Canton Cover-Up Part 158: Michael Morrissey Orders State Police To Shut Down Protest On Canton Overpass, Select Board Bans Public Comment At Meetings
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The people who covered up the murder of John O’Keefe and framed an innocent woman for it have thrived under the cover of darkness. For 15 months there was little media coverage of this story, despite the unprecedented levels of corruption. But now that the citizenry has been awoken as a result of our award winning journalism, the conspirators are trying desperately to hold onto control by shutting down peaceful dissidents. This week the State Police and DA’s Office violated the First Amendment rights of protesters holding signs over a highway overpass, and the Board of Selectmen banned dissent at public meetings.
During the first 15 months after O’Keefe’s murder Chris Albert ran for Selectman, and despite having over $60K in tax liens, countless judgments against him, a criminal record that included going to jail for killing a man, and no experience at all in management, he handily defeated the incumbent Yale Law School graduate. This successful coup, which was financed by other members of the Board of Selectman, Democratic (even though Chris Albert is a Republican and the incumbent was a Democrat) State Representative Bill Galvin (the brother of Jen McCabe’s brother in law), and several people involved in covering up John O’Keefe’s murder, ensured that the police department, DPW, and the entire town was run by people who were favorable towards the Alberts.
As a result of Chris Albert’s election Chief Helena Rafferty felt emboldened to threaten to arrest peaceful protesters who came to her town for a rolling rally on July 22, and demanded that free people stop reading the only media publication that informed them about what actually happened in her town. DPW Director Michael Trotta didn’t feel the need to inform State Police that Lucky Loughran plowed Fairview Road the morning of January 29, 2022, and Loughran was reprimanded for speaking the truth about the most gruesome murder in Canton’s history, of which he was a material witness.
If Lisa Lopez was still on the Board of Selectman she would likely push back and demand answers from Rafferty and Trotta. But the whole point of a coup is to get rid of problematic leaders and usher in a puppet government that will protect the new tyrannical government as it tramples on the civil liberties of citizens.
Unfortunately for them, “we ain’t go no quit,” so the free people of Canton have been going to Select Board meetings and roasting Chris Albert on a biweekly basis. John Connolly, (Canton’s version of a deep fried Mitch McConnell) was caught on a hot mic calling these people “random f***ing citizens,” an insult that they have since accepted as a badge of honor.
At the last meeting Chairman Tom Theodore, whose son was a Canton Police Officer, announced that he was shutting down the meeting early because he no longer wanted to hear from citizens who were criticizing his failures as a leader. Connolly seconded the motion, which isn’t surprising considering that in his spare time he pals around with Brian Albert, Michael Morrissey, and Ken Berkowitz, all of whom were involved in covering up the murder of John O’Keefe.
This week the Canton Citizen reported that the Board of Selectmen was suspending public comments at meetings until further notice.
This is a blatant violation of the First Amendment. According to a recent Supreme Judicial Court decision, citizens at town meetings can be as rude as they want to be, and elected officials cannot deem anything they say to be out of order.
“Although civility, of course, is to be encouraged, it cannot be required regarding the content of what may be said in a public comment session of a governmental meeting,” the ruling said.
The ACLU represented the rude man who sued the town of Southborough in that case, and they wrote a similar demand letter to the Taunton City Council last year after they briefly shut down public commenting as well.
I highly recommend that citizens of Canton reach out to ACLU attorney Ruth Bourquin at [email protected] to let her know about this. They probably have a boiler plate letter ready to go for any municipality that tries to do what Canton Select Board is trying to do.
On top of that, a handful of concerned citizens have been holding signs around town to raise awareness and voice their displeasure about the fact that someone was murdered in their town and the people who killed him are wandering around free. One of their favorite spots is the I-93 overpass near Blue Hills where they’ve been going for the last month or so.
Yesterday the State Police, per the orders of Michael Morrissey, kicked these peaceful protesters off of a public sidewalk where they were attempting to exercise their First Amendment rights.
