Canton Cover-Up Part 155: Colin Albert Is So Close To Michael Proctor’s Family He Took Professionally Done Photos With Proctor’s Nephew

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The Commonwealth is still pushing the false narrative that Michael Proctor had no connections to the Albert family that would have prohibited him from being the lead investigator into a murder that happened at the home of Brian Albert, where Colin Albert was admittedly present. We’ve shown a plethora of images shared on social media by Courtney Proctor, showing her brother with Jen McCabe’s two youngest daughters, and showing the Albert children at Proctor family events as personal as weddings and birthday parties. If the Commonwealth insists on denying this relationship then we will insist on showing more evidence that proves otherwise.
To that end, here is a recently discovered two year old image from Michael Proctor’s mother’s page, depicting Courtney Proctor’s son (Michael’s nephew) with Colin and Dillon Albert.
As I mentioned on the Live Show Saturday night, the Proctors and Alberts have a relationship where they refer to themselves as a “second family,” but it’s also so close that it’s kind of weird. I have young children, and I have close friends who have teenage children. That is the relationship with Chris Albert and Courtney Proctor – he has teenagers while she has young kids. But at no point in my friendships with close friends who have teenage children did I ever suggest having our children go down to Sears to get some professionally done photographs together.
Do any readers out there have a relationship with a friend that is THIS close? If I’m going to get professionally done photos it’s going to be just of my children. I don’t need pictures of my 6 and 8 year olds with the captain of the Doherty High School football team, regardless of how close I am with the football player’s father.
The Albert and Proctor families became close in the 90’s, not through Chris or Julie Albert, but through Julie’s colorful and perpetually sober sister Jill Daniels. Jill and Courtney Proctor both graduated from Canton High School in 1998 and have been best friends since they were children. They were so close that their families became best friends, which is how the close relationship between Chris Albert and Courtney Proctor began.
We’ve seen the image before from Courtney Proctor’s wedding, showing Colin as the ring bearer, Jill Daniels as the Maid of Honor, and Michael Proctor as a groomsman.
The ring bearer in my wedding was my best man’s 3 year old son. Colin would not be at this wedding if his family was not extremely close to the Proctors since the day he was born. Chris was there as well.
Chris also offered condolences to Michael Proctor directly, in a 2009 obituary for Diane Barsamian, the maternal grandmother of Michael Proctor.
Yet Proctor said in a police report that he made formal introductions with them last year.
While at Chris Albert’s house Proctor intentionally chose not to interview Colin Albert, despite being inside the home where a murder occurred, and despite being a next door neighbor of the decedent. Thus Colin never had to explain what time he left, how he got home, or his history of animosity with John O’Keefe. As a result Colin was never examined or photographed to see if there were signs that he had been in a physical altercation. His phone was never examined, his clothes were not entered into evidence, and no DNA was taken off his body. All of these things could have eliminated him as a suspect if he was innocent, but instead Proctor chose not to speak with the boy he knew since he was born.
Three months ago, long after we began writing about the Canton Coverup, Jill Daniels commented under a picture of Courtney Proctor with her children, including the boy who took the professionally done photos with Colin and Dillon Albert.
They’re that brazen and arrogant. They know the system exists to protect them.
Michael Proctor, like many cops, doesn’t have a social media account. Thus it’s hard to get images of him with the Albert children, other than the images Courtney has shared on Facebook. But there is no way that Courtney Proctor and her mother Carol could be this close with Chris Albert’s family, without Michael Proctor knowing that.
Chris Albert has 3 sons – Chris Jr, Colin, and Dillon. But the Proctors especially shower their love and admiration for Colin, more so than the two other brothers. Courtney Proctor sent Colin money on Venmo on his 14th birthday (because for some reason a 13 year old had a Venmo account), with the message “Happy birthday to one of my favorite all time kids.”
The Proctors love Colin Albert as much as they love their own children. They love him more than his brothers. There is no way if Colin was in real trouble that they would not ask Michael Proctor to use his powers as a MSP homicide detective to protect Colin from having his life ruined, over what they likely considered an accident. They rationalized that Karen Read would plea to manslaughter, and get a slap on the wrist. Maybe she’d do a few months in jail, but that was better than Colin doing life in prison over a one time mistake.
