even possible that the younger sister has an athletic scholarship at Merrimack. As a Division 3 school, Ithaca (like Bridgewater State) cannot offer athletic scholarships.
Wont be happy till shes found hanging in her cell at framingham
I hope y’all are right about the feds riding to the rescue, but I have to confess I get more pessimistic every day that this travesty goes on. I suspect that the state’s main goal at this point is protecting Proctor, due to the downstream disaster that will ensue if they admit he has a role in this (I imagine every lawyer with a client arrested by Proctor is currently busy drafting his motions). The state needs the case to go to trial, and if Ms. Read is acquitted, they can shrug their shoulders and say “Well, the fancy celebrity lawyers got the bad lady off the hook. Nothing we can do about it now.” And then it is back to business as usual.
Are the feds really motivated to interfere with how this plays out, or do they identify more with the power structure that they know and work with (and probably socialize with), than with a woman they don’t know who may have been driving under the influence? Is there a young FBI agent who is gung-ho to crack the case, seeing this as a career-making move? I hope I am wrong, but I don’t think so.
“Forget it, Jake, it’s Chinatown.”
Dr. Fang
That’s right. DA just needs to get this to trial then it’s a W for them. Even if somehow the guilty get away from jail. This cloud and turtle boy will follow them around for the rest of their lives. There is no escape for the guilty. Maybe they can try to move to Montana and start over, but their peaceful life in canton is no more.
I feel the same. I don’t doubt that Karen would be acquitted if it goes to trial but I’m far less optimistic about the DOJ rolling up all the bad actors. This case has nothing to do with politics but at the federal level it’s unavoidable. I just don’t see the stars aligned in a way that 1. There is actually an agent who is willing to go the distance 2. The US attorney in MA agrees to prosecute a county DA, ADA & Trooper in Elizabeth Warren and Jim McGovern’s state. Not to mention Maura Healy being the governor. That would be an embarrassment on a NATIONAL level and the DNC have plans for the people in power in this state.
Karen will still be able to file a federal 42USC1983 action and will undoubtedly be successful. But the fact that this has gone this far is definitely working against all of us!
Auntie Bev the prosecution has been lying about evidence. Her response. I’ll consider your motion. Are we done yet Mr. Jackson. No poster boards Ms. Little. But your honor they have been lying about evidence. Sigh. No comment.
Does this women work, has she ever worked a day in her life?
Being best looking of canton high is a full time job.
Has it been determined Jen lured O’Keefe to the house because O’Keefe was going to sell them all down the river regarding the drug ring the Albert’s (and other law enforcement) are involved in?
The only thing coming out of d e pizza was mediocre chicken Parmas. No way Colin and Brian we’re running a drug ring.
Your point of view caught my eye and was very interesting. Thanks. I have a question for you.