According to one of the protesters Trooper Brian Berry told them that he appreciated what they were doing, but that his Lt. Colonel had been called by Morrissey who wanted them kicked off the public sidewalk for being a “hazard.” They moved their protest to the overpass in Norwood on Neponset Street, because that town still allows freedom.
Throughout history the government has tried to censor speech by hiding behind the illusion that free speech is a safety hazard. This has been rejected time and again by the courts. Michael Morrissey is just another government tyrant in history who’s uncomfortable with the effectiveness of a movement, so he’s attempting to silence our speech again, just like he did at the courthouse, and just like he did when he demanded that we stop protesting.
Governments only attempt to censor the citizens they represent when they’re afraid. The Canton Board of Selectmen and Michael Morrissey want us to shut up, and they will send men with guns in order to force us to comply. But they will never, ever silence me, or anyone else involved in this movement. The next Board of Selectman meeting is Tuesday at 7, and there will be a protest outside of Town Hall starting at 6:30. I’m going to do my best to attend, and would encourage all free people to join them.
Go back and protest there again. Next time make sure someone is recording any and all interactions if police come by!!!
Sending Troopers to shut down free speech is EXACTLY what Aidan is referring to when he says “They have all the guns.”
Mass State police are corrupt scum.
Select board : “your 3 minutes is up. We’re shutting down all ability for the voting citizens to comment.”
Can we limit Morrissey to 3 minute clips, at the most? Or else he has to vacate his position, too?
Keep us all quiet, eh?
Not in the days of the internet.
Saw this group in Norwood yesterday as I drove back from Logan. Honked as best I could.
Morrissey better enjoy wielding his dictatorial powers while he still can because unless he has something on Biden, Garland, Wray or Obama, he may be in for a dose of justice fed style.
We all need to see that happen
Cant wait to see you in person Dr Jackass !!! Please make sure you make it, it will be interesting
Jill, Jen Colin?? Who dat? Mediocre chicken parm guy? You’re all going down!
The whole lot of them are deep into azz play allegedly
I vote for Sean
Sign idea for the next court hearing: “This courthouse is a crime scene!”
“That’s the other defect in the constitution. An unwritten political order requires those with power to exert their power. In order to maintain power, elites of all types must actively assert their privilege, often with calls to tradition and custom. In a written system, the bias is toward defending perogatives and privileges. The law becomes the ultimate source of authority, because it is the lines separating the various power interests within the political order. Everyone has to be a lawyer.” – Zman (9-27-19)
I’d say TB has been that lawyer. This charade is going to trial. The only way these bad actors receive punishment is if enough people wake up and enough people with influence care.
Free Karen Read.
I believe it is time to have multiple protests in front of Mr. Morrissey’s house.
Love your handle….yes it has disappeared also too bad her dentist never recommended a pallet expander
What cop will stand up and refuse an unconstitutional order? Crickets.
Whatever happened to that guy who was local head of FBI, that was friend of Berkowitz and retired suddenly when this story came out?
What you are seeing in Canton is what happens when citizens distrust every level of government. They go to the streets because you can’t trust the police, the town board, the DA, the governor, the mayor, the president. Corruption at every level.
That’s why they’re importing Illegals from around the world and giving them FREE everything. When Americans have had enough, they’ll need an army to fight on their behalf (to keep the FREE Stuff coming). It’s a SAD STATE of affairs brought to US by…. fill in the blank!
“first they ignore you. Then they laugh at at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.”
Would they pigeon toss a bunch of bozos holding campaign signs come election time? I think not. There is no difference. Actually there is, those people who stand there with “vote for dumb dumb” or “vote for scumbag” suck and are annoying.
There is so much back door action going on in this case It makes me think certain lleged scumbags from Canton are real big into azz play. Just a casual observation.
New sign: Connolly make Morrissey look SKINNY.
Im not sure why the people would leave the bridge?
Morrisey is a regular at the Squantum VFW. Maybe its time to go down and kick the shit out of his fat ass??
Interesting. Never saw any BLM protests shut down.