P.S. Julie Albert talking about a hit and run in her yearbook before marrying a man who killed someone in a hit and run is wild.

Does Lunchbox think we are stupid or is he just stupid and taking Proctologist’s word for it that he doesn’t know them?
Make no mistake. Lunchbox doesn’t think at all.
Morrissey is saying patriots fan died from medical event not from being punched by dolphins fan. Did investigators look for pieces of tail light or a broken beer glass around the seat? Medical examiner report still pending.
That’s because that “medical event” was caused by a fat “Latinx” sucker punch, not a white American.
Do we know the killer’s name? I didn’t see it anywhere?
Anyone have the FBI # in D.C. ? Afraid the Boston Office doesn’t want to get involved.
FBI is enemy of the people. Throwing grandmothers who walked through a public building peacefully into jail for 20+ years is shameful. Jan 6 is a black mark on the feds.
Riiiiiiiiiiiight. I’m going to assume three things:
1. You have an All Lives Matter yard sign
2. You have a “Thin blue line” bumper sticker
3. You have a “Don’t Tread On Me” flag in your basement, but of course don’t know the significance of said flag.
You’re a lunatic. FBI is the enemy. K buddy.
BTW… how did the “back the blue” campaign go on Jan 6?
How many BLM rioters got 20+ year sentences for burning down and ransacking buildings? If you don’t understand fbi is a political entity (they answer to the president) you are a fool. Joe Biden is corrupt and so is the top tier of the fbi and many other fed departments.
So you don’t get a federal charge when you… say, break a store window during a protest/riot. You do get a federal charge when you’re on federal property and break stuff, enter unlawfully, etc., you idiot. Federal charges are always more severe.
And if the FBI answers to the President, Trump was still in office on Jan 6….. Sooooooo…. how does that argument work out?
The fact that your conspiracy (and of course factually incorrect) statement was upvoted a ton and my reply was downvoted even more, makes me rethink what I have been following for the past few months (Aidan’s coverage).
It’s becoming clear to me that there are a tremendous amount of conspiracy theorists in these threads and is making me second-guess my involvement as a fan of Aidan.
One more thing…
The original reply….you know facts are now debatable. You just can’t reason you folks anymore. It’s sad.
I genuinely feel bad for the folks that believe this because your lives have been traumatized by something that allows you to cling to such nonsense. You’re jaded for some reason. From someone who is pretty liberal, calling you names like idiot is wrong, I know. And I’m sorry. But to have people just lose faith in everything, to hunt down conspiracies, there is no dialogue between you guys. “The FBI is corrupt,” but it’s just not.
Go get a hobby. Really. Or pick up an old one that you had when you were happier.
3.4 MILLION warrantless searches of american citizens data in 2021. Of course, the majority of this was for “Russian hacking”.
Yup, the fbi is our friend.
FBI is great for trapping autistic adults and immigrants into crimes they wouldn’t otherwise commit. Solving actual crime is something they don’t bother with. How about Hunter Biden’s slap on the wrist? Corruption is rampant in fbi.
Proctor thought it would all slide under the rug out of sight and no one would know anything. He never expected an independent journalist would latch onto the case and exposed the charade…..nor did expect a media spotlight to be blazing down upon his every move. Now these people are all wedded to their lie and they’re going to have to eat it.
“journalist” LMAO
Probably because he’s done this before
Looks like Lally on far right of birthday party photo!!
All they had to do was call an ambulance when Colon smashed his head with a weight when John was fighting with Brian and John would be alive today. There probably be some charges assault and battery. Hurt feelings between Colon and John but what the fuck were they thinking. Theses people are evil scum of the earth
I agree, should’ve just let it be a mutual combat situation. No black marks on anyone’s record. Once they dumped him in the snow it changed. I really do hope the feds jump in before it actually goes to trial. I hope that is why Karen’s attorneys got a March date. Which is weird cuz the defense probably won’t even have all the evidence situated….
That puts pressure on the Prosecution to get all the evidence in order and over to the Defense
They’ll still drag their feet to the last minute, they aren’t interested in fairness or justice.
Colin Albert thank you for being a Canton high football hero. Michael Proctor, Brian Albert, Karl Duggal, Chief Berkowitz thank you for your brave service! Back The Blue!
Teachers and cops are the real heroes! Please return to zoom classes dear teachers, school teachers you have earned another year off maybe more. I miss the covid pandemic Dancing Nurses of tik tok it was so inspiring what a wonderful age, Nurses are the only real heroes!
Public sector union members are the real heroes! TSA screeners are heroes! Who will pat down our genitals if not the TSA? Where are the dancing nurses? Where are the dancing doctors? It’s so lonely without the dancing medical workers, who will lead us?
Are you alright?
You’re not alone I to miss the dancing ding dongs of tik tok.
Tips on How to Check If a Photo Is Photoshopped?
Start with the Telltale Signs. To detect an edited picture, it may be enough to take a closer look at it. …
Know What to Look For. …
Look for Bad Edges. …
Pay Attention to Pixelation. …
Look at the Light. …
Find Obvious Errors. …
Reverse Image Search. …
Examine the Data.
More items…
Kevin is that you trolling from your yellow cottage? Sound just like him…
Those pictures are real Mr Sham. Why would he put a photoshopped picture on his Facebook page? To incriminate himself? Or maybe you think the whole thing is a fake event lol
This isnt Hollywood!
that’s not even a good try from the Alberts, come on lie better!
I can’t believe you brought kids into this! This is awesome!
Seriously though did anyone call the MSP about the ford edge? I don’t know if Bukaki relayed the message to his superiors???
Did lucky relay he made TWO passes? not just one!
Then he doesn’t go back down the road, because there was a ford edge.
HELLO! MCFLY! We 98 percent solved the case!
Bunch of Momos
Yeah….. when you add kids you get sued for billions like Alex Jones and you have to live the rest of your life in bankruptcy
US Government-Funded Domestic Propaganda Has Officially Hit The Airwaves
Michael Kelley
July 16, 2013
The U.S. government’s mammoth broadcasting arm has begun the “unleashing of thousands of hours per week of government-funded radio and TV programs for domestic U.S. consumption,” John Hudson of Foreign Policy reported on Sunday.
The content arrives with the enactment of the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012, sponsored by Rep. Mac Thornberry (R- Texas) and Rep. Adam Smith (D- Wash.), which was inserted into the 2013 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).
The reform effectively nullifies the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948, which was amended in 1985 specifically to prohibit U.S. organizations from using information “to influence public opinion in the United States.”
The new law enables U.S. government programming such as Voice of America (VoA) — an outlet created in 1942 to promote a positive understanding of the U.S. abroad — t0 broadcast directly to domestic audiences for the first time.
VoA and other programs are now produced by the Broadcasting Board of Governors, which shares a “strategic communications budget” with the State Department and has an annual budget of more than $700 million.
Nevertheless, BBG spokeswoman Lynne Weil insisted to FP that the BBG is not a propaganda outlet, and stressed to Business Insider that the BBG is separate from Pentagon Information Operations (IO).
[UPDATE 6:33 p.m.] Here’s what Weil told Business Insider:
“The professional journalists around the world who are supported by the BBG are tasked with presenting accurate and objective news and information for audiences in many countries where it is difficult or impossible to receive locally-produced, uncensored or unbiased programs. They provide responsible discussion and open debate in places where this is rare in the media. To call these efforts ‘propaganda’ is a misuse of the term and an affront to our journalists, many of whom put themselves at great risk for this work.”
A former U.S. government source explained that the BBG can now reach local radio stations in the U.S., meaning that the programming can target expat communities such as the significant Somali population in St. Paul, Minnesota.
“Those people can get Al-Shabaab, they can get Russia Today, but they couldn’t get access to their taxpayer-funded news sources like VoA Somalia*,” the source told FP. “It was silly.”
An alternative function was detailed last year by Lt. Col. Daniel Davis, a highly-respected officer who released a critical report regarding the distortion of truth by senior military officials in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Davis stated that the effective repeal of the Smith-Mundt Act is a strategic move in influencing U.S. public perception in regards to the Global War on Terror (GWOT).
He cites Colonel Richard B. Leap, who recommends that lawmakers “specifically address all prior legislation beginning with the Smith-Mundt Act that is limiting the effectiveness of Information organizations in the GWOT environment.”
From Lt. Col. Davis:
In context, Colonel Leap is implying we ought to change the law to enable Public Affairs officers to influence American public opinion when they deem it necessary to “protect a key friendly center of gravity, to wit US national will.”
The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012 appears to serve this purpose by allowing for the American public to be a target audience of U.S. government-funded information campaigns.
Davis also quotes Brigadier General Ralph O. Baker — the Pentagon officer responsible for the Department of Defense’s Joint Force Development — who defines Information Operations as activities undertaken to “shape the essential narrative of a conflict or situation and thus affect the attitudes and behaviors of the targeted audience.”
Brig. Gen. Baker goes on to equate descriptions of combat operations with the standard marketing strategy of repeating something until it is accepted:
For years, commercial advertisers have based their advertisement strategies on the premise that there is a positive correlation between the number of times a consumer is exposed to product advertisement and that consumer’s inclination to sample the new product. The very same principle applies to how we influence our target audiences when we conduct COIN.
And those “thousands of hours per week of government-funded radio and TV programs” appear to serve Baker’s strategy, which states: “Repetition is a key tenet of IO execution, and the failure to constantly drive home a consistent message dilutes the impact on the target audiences.”
So it appears the new content stream is an outlet for “uncensored news, responsible discussion, and open debate,” as Weil told FP, as well as a vehicle for U.S. Information Operations.
* Weil, the BBG spokeswoman, provided this comment on the unnamed source’s comments:
“The new law makes no change to the BBG’s enabling statute, the U.S. International Broadcasting Act of 1994, which authorizes the BBG to create programs for audiences overseas – a fact that is stated in the new legislation. It does not authorize the BBG to create programs for audiences in the United States, nor do we seek to do that. It also does not authorize the BBG to begin broadcasting in the United States, and we do not seek to do that, either. Rather, the new law lets our broadcasters respond positively to requests from within the United States for their programs. This would conceivably allow residents of émigré communities – many from areas in conflict —access to reliable, broadcast-quality news of their home countries and elsewhere in their native languages upon request. It will also facilitate global connectivity and engagement and provide greater transparency into publicly-funded broadcasting.”
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TLDR, down voted.
I know I’ve reached the end of the comments when this dude’s drivel shows up.
Brian Albert turn over your phone and this all ends. Either there is incriminating evidence and Karen’s case is dismissed or there is nothing and Karen might be guilty. You hold the key. Turn over your phone records and show the world your innocence.
My money is on BA having a burner phone for the dirty work. He’s way too savvy of a cop to use his personal phone for something like this, right?
Not only did B. Albert likely have several phones, he probably had several professional-grade security cameras in the house. The “Ring camera” is a ruse and a diversion, just like the “empty” phone he’ll “discover” and eventually turn over.
Mr. Lally – should the Commonwealth try this case on all the facts, or something less than all the facts? It seems you’re going to be the one to direct that choice. Please choose wisely.
This is s%ome real backdoor shit right here. What a story!
Witnesses said a man in a Dolphins jersey hit Mooney twice in the face before he slumped over. The Norfolk County District Attorney’s Office said Wednesday that preliminary autopsy results show Mooney did not suffer a traumatic injury and the investigation was ongoing.
Punched twice in the face and slumped over… no traumatic injury. 😂 Here comes another humdinger of a case by Morrissey.
Meatball Morrisey is a Moron
Proctor and Alberts don’t know each other? That’s like saying Ted Kennedy never had a stiff drink
or Ted didn’t know Mary Jo…
Really WTF happened in that house !?!??
John was winning a skirmish and the drunk meathead Colin slammed a dumbbell into top of JOs skull? Brian and Chloe attacking John too? Insane. But infinitely more plausible than a “27mph”(SURE) strike on victim by flat edge Lexus backside creating those crazy wounds . And the big bruised knuckle to boot . The torn up arm… the poor guy, and poor sweet Karen who is the very LAST person who should be prosecuted in this madness. Karen needs to be reimbursed EVERY PENNY PLUS DAMAGES by the individuals responsible , not the taxpayers . But part of why the parasitic slugs at the DA office and “judge”Cannone act with impunity is they know they personally are shielded from responsibility for their evil willful deceit and taxpayer-funded INCOMPETENCE
I agree its corrupt all the way up!!!
It’s time turtle riders accept the inevitable : that the brazen actions, mind blowing inactions and smug, apparently insane, ignorance of hard undeniable facts of the prosecution/ State are behaviors of those who’ve received assurances from higher up – much higher up- that their respective /collective corruption not only is endorsed but ORDERED by those in influential positions. This case has far reaching implications well beyond Canton. The end game is simply get it to trial, outcome notwithstanding. FBI will not intervene.
That might be true. I think people are curious to find out if Boston cops can kill other Boston cops without retribution. What the courts do here is a very small part of all of this.
I believe this state and many others are as corrupt as DC. Healey is in Biden’s pocket as is the rest of the Dems. Biden is in the back pocket of China, FDA, WHO, Gates, Soros , etc. The man at the top is dictating what we eat, drink, get injected into our systems, who gets elected, who gets prosecuted and it’s going to get worse.
Imagine how many people like Karen Read, President Trump, the Jan 6 Prisoners, etc are being railroaded that we don’t even know about?
Aidan, time to expand Turtleboy Daily News ….I’m pretty sure there are a thousand more stories out there ready to be exposed!!
Where is Colin? Did the advantage boys catch up to him?
Proctor 100% knew the Alberts prior to this, were they extremely close like his sister and mother, I don’t know, but he should’ve not been involved in this investigation due to his family’s relationship with the Alberts at a minimum!
1 other thing I wanna point out, everyone keeps mentioning the police report, specifically the part about “following formal introductions”, that particular comment I believe rings true as the report was written by Trooper Bukhenik, not Proctor.Although Proctor was there and knew Chris and Julie, they would have been formally introduced to Bukhenik.
Donations @ $191,317
Don’t bet on the fbi doing anything.
There are just so many aspects of this case that are just plain weird. First, as TB asks, who really sends a family friend (and a teenage boy at that) to a photoshoot with a family friend? That is just plain weird. Second, and like for real, how can the Lally argue there are no connections between the Alberts and Proctor. How can someone so plainly lie. There are two possibilities – that might intersect. 1.) Lally is among the dumbest humans to walk the earth, and/or 2.) He is the most corrupt ADA to ever practice in Norfolk Superior Court. Wow.
And the record, TB – you might have dated yourself by the reference to Sear’s photoshop!
The most corrupt along with Meatball
You asked who has a photo shoot with the son of a family friend? Almost like Colin may be more than just the son of a family friend if you know what I mean!
I always wondered why Colin doesn’t look anything like Chris!
The picture below Jen McCabe’s daughter in white dress, “the family party photo” where Courtney Proctor is right in center, Chris Albert is behind her, his youngest son is over to left of of her & McCabe’s daughters pictured. Obviously Julie was also in attendance, but what’s not connecting is why Jen McCabe is in attendance as well with her family… I know her &Julie Albert have been “friends” since all the way back, & Jillian & Julie were always close, so that’s probably Courtney Proctor’s relationship to Colin started when her & Jillian were younger 20’s they would probably watch Colin etc. But the fact Chris Albert is there with whole family is still odd & definitely McCabe being there as well odd…. but the fact that not only is McCabe’s girls pictured there but also Chris Albert & youngest son umm yes they ALL knew each other